


The Last Patriot of the Island Miki!  "I am the last patriot of the Island of Miki left in the world!" Said the parrot from behind the partition that blocked people seeing that he was not a person.  "My island was once a paradise. But as is often the case you find great paradoxes in paradise. The paradox on my island was that our pastime was not eating pastries or singing patriotic songs, but destroying each other with our passionately partisan attitudes for how our island should develop. Some participants thought we could profit from tourism and patent the name of our island. Others wanted to set up patrols to keep outsiders away. These two sides could not form partnerships. They could not agree on any parameters. And this disagreement became a parasite that ate at the hearts of our people until we destroyed each other. I myself an paralyzed fromthe battle that followed on the beautiful pastures that were once filled with flowers! On that day they ran with blood."  "This may sound pathetic. But I am now just a parlor joke. And no one believes my story. They cannot see that, just as happened on my island, countries are now heading towards destruction because people cannot agree with each other. If only they would listen to my story and learn from our mistakes."  The crowd gasped as the partiton was taken away and they realized that the voice was that of a parrot. As for the parrot, he just looked down, even sadder that his story would not be heard because no one would believe a talking parrot, the last patriot of the Island of Miki.

米基岛上最后一个爱国者  “我是世界上剩下的米基岛上最后一个爱国者!”鹦鹉分隔物后面说,由于有分隔物挡着,人们看不出说话者不是一个人。  “我这座岛曾经是个天堂。但是正如经常发生的那样,你会发现天堂里有很多自相矛盾的事情。我的岛上自相矛盾的事情是,我们的消遣不是吃酥皮糕点或者唱爱国歌曲,而是相互残杀,因为对于如何发展我们这个小岛,我们都充满激情但属于不同党派。有些参与者认为我们可以通过旅游业赚钱并获得我们这个岛名的专利,其他人则想成立巡逻队以防止外来者的入侵。双方就是不能结成伙伴关系,在任何范围内他们都不能达到一直意见,而这种分歧最后成了一种寄生虫,它吞噬着我们的心,直到我们相互毁灭。我自己则在随后的一场战斗中瘫痪了,战场是一个美丽曾经长满鲜花的牧场,那天他们浑身是血地跑着。”  这听起来可能有些可悲,但我现在只是一个酒馆的笑柄,谁也不相信我说的故事。他们看不见许多国家就像我的岛上发生的那样正因为大家观点不一致而走向毁灭。他们要是听我的故事,从我们的错误中吸取教训就好了。“  分隔物被拿掉的时候人们倒抽了一口冷气,他们发现声音是一只鹦鹉发出来的。至于那只鹦鹉,他只是低着头,他的故事没有人听,因为谁也不愿意相信一只会说话的鹦鹉——米基岛上最后一个爱国者,为此他更感伤心。







The Last Patriot of the Island Miki!  "I am the last patriot of the Island of Miki left in the world!" Said the parrot from behind the partition that blocked people seeing that he was not a person.  "My island was once a paradise. But as is often the case you find great paradoxes in paradise. The paradox on my island was that our pastime was not eating pastries or singing patriotic songs, but destroying each other with our passionately partisan attitudes for how our island should develop. Some participants thought we could profit from tourism and patent the name of our island. Others wanted to set up patrols to keep outsiders away. These two sides could not form partnerships. They could not agree on any parameters. And this disagreement became a parasite that ate at the hearts of our people until we destroyed each other. I myself an paralyzed fromthe battle that followed on the beautiful pastures that were once filled with flowers! On that day they ran with blood."  "This may sound pathetic. But I am now just a parlor joke. And no one believes my story. They cannot see that, just as happened on my island, countries are now heading towards destruction because people cannot agree with each other. If only they would listen to my story and learn from our mistakes."  The crowd gasped as the partiton was taken away and they realized that the voice was that of a parrot. As for the parrot, he just looked down, even sadder that his story would not be heard because no one would believe a talking parrot, the last patriot of the Island of Miki.



