



Hi, Bob The Canadian here. Welcome to this English lesson


where I'm once again going to help you learn how to talk about yourself in English


by talking about myself in English. I know it seems kind of weird but in this lesson,

我知道这看起来有点奇怪, 但在这个课上,

I will tell you eight things that you don't know about me and this time, I'm pretty sure


they are eight things that none of you know. While I do that, I will give you example sentences


on how to express that. But I'll also tell you what the opposite is.


So stick around I'll help you learn how to describe yourself in English


by describing myself in English.

Well, hey, Welcome to this English lesson


where I'm going to help you learn how to describe yourself in English by talking about myself.

在这里, 我将通过谈论我自己来帮助你学习如何用英语描述自己。

Before we get started though, if this is your first time here,


don't forget to click that red subscribe button over there and give me a thumbs up if this video helps you learn

别忘了点击那边的红色订阅按钮, 如果这个视频能帮助你多学习一点英语, 请给点个赞。

just a little bit more English. So what's the first thing I want to tell you about myself.


Well, it's this. I like to be on time, I don't like to be late.


I like to be on time for work, I don't like to be late for work.


Whenever I go anywhere, I like to be on time but what if you are the opposite of me?

每当我去任何地方, 我喜欢按时, 但如果你是相反的我呢?

How would you describe the opposite of someone who likes to be on time?


Well, you would say it this way. You would say, I'm always late


or you could also say I'm always running late. So I know those are two extremes,


I know most of us are in the middle. Most of us are usually on time and sometimes we're late.


But if you were to describe yourself, you could say I like to be on time


or I don't like to be late or you could say I'm always late or I'm always running late.

或者我不喜欢迟到, 或者你可以说我总是迟到, 或者我总是迟到。

The second thing I wanted to tell you about myself that you probably don't know is this, I am a messy person.


I'm not a very organized person. My desk is always messy.


My vehicles inside are always messy, I'm a messy person. I'm not a very organized person.


But what if you wanted to say the opposite? You would say this, you would say I'm a very tidy person


or you would say I'm an organized person Or you would say I'm very neat and organized.

或者你会说我是一个有条理的人, 或者你会说我很整洁, 很有条理。

So just a couple of example sentences to describe your habits around organizing your things.


You could say I'm a messy person Or you could say I'm a very organized person


or I'm a very neat and tidy person. Sometimes when you are describing yourself in English,


you'll want to talk about your childhood. You might wanna say things like this.


As a child I loved school, as a child I liked school, as a child I didn't really like school


or as a child I hated school. Which one of those four do you think is true about me?

或许作为一个孩子, 我讨厌学校。你认为这四个人中哪一个对我是真实的?

I'll let you think for just a split second, it's actually the first one.

我会让你思考一瞬间, 它实际上是第一个。

As a child I loved school. It was one of my favorite things to do.


I loved learning and I loved going to school every day. So as a child I loved school.


I'm not sure what your answer would be but there's four choices that you can choose from.

我不知道你的答案是什么, 但有四个选择, 你可以选择。

Another thing you might wanna mention when you're talking about your childhood is

当谈论你的童年时, 你可能想提的另一件事是

what your favorite subject was in school? When I was in school, my favorite subject was French.


There's a great example sentence for you. You can remove French and you can insert any other subject.


You could say, when I was in school, my favorite subject was math,


when I was in school my favorite subject was science. So another thing you can talk about


when you're describing yourself is you can talk about what your favorite subject was in school.


I'm going to imagine you weren't surprised that my favorite subject when I was in school was French.

我想你并不感到惊讶, 我在学校最喜欢的科目是法语。

It was just awesome, I loved that class. I wish I could just be a French student my whole life.

太棒了, 我喜欢那个班。我希望我一辈子都能成为一名法国学生。

I don't play a musical instrument. I'm not a very musical person.


I did learn a little bit of piano when I was a kid but I don't play a musical instrument.


Of course you might play a musical instrument. So if you were describing yourself in English,


you might use my sentence if you don't play a musical instrument

如果你不演奏乐器, 你可以用我的句子

but you might use sentences like this. I play the guitar, I play the piano.


Whenever you are talking about yourself in English, one of the things you might want to mention to people


is if you play a musical instrument and which one you play. I know this might surprise some of you

是如果你演奏一种乐器, 你演奏哪一种。我知道这可能会让你们中的一些人感到惊讶

but I don't watch sports. I mean, I watch sports sometimes


but in general, I don't watch sports. I watch hockey when it's the playoffs a little bit

但总的来说,我不看体育比赛。当我是季后赛的时候, 我会看曲棍球

and I watched the Olympics when they're on but I don't usually watch sports

当他们上奥运会时, 我看了, 但我通常不看体育比赛

but maybe you're the opposite of me maybe you do watch sports.

但也许你和我相反, 也许你确实看体育比赛。

In that case, you would say things like this, I watch baseball or I'm a baseball fan.

那样的话, 你会说这样的话, 我看棒球, 或者我是一个棒球迷。

You could say, I watch football or I'm a football fan. So if you watch a sport, that's how you would say it.


If you are like me and you don't watch a sport, you would simply say, I don't watch sports.


I don't play sports. I know that might come as a surprise to you as well


but I don't play sports. I am athletic, I like to walk every day


and I do work out a little bit but I don't play sports.

我确实锻炼了一点, 但我不做运动。

You might be like me and then you have some example sentences there

你可能和我一样, 然后你有一些例句

that you can use if you are describing yourself or maybe you do play a sport.

你可以使用, 如果你描述自己, 或者也许你确实玩一项运动。

In that case, you would simply say things like this. I play baseball, I play basketball, I play soccer.


So either you play a sport or you don't, it's always worthwhile mentioning this


when you are describing yourself in English, because you might have something in common

当你用英语描述自己时, 因为你可能有一些共同点

with the person you are talking to. Sometimes when I mentioned to someone


that I don't play sports, they say I don't play sports either.

我不做运动, 他们说我也不做运动。

So another thing that maybe you didn't know about me, I don't play sports.


I did play a little bit when I was a kid but I don't play any sports right now.

我小时候确实玩过一点, 但现在我不做任何运动。

The weekend is a great time to sleep in but here's something interesting about me

周末是睡觉的好时机, 但这里有一些有趣的事

that you probably don't know, I don't sleep in. Actually that's not entirely true.

你可能不知道, 我不睡觉。其实这不完全是真的。

It would probably be better to say I rarely sleep in because I do sleep in a little bit from time to time.

最好说我很少睡觉, 因为我不时睡一会儿。

So you could say, I don't sleep in if you are describing yourself or you could say,


I rarely sleep in but maybe you're the opposite, maybe you really like sleeping in in the mornings.

我很少睡觉, 但也许你正好相反, 也许你真的很喜欢早上睡觉。

You would then say, I sleep in or I love to sleep in or I sleep in all the time.

然后你会说, 我睡在或我喜欢睡觉, 或者我总是睡觉。

I wish I could sleep in more, I think as you get older

我希望我能睡得更多, 我想随着年龄的增长

it gets a lot harder to sleep in. Well, hey, thank you so much for watching


this English lesson where hopefully you learned how to describe yourself by listening to me

这个英语课, 希望你学会了如何通过听我来描述自己

describe myself in English. If this is your first time here,


don't forget to click that subscribe button. Give me a thumbs up if this video helped you learn just a little bit more English and if you have some time, why don't you stick around and watch another English lesson.

别忘了单击订阅按钮。如果这个视频帮助你多学习了一点英语, 请点个赞。如果你还有一些时间,为什么不留下来看另一堂英语课呢。

