
Several brands in China have cut ties with top Chinese-Canadian celebrity Kris Wu after he was accused of luring young girls, including underage teenagers, into having sex with him.中国几大品牌已经与加拿大华裔顶流明星吴亦凡断绝关系,因为他被指控引诱年轻女孩,包括未成年人,与他发生关系。


The allegations, by a woman claiming to be one of his victims, have provoked a huge outcry in China.Many online have called for Wu to quit entertainment and leave the country.一位自称是受害者之一的女孩发起了指控,并在中国引起了许多人的强烈不满。许多人在网上呼吁吴亦凡退出娱乐圈并且离开中国。

Wu, a popular singer and actor, has denied the accusations and said he has filed a defamation suit.作为一位知名歌手和演员,吴亦凡否认了这些指控,并表示他已经提起了诽谤诉讼。

In recent weeks, 19-year-old university student Du Meizhu had been posting allegations online that Wu had lured teenage girls into having sex with him, by promising lucrative opportunities in the music or acting industries which never materialised.最近几周,19岁的大学生都美竹在网上发起指控,称吴亦凡通过承诺在音乐或表演行业提供有利可图的机会,诱使少女与他发生性关系,而这些承诺却从未兑现。


On Sunday, Ms Du gave an interview with the NetEase site, saying that she knew of at least eight victims, including herself.Two of them were minors, she added. In China, the age of consent is 14.周日,都女士在接受网易网站采访时表示,她知道至少有八名受害者,包括她自己在内。她补充说,其中两名是未成年人。在中国,性行为自愿年龄线是14岁。

She claimed she first met him when she was 17 years old, and had been invited to his home along with other girls where they were pressured to drink alcohol. The next day she woke up in his bed, she said.She also claimed that Wu would pay other women he had slept with to introduce more girls to him.她声称自己在17岁时第一次遇到他,并与其他女孩一起被邀请到吴亦凡家,并被灌酒。第二天都美竹在他的床上醒来。她还声称,吴亦凡会付钱给与他睡过的女孩,让她们介绍更多的女孩给他。

Ms Du alleged that Wu had paid her 500,000 yuan ($77,130, £56,100) to "keep quiet", but decided to speak out now as she wanted to be "the last victim". She said she was repaying the money and was ready to face legal action. 都女士称,吴亦凡向她支付了50万元人民币(约合77,130美元,56,100英镑),让她 "保持沉默"。但她现在决定讲出这一切,因为她想成为 "最后一个受害者"。她说她正在偿还这笔钱,并准备面对司法措施。


Wu's management team has denied the allegations and has accused Ms Wu of fabricating the story.On Monday, Wu wrote on microblogging platform Weibo: "I didn't respond earlier because I didn't want to interfere with judicial proceedings... but I cannot bear it anymore." 吴亦凡的公关团队否认了这些指控,并指责都女士编造了这个故事。周一,吴亦凡在微博平台上写道。"我之前没有回应,因为我不想干扰司法程序......但我不能再忍受了。

The 30-year-old said he had met Ms Du once at a friend's party but denied other details of her account."If I've done any of the things (alleged), I will go to jail myself," he said.这位30岁的年轻人说,他曾在一个朋友的聚会上见过杜女士一次,但否认了她账户中的其他细节。"他说:"如果我做了任何一件(被指控的)事情,我会自己去坐牢。

Since the allegations have surfaced, Shanghai cosmetics brand Kans and detergent brand Libai have terminated Wu's contracts. TV programme Ethereal Sound also said that it would no longer work with him, said the Global Times.自从这些指控出现以来,上海化妆品品牌韩束和洗涤剂品牌立白已经终止了与吴亦凡的合同。《环球时报》称,电视节目《云听》也表示将不再与他合作。


Other brands such as Kiehl's and snack brand Bestore removed mentions of him on their Weibo pages.Wu was formerly a member of the popular K-pop group Exo, but returned to China in 2014 to strike out on his own as a singer and actor.其他品牌,如科颜氏和零食品牌Bestore均在其微博页面上删除了吴亦凡的信息。吴亦凡曾是流行的K-pop组合Exo的成员,但在2014年回到中国,他以歌手和演员的身份独立发展。



