


Do humans have enough biological differences to be grouped into races or subspecies?人类是否有足够的生物学差异来进行种族分类或亚种分类?

评论翻译Claire JordanRaces - what in other groups we call localities - just about, so long as we remember that what are *traditionally* thought of as races, especially in the US, are nonsense. Biologically speaking, a white Norwegian and an ethnic Pakistani are undoubtedly the same “race”, while a Khoisan and a Somali are undoubtedly different races.Sub-species, no, with the possible exception of the various groups of pygmy, whose physical difference from the majority is striking enough that if we saw it in another species we probably would call it a sub-species.种族——在其他群体中我们称之为聚居地——只要我们记住,传统上被认为是种族的东西,尤其是在美国,都是无稽之谈。从生物学上讲,一个挪威白人和一个巴基斯坦人无疑是同一个“种族”,而一个科伊桑人(位于南非)和一个索马里人无疑是不同的种族。亚种,不,可能各种各样的侏儒群体例外,他们与大多数人的身体差异足够显著,如果我们从另一个物种角度上看它,我们可能会把它称为亚种。Jake WilliamsNo. To do so is to ignore the vast differences in the same species.We create subspecies when there are significant differences in two populations that, nonetheless, are still capable of producing fertile young and/or otherwise have enough similarities to still be the same species.Dogs and wolves are the same species, canis lupus, however the domestic dog is the subspecies canis lupus familiaris. This is because even though they are perfectly capable of successfully breading, they very rarely do so, and thus have almost perfectly separated (speciation), and while they are very similar, there are differences in their biology and psychology that are meaningful; dogs, for example, don't fully 'grow', remaining at a developmental stage wolves pass through, which is why they continue to wag their tails even though wolves cease this behaviour at around 3 years of age.I would perhaps continue this to create the analogy that different 'races' therefore more accurately breeds, but even that would be overstating it. Breeds of dog can be several times larger than others, and have vastly different phenotypes. Races of human do not have anywhere near this amount of variation; it's safe to say two beagles could be as different as any two humans.'Race' is an arbitrary system of differentiation, and beyond that not a reliable one. 90% of human variation is found in Africa, two people who would be called 'black' could be more distantly related to each other than a white person and a Native American.不,人类无法进行种族或亚种区分。这样做忽略了同一物种之间的巨大差异。当两个种群之间存在显著差异时,我们就创造了亚种,尽管如此,它们仍然能够产生可生育的后代,并且/或在其他方面有足够的相似性,从而仍然是同一个物种。狗和狼是同一物种,然而家狗是狼的亚种。这是因为尽管它们完全有能力成功繁殖,但它们很少这样做,因为几乎完全隔离(物种形成)。虽然它们非常相似,但它们在生物学和心理学上的差异是有意义的; 例如,狗还没有完全“长大”,只停留在狼经历的发育阶段,这就是为什么狼在3岁左右就停止摇尾巴的行为,而狗仍会继续摇尾巴。狗的品种可以是其他品种的数倍,并且有非常不同的表现型。人类的种族没有接近这个数量的变异;可以肯定地说,任何两个人之间的差异可能和两只小猎犬之间的差异差不多。“种族”是一种武断的区分方法,它并不可靠。90%的人类变异是在非洲发现的,两个被称为“黑人”的人之间的亲缘关系可能比一个白人和一个印第安人之间的亲缘关系更远。Israel RamirezSure, but you won’t like the result if you are committed to older views on race.Modern geneticists have tried to reconstruct our recent evolutionary history and development into races or ethnic groups. They typically get charts like this one, showing that most human variation is among Africans and all other peoples are a branch of Northeast Africans.That pattern shouldn’t be surprising if you understand that humans originated in Africa and that, many thousands of years later, some of them left that continent. Scientists think that modern Europeans and Asians descend from peoples that left Africa 50,000–70,000 years ago. Given that our species originated roughly 250,000 ago, all of us have deep African ancestry.当然可以把人类区分开来,但是如果你坚持旧的种族观点,你不会喜欢这样的结果。现代遗传学家试图把我们最近的进化史和发展重建成种族或民族群体。他们通常会得到像这样的图表,显示大多数人类变异是在非洲人之间发生的,而其他民族都是东北非洲人的一个分支。


如果你知道人类起源于非洲,而且几千年后,其中一些人离开了那片大陆,那么这种模式就不奇怪了。科学家们认为,现代欧洲人和亚洲人是5 - 7万年前离开非洲的人的后代。考虑到我们的物种起源于大约25万年前,我们所有人都有很深的非洲血统。


These charts are slightly misleading in that they don’t show that people from different human groups have always married each other. Some of that was due to people marrying neighbors and some was due to invaders marrying newly conquered peoples. (Or whatever people did back then instead of marriage.) As a result, there aren't many pure races or groups.This chart depicts one people, the Yamnaya, invading Europe from the East, and mixing their genes with those of existing people or even largely replacing them. The small pie charts show the degree to which they replaced existing peoples. Invasions like that have happened over most of the world many times.Based on modern genetics, the classic division of humanity into a handful of mostly non-African races makes no sense at all.That guy in the lower left of this picture represents most of the world’s genetic variation. The other four guys are just recent descendants of Northeast Africans. They look different but looks are only skin deep.这些图表有一点误导,因为它们没有表明来自不同人类群体的人总是彼此通婚。一些是由于人们与邻居结婚,一些是由于侵略者与新征服的民族结婚(或者是当时人们会去做的任何事情)。因此,没有很多纯粹的种族或群体。这张图描绘了一个民族——颜纳亚人,自东方入侵欧洲,将他们的基因与现有的人混合,甚至在很大程度上取代了他们。小饼状图显示了他们取代现有民族的程度。像这样的入侵在世界大部分地区都发生过很多次。基于现代遗传学,将人类划分为少数几个非非洲种族的经典说法毫无意义。图片左下角的那个家伙代表了世界上大部分的基因变异。其他四个人都是东北非洲人的后代它们看起来不同,但外表只是表面。



