



评论翻译browndoggiei'd say that everything here is trying to kill you. Not particularly offensive, but I dont understand how people from the USA can say "oooh spiders and snakes will kill you" like mate you have fuckin bears, mooses, lynxes, wolves AND spiders and snakes! What the fuck are you talking about??我觉得是这个:这里的一切活物都想方设法地想弄死你。也谈不上特别冒犯,但我搞不懂的是,那些来自美国的人怎么能说“哎呀,那些蜘蛛和蛇会杀了你”,你们这些家伙在本国可是有熊、大驼鹿、猞猁、狼,居然还跟我说什么蜘蛛和蛇!你们这是扯什么淡呢?原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处We have had about 30 snake bite deaths in the last 20 years.In the same time, India has 1.2 million.Adjusted for population, you are more than 500 times more likely to die from snake bite death in India.(回)在过去的二十年里,我们这里被蛇咬死的案例大约出现过30起。而同一时间段,印度出现了120万起。根据人口作一番调整后可得出:在印度被蛇咬死的几率高出了500倍以上。That's not because of the snakes though, that's because of the lack of decent healthcare. And the fact that they like fucking with cobras.We don't fuck with taipans, and if we do get hit, we've got great healthcare.(回)但是蛇并不是原因,原因是缺乏像样的医疗条件。还有一个事实就是,他们很喜欢去招惹眼镜蛇。我们就不会去招惹太攀蛇,就算被咬了,我们也有很棒的医疗服务。(译注:太攀蛇为澳大利亚最大的毒蛇,也是陆栖蛇中毒性最强的之一)原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Fucking the Cobra is a national sport in India, thats why.(回)和眼镜蛇瞎搞是印度的一项全民运动,这就是原因。We brazilians suffer from that too "oh did you ever seen a monkey? Did you ever seen a Jaguar? Are brazilian bugs dangerous?" Like, I'M NOT FROM THE NORTH REGION BRO(回)这类刻板印象也让我们巴西人很苦恼,“哦,那你见过猴子吗?你见过美洲豹吗?巴西的虫子危不危险吗?” 我心说,兄弟,我可不是北方来的。DO YOU GET CROCODILES IN YOUR BACKYARD ALL THE TIME?Note: Crocodile not alligator lol. Never say alligator. Piss em off.(回)你的后院里一直都有鳄鱼吗?注意:是鳄鱼,不是短吻鳄呵呵。绝不要说成短吻鳄。会惹恼他们的。I don’t think you can blame other nationalities for that perception when so many Australians on Reddit and other forums don’t just talk it up but massively over exaggerate the danger factor to the point where people, rather childishly, make up non existent animals.Yes, we have some venomous/dangerous animals but the likelihood of being injured/killed by one is extremely remote. Tourism Australia has in the past indicated that the idea of ‘dangerous Australia’ is costing us big money in tourist dollars.(回)我觉得,你不可以把这种认知怪罪到其他国家的人头上,因为在红迪和其他论坛上,有如此多的澳大利亚人不仅仅是宣扬,而且过分夸大了其危险因素,搞得人们都去编造并不存在的动物了,这种做法太幼稚了。是的,我们确实拥有一些有毒/危险的动物,但被其伤害/杀死的几率是极低的。澳大利亚旅游局曾表示,“危险的澳大利亚”这种印象让我们的旅游业损失了不少钱。It’s a bit like the idea that everyone is walking around saying cunt in everyday conversation to anyone and everyone - it simply isn’t true but for some reason, some Aussies think it’s cool/funny/clever to promote the idea.To me, it often seems to be those Australians who haven’t travelled overseas much and don’t know many people of other nationalities who seem obsessed by promoting these myths as a way of making us and the country seem exciting or different. Our country and wildlife are already exciting and unique - no need to make shit up.这就有点像那种印象,即每个人都会在日常对话中对所有人说“cunt”这个词,这根本不属实,可是出于某些原因,有些澳大利亚人认为推广这种印象很酷/很搞笑/很聪明。在我看来,痴迷于推广这些错误观点的,往往都是那些没怎么出过国,也不怎么认识外国人的澳大利亚人,以此让我们和我们的国家给人以非常刺激或与众不同的观感。我们的国家和我们的野生动物已经很刺激很独特了,没有必要再去编造那些鬼话。I spent a lot of time in the US as an Australian and in my experience, everyone thought Kangaroo's were super common. Yet i've seen maybe a dozen in my 28 years of living.(回)我是在美国待了很长时间的澳大利亚人,根据我的经验,这里的所有人都认为在澳大利亚袋鼠是随处可见的。然而,在我二十八年的人生中,我可能只见过十几只。I've seen a lot of wallabies but last weekend I saw a kangaroo in a suburb for the first time in my life. My family all walked outside to see and we were all super surprised. There really isn't kangaroos everywhere and seeing them outside their normal habitat is rare.(回)我见过很多小袋鼠(译注:即沙袋鼠),但上周末我在郊区看到了一只袋鼠,这可是我这辈子第一次看到。我的家人全都走到外面去围观了,我们都超级惊讶。袋鼠真的不是哪里都有的,在它们的正常栖息地以外的地方是很罕见的。Well if you go out camping it's pretty true. Just 3 hours from where I am people die from crocs, snakes, cattle and dehydration. Everything is small, fairly well hidden and just waiting to fuck your day up.Bears etc are have a higher capacity for danger, but I feel it's harder to encounter them nearly as often as you would snake's/spiders/lizards. Being said, I'd rather walk through a venomous mine field than face off a bear.(回)好吧,如果你外出露营,那还是相当符合事实的。就在离我的位置三小时车程的地方,人们死于鳄鱼、蛇、牛和脱水。所有的东西都很小,也隐蔽得很好,就在那里等着毁掉你的一天呢。熊之类的动物,制造危险的能耐更强,但我感觉,你碰到它们的几率基本上小于蛇/蜘蛛/蜥蜴。话虽如此,我宁可穿过一片藏有毒物的雷区,也不愿意面对一头熊。But your thinking only of our flora and fauna.Don’t forget the sun: 2 in 3 aussies will get a skin cancer diagnosis of some sort during their livesOr the rips: 21 people drown each year in a ripOr our bushfires, cyclones, and floods.Then there is the desert which will claim the scalps of the inexperienced 4wderOur national parks which are home to perilous ravines and serial killers.Our country is dangerous.Then you have pretty much every native animal here designed to kill you or make you sick. Even the cute ones.Platypus: poison leg spur Kangaroo: tear your face off and kick your chest in Koala: chlamydiabut at least we don’t have ar-15s(回)但你只考虑到了我们的植物界和动物界。不要忘了太阳:每三个澳大利亚人中就有两个会在他们的一生中被诊断出某种皮肤癌。还有海浪:每年都有二十一个人在海浪中溺水而死。还有我们的丛林大火、气旋和洪水。然后还有沙漠,没有经验的四轮驱动车会被它收割。我们的国家公园里有险恶的沟壑和连环杀手。我们的国家很危险。还有我们这里几乎所有的本土动物,都是为了杀死你或让你生病而专门设计的。连那些很萌的动物都是如此。鸭嘴兽:带毒的腿刺袋鼠:能把你的脸撕下来,能把你的胸踢到塌陷考拉:衣原体感染但至少我们这里没有AR-15步枪。I really like this stereotype though.. makes us seem bad ass.. And besides, we basically have the deadliest type of every animal anyway. The deadliest spider, snake/s, ant, bird, plant, octopus, marine snail, fish, marsupial, crocodile, and jellyfish. Our ticks cause paralysis, we have brain eating amoeba. Ok... we're lacking placental mammals, but I wouldn't say this stereotype is that far from the truth.(回)但我真的很喜欢这种刻板印象...会让我们看起来像个狠角色..此外,每一种动物中最致命的类型我们基本上都有。最致命的蜘蛛、蛇、蚂蚁、鸟、植物、章鱼、海螺、鱼、有袋类动物、鳄鱼和水母。我们的壁虱会把人搞瘫痪,我们有吃脑子的阿米巴原虫。好吧...我们这里带胎盘的哺乳动物很缺,但我也不觉得这种刻板印象严重脱离了事实。ConstantineXIIAs a Tasmanian, the constant inbred, incest jokes are probably the most offensive. The equivalent of saying someone fucked their sister or whatever is a pretty serious slur.Tasmanians hear it all the time, so no one here finds it funny or clever. If you say it to a Tasmanian, at best they will roll their eyes and think less of you. At worst (say if you are in a pub and the Tasmanian has had a few drinks) you might get your head kicked in over it.Worst thing is, the stereotype is completely baseless! No one in Tasmania actually fucks their relatives. There's over half a million of us, not 20!作为一个塔斯马尼亚人,持续不断的近亲繁殖、乱伦的笑话可能是最冒犯人的。这就相当于在说某人上了他的妹妹或是其他什么亲人,属于相当严重的污蔑。塔斯马尼亚人经常听到这种话,所以我们这里没有人觉得它好笑,也不会觉得是什么妙语。如果你对塔斯马尼亚人说这句话,最好的情况是他们会对你翻白眼,而且会看轻你。最坏的情况则是(比如说如果你在酒吧,而对面那个塔斯马尼亚人已经几杯下肚),你的脑袋可能会挨踢。最糟糕的是,这种刻板印象完全没有根据!在塔斯马尼亚,没有人会真的去和他们的亲戚做爱。我们有五十多万人口,而不是二十个人!You say that likes it's relevant.There was only 20 of you to start with...(回)你这话说的好像这个论据站得住脚似的。你们一开始就只有二十人...I think the joke started because Van Diemen's land (or however it was spelt) became Australia's largest penal colony, and there was issues with a lack of women. Not sure how the inbreeding jokes started but I'm assuming it has something to do with the fact that waves of prisoners were Irish, and that lots of them probably had clan surnames. Or common English surnames.(回)我认为这个笑话的源于范迪门之地(拼法无所谓了)成为了澳大利亚最大的罪犯流放地,并且缺少女人也是一个问题。我不确定近亲繁殖的笑话是怎么开始的,但我猜这和一波又一波的爱尔兰囚犯有关,他们中的很多人可能挂的是氏族名。或是很常见的英国姓氏。(译注:范迪门之地是英国人在十九世纪对澳大利亚进行探险时对塔斯马尼亚岛这块殖民地使用的名称;大多数采用氏族名的是佃户,并非直系后裔)The only reason that joke came about is solely because Tasmania has the smallest state population and isolated from the mainland, so mainlanders joke that you’re likely to accidentally date someone you’re related to.There’s no actual issue of cousin relationships/marriages in Tassie like there is in Alabama (or Florida).(回)出现这个笑话只有一个原因,那就是塔斯马尼亚州是人口最少的州,而且与大陆隔绝,所以大陆人会开玩笑说你很可能会不小心和你的亲戚幽会了。在塔斯马尼亚,其实不存在阿拉巴马州(或佛罗里达州)那种表亲婚姻的问题。Sydneysider here. I have three (unrelated) Tasmanian male friends. All three are colour blind. None of my NSW mates are colour blind.(回)我是悉尼人。我有三个(他们之间没有亲戚关系)来自塔斯马尼亚的男性朋友。这三个人全都是色盲。而我那些新南威尔士州的朋友没有一个是色盲。


