
Module 8标准检测卷(满分:120分 时间:100分钟),我来为大家科普一下关于英语九年级十单元练习册?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



Module 8标准检测卷

(满分:120分 时间:100分钟)

题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总 分

得 分



1.________ 2.________ 3.________

4.________ 5.________


6.A. No,she didn't. B.Yes,she did.

C.Sorry,I don't know.

7.A. Pretty good. B.Busy. C.Happy.

8.A. A doctor. B.A player. C.A teacher.

9.A. Tom. B.Bob. C.Bob's brother.

10.A. In the playground.

B.In the reading room. C.At home.


11.What does the woman want to talk about with the coach?

A.About the game. B.About coaching.

C.About football.

12.How long did the coach play professional football?

A.For 2 years. B.For 10 years.

C.For 10 months.

13.How did the coach break his leg?

A.In a football match. B.In a traffic accident.

C.Falling off a tree.

14.What did the coach want to do?

A.To coach professional football.

B.To coach university football.

C.To coach high school football.

15.Why is the coach coaching university men now?

A.Because he wants to play with young men.

B.Because the university wanted him and asked him.

C.Because he doesn't want to work with young women.


16.How many parts are there in the race?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Six.

17.What does the speaker think of the players in the race?

A.Brave and serious.

B.Strong and skillful.

C.Friendly and helpful.

18.What is the speech mainly about?

A.Who can enter the race.

B.Why people go to the race.

C.What players do in the race.

19.At the start of the race,what must the players do?

A.Go through the forest. 

B.Cross the lake.

C.Climb the mountain.

20.How many players does the boat take?

A.One. B.Two. C.Three.



21. We'll play basketball ________ Class 3 tomorrow.

A.over B.against C.to D.for

22. The woman is very mad ________ her little son.

A.on B.in C.of D.at

23. He ________ the world's best sports stars by his coach.

A.be compared with B.was compared

C.was compared with D.compared with

24. Many houses ________ by the earthquake and thousands of people were left homeless.

A.damaged B.were damaged

C.were damaging D.are damaged

25. Everybody________deeply after they heard the story.

A.moves B.moved C.is moved D.was moved

26.—Han Hong________by the reporter yesterday.

—She's great. She helped so many disabled people.

A.was interviewed B.is interviewed C.is interviewing

27. We are glad to hear that the terrorists(恐怖分子) ________ by the brave policemen

several days ago.

A.are caught B.were caught

C.have been caught D.are going to be caught

28. Lin Shuhao is ________ famous ________ all the basketball fans in China know him.

A.too;to B.enough;to C.so;that D.as;as

29.—You bought a new car!An American car?

—No. A Chinese car. It ________ in Taizhou.

A.makes B.made C.was made D.will be made

30. We ________ all the other teams and ________ the match.

A.defeated;beat B.defeated;won

C.beat;defeated D.won;beat

31. A lot of Zhang Ming's time ________ by his training.

A.be taken up B.took up

C.was taken up D.take times up

32.\The Olympic Rings ________ the five parts of the world.

A.are stand for B.are stood for C.stand for D.standing for

33._______ I was nervous,but soon I started to relax.

A.First of all B.At first C.After all D.At the first

34.David Burt's dream in China is to go into the west and ________ an early childhood

school there.

A.clean up B.look up C.give up D.set up

35.—Each year ________ fishes are killed by the polluted water and many people are made

sick by the polluted air.

—So we should do something to stop it.

A.millions of B.million of

C.two millions of D.two millions

六、 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

(词数:约230 建议用时:6分钟)

We had Sports Day at school on Saturday. I entered the 100 meters, 400 meters and high jump for older boys.

I didn't win the 100 meters but I came in ______36.My friend Peter came in first. I really thought I was going to beat him. But he managed to run just a little bit ________37 than me over the last 20 meters and broke the tape a fraction of a second before me. Next year, I'll beat him!

I won the 400 meters. I think I am probably a better ________38 at the longer distances. Next year, I might enter the 1,000 meters. To win the short distance races, you need to get a very good start. With the longer distance races, however, you have time to ________39 if you get off to a slow start.

Although I won the ________40, it was a slow race compared with last year. I was 2 seconds behind my personal best. I know ________41.I haven't been doing enough training. Next year, I must get into training at least a month ______42 Sports Day. I will run ______43 half an hour every morning.

I thought I was going to win the high jump but I ________44 the bar in my third jump. My left foot touched the bar just enough to knock it down. I need to ________45 more if I am going to win this event next year.

36.A. first B.second C.third

37.A. faster B.slower C.happier

38.A. jumper B.runner C.walker

39.A .hand up B.show off C.catch up

40.A.400 meters B.100 meters C.high jump

41.A. what B.why C.how

42.A. during B.after C.before

43.A. for B.at C.to

44.A. knocked down B.broke down C.went down

45.A. study B.work C.practice


A (词数:约240 建议用时:7分钟)

Practicing yoga(瑜伽) is a helpful,popular way to keep fit. It has many followers around the world. There are many kinds of yoga. You may have heard of “hot yoga” before. Now,in India,a new kind of yoga,water yoga,is becoming more and more popular among the local people.

In the city of Agra,people practice yoga in water. It is more difficult to practice yoga in water than on land. But practicing yoga in water can be good for your flexibility (灵活性).

Harish Chaturvedi,a lawyer,teaches people water yoga for__free—even the poor people can learn from him.“Water yoga can become more popular than other kinds of yoga,because the body does not get tired so quickly,”he said.“Everybody can learn to swim,but if they learn yoga at the same time,they will never feel tired.”

“The level of Oxygen(氧气) is very high in water,and you will not have any breathing problem,”he added.

Harish believes that water yoga really helps people to keep away from illness. He mainly trains children. He has classes at the swimming pool of a local sports room regularly. Many children are interested in it and come to learn from him.

“Harish is very good at performing yoga in water,”said Sudhir Narayan,a water yoga student.“He is teaching children free of cost and that is a very good thing.”

46.What is Harish Chaturvedi? ________

A.A teacher. B.A lawyer.

C.A doctor. D.A swimmer.

47.Why is water yoga more popular than others?________

A.Because you can learn to swim at the same time.

B.Because you don't get tired so quickly.

C.Because it can keep people fat.

D.Both A and B.

48.The underlined phrase “for free”in the passage means ________.

A.快乐地 B.自由地

C.免费地 D.规律地

49.There are more ________ than ________ in Harish's yoga class.

A.children;adults B.adults;children

C.women;men D.olds;adults

50.What can be the best title of the passage? ________

A.Ways to keep fit

B.Water yoga in India

C.Hot yoga in the world

D.Harish Chaturvedi and his classes


(词数:约210 建议用时:8分钟)

Li Na jumps two places in WTA rankings(排位)

China's Li Na moved up two places to the seventh in the latest WTA rankings released on Monday despite(尽管)losing the Rome WTA final last Sunday to Russian Maria Sharapova,Yahoo reported.

Li will begin her French Open title defence next week in Paris. It was the first win ever at a Grand Slam event for someone representing China.

Liu Xiang back to world top

With a world fastest time of the season so far,the Chinese star hurdler Liu Xiang showed the world that he is back to the world top level.

In spite of running on a wet track,the 28­year­old Liu claimed an overwhelming victory against three American first­class hurdlers at the 2012 Diamond League Shanghai last Saturday.

The Athens Olympic champion clocked a world leading time of 12.97 seconds to claim the title of men's 110m hurdles event,and the result bettered(胜过)the previous season best of 13.03s set by America's Aries Merritt two weeks ago.

David Oliver of the United States finished second in 13.13s while another American Jason Richardson,newly crowned world champion in Dague last year,settled third in 13.16s.Merritt was fourth in 13.26s.

51.The passage above is about ________.

A.a story B.an advertisement

C.sports news D.a poem

52.Li Na was the ________ in the latest WTA rankings despite losing the Rome WTA final.

A.second B.ninth C.seventh D.sixth

53.There are ________ players at the 2012 Diamond League Shanghai mentioned in this


A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6

54.Liu Xiang was first in ________ at the 2012 Diamond League Shanghai.

A.12.97s B.13.03s C.13.13s D.13.26s

55.Which of the following isn't mentioned in the passage?

A.Merritt was fourth in 13.26s at the 2012 Diamond League Shanghai.

B.Li Na lost the Rome WTA final by 1∶2 last Sunday.

C.The Athens Olympic champion clocked a world leading time of 12.97 seconds.

D.China's Li Na moved up two places to the seventh in the latest WTA rankings.


(词数:约200 建议用时:7分钟)


________56It has around 3 billion fans-nearly half the world's population!And about 300 million people play this game. That's 4 percent of the world's population!

________57Many people in old days played early forms(形式)of this modern game. Cuju(蹴踘),a ball­kicking game in China,was reported as early as 2,500 BC. Around the same time in Greece,people were also playing a similar ball game without using their hands.

But modern soccer didn't become official(官方的)until 1863.An Englishman called Cobb Morley introduced the idea of a soccer association(联盟).________58 From then on,other associations in the countries were set up. They came together to make up the FIFA,which organises the World Cup.

It's not easy to tell what makes soccer so popular.________59 Soccer needs only two feet and a ball. This makes it a sport that developing countries can easily play. Some of the sport's best players come from these poor nations.

________60The sport's no­hands rule makes beautiful dance-like movements on the field. What's more,this sport excites the heart. Teams might score only a few times each match,so matches can turn around suddenly.

No one knows who will win at the next World Cup. But one thing is certain:The world will be watching.

A.He also wrote the sport's official rules.

B.Soccer is the world's favorite sport.

C.Playing soccer is good for your health.

D.But one reason is how simple the sport is.

E.People love soccer as well as their countries.

F.It's hard to say where soccer's birthplace is.

G.Soccer performances are pleasing to the eyes.


小题1分,共10分) (词数:约150 建议用时:7分钟)

Lionel Andres Messi is one of the greatest football stars in the world.

Messi was ________61(出生)in Rosario,Argentina on June 24,1987,His father was a ________62(工人)and mother was a part­time cleaner. He has two ________63(兄弟)and a sister. At the age of five,Messi started playing football for a local club. He practiced ________64(七)hours or more each day. He was ________65(充满)of energy and ran fast. He soon showed great talent in playing football.

Messi never gives up even if he ________66(失败)or meets difficulties. In 2006,he ________67(受伤,伤了)his foot badly,but he came back three months later and scored three goals in a match against Real Madrid. His fans all stood up and cheered for ________68(他).When asked the secret of his success,Messi said,“I'm always working ________69(努力地)to be my best,first for my team,for the fans,and to try and ________70(赢).Playing football is part of my life.”



71.Professor Lin told his students that if they couldn't solve problems by one ________(方

法),they should try another.

72.I don't want to listen to your ________(借口)!Go out!

73.He often takes ________ (骄傲)in his son's achievements and success.

74.My mother always ________ (受折磨)a lot from her headache.

75.Five school ________(纪录)were broken at the school sports meeting last week.


76.Jenny is one of the most ________(success) students in her class.

77.They will make a ________ (decide) on the matter shortly.

78.Mr Green's ability in ________ (teach) is praised by many other teachers.

79.How many ________ (Asia) countries have taken part in the sports meeting?

80.Can you stop your son from ________ (go) out?



请以“How my school life has changed”为题,围绕以上内容并结合下面图示用英语写一篇短文。

参考词汇:kick jianzi 踢毽子

skip rope 跳绳





How my school life has changed

My school life has changed a lot since this term.










Module 8标准检测卷


一、1.Jenny likes volleyball,table tennis,football...,but she likes basketball best.

2.I think Peter is the best swimming player in the world.

3.He won five gold medals in the Olympic Games.

4.He is going to fish in the lake.

5. The symbol of the Olympic Games is the Five Rings.

二、6.M:What did you do last Sunday,Kate?

W:I played basketball and I enjoyed myself.

Q:Did Kate enjoy herself last Sunday?

7.M:How was your weekend,Mary?

W:I had a busy one.I did too many things.

Q:What did Mary think of her weekend?

8.W:Do you like playing basketball in the CBA?

M:Oh,very much.

Q:What does the man do?

9.W:Tom,is your friend Bob like you?

M:No,he is much stronger than me.

Q:Who is much stronger?

10.M:Is Tom in the reading room?

W:No.He is playing basketball in the playground.

Q:Where is Tom?

三、W:Coach Miller,thanks for meeting me.May I ask you some questions?

M:Yes.I have about twenty minutes now.

W:I don't want to talk about the game today.I want to talk about coaching.Did you want to be a university football coach?

M:At first I wanted to be a professional football player.

W:Did you play professional football?

M:Yes.I played for two years.

W:What happened?

M:I broke my leg.

W:In a football game?

M:No,in an accident.I played football for so many years,and I never had an accident.I fell off a tree.

W:A tree?

M:I was playing with my children.I climbed up the tree to get a ball.I fell off the tree and broke my leg.

W:Since then you haven't played football any more.

M:That's right.I wanted to play,but my leg wasn't good.

W:Now you're a coach.Do you like coaching?

M:Very much.I wanted to play football.But I like coaching better.

W:You coach university students.Did you want to coach professional players?

M:No.I wanted to work with younger men.At first I wanted to coach high school students.I like to work with young men and women.

W:You wanted to coach high school students,but you are coaching university men now.

M:That's right.The university wanted me.They asked me.

W:What do you want to see this year?

M:I want to see my men grow.I want them to learn and become better.

W:Thank you,Coach Miller.Wish you great success.

M:Thank you.Bye.

四、Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to the King of Hill Race.Today,you'll see some of the strongest players in the world.They will try to cross a lake,go through a forest,and climb an icy mountain.To win the race,they must be the first to reach the top of the mountain and plant their flag.

At the start of the race, these players must cross the lake in a small boat. But there is a catch. They must cross the lake in pairs. Each boat must take two players across the lake. So they must work together to decide who goes with who. This part of the race takes not only strength and boating skills, but teamwork and people skills as well.

When they reach the other side of the lake, they are then on their own to go through the forest. The forest is dark and thick, so it is easy to get lost.

Once they reach the other side of the forest,they must climb the mountain. As they get close to the top, rocks will turn into snow and snow will turn into ice. At the top of the mountain, to win the race,they must plant a flag that can be seen from below. Each person has a special color flag. When we see the flag, we will know who is the new king of the race.


一、1-5:CBADE 二、6-10:BBBBA

三、11-15:BACCB 四、16-20:BBCBB



22.D 点拨:考查固定搭配。be mad at sb.生某人的气。 23.C

24.B 点拨:语境分析法。主语many houses与动词damage之间存在被动关系,应用被动语态,又因为and后是一般过去时,故选B。


26.A 点拨:标志词法。由by可知用被动语态,再根据时间状语yesterday可知选A。

27.B 28.C

29.C 点拨:考查被动语态的用法。答句中的“It”指的是“新车”,显然是后面的谓语动词“make”的动作对象,所以要使用被动语态,而且“这辆车”是已经生产过的,因此使用一般过去时的被动语态。所以选择C。

30.B 点拨:考查动词的用法。defeat后接球队或人,win后接比赛或名次,且是一般过去时,故选B。

31.C 点拨:句意:张明的许多时间被他的训练所占用。


33.B 点拨:first of all“首先”,at first“起初”,after all“毕竟,终究”。故选B。

34.D 点拨:短语辨析法。clean up“清理”; look up“向上看”;give up“放弃”;set up“建立”。由句意可知选D。

35.A 点拨:词语应用法。million前面有数词时,本身用单数,且后面不加of;million前面没有数词,后面加of时,本身要用复数,故选A。

六、36.B 点拨:根据My friend Peter came in first.I really thought I was going to beat him.可知选B。



39.C 点拨:hand up 上呈; show off炫耀; catch up追上;赶上。

40.A 点拨:根据I won the 400 meters.得知选A。


42.C 点拨:before在......之前。句意:明年在运动会前至少一个月我必须开始进行训练。

43.A 点拨:表示持续多长时间,用for。

44.A 点拨:knock down打倒,撞倒;break down崩溃,中断;go down下跌,下沉。

45.C 点拨:practice练习。句意:如果我明年要赢得这个比赛,我需要练习更多。

七、A 46.B 点拨:细读法。由第三段中“Harish Chaturvedi,a lawyer,teaches people water yoga for free—even the poor people can learn from him.”可知,他是一名律师,故选B。

47.D 点拨:细读法。由第三段中“‘...because the body does not get tired so quickly,’he said.‘Everybody can learn to swim,but if they learn yoga at the same time,they will never feel tired.’”可知,在水里做瑜伽不会很快感到疲劳,也能让人学习游泳,故选D。

48.C 点拨:联系上下文法。由下句“even the poor people can learn from him”可推测这位律师教授别人是“免费地”,故选C。

49.A 点拨:细读法。由第五段中“He mainly trains children.”可知,他主要教小孩,因此孩子多于成年人,故选A。

50.B 点拨:通读法。文章主要讲了一名印度律师教人们学习水中瑜伽的事情,故选B。

B 51.C 点拨:由“Yahoo reported”及其中提到的人名可知这是一篇体育新闻。

52.C 点拨:由“China's Li Na moved up two places to the seventh in the latest...”可知。

53.B 点拨:推理判断法。结合短文内容可知文中提到刘翔等四名运动员,选B项。

54.A 点拨:细节理解题。由倒数第二段综合分析可知,选A。 55.B

C 56.B 点拨:由文中提到的几个数字——3 billion,300 million,可知足球是一项世界人民都喜欢的运动。

57.F 点拨:由文中提到的几个国家名称——中国、希腊、英国,可知很难说出足球的发祥地。

58.A 点拨:上句说一个英国人初次提出足球联盟的理念,而后句说“从那以后,其他联盟就创建起来了”,可知本句应该承上启下。

59.D 点拨:由后一句“Soccer needs only two feet and a ball.”可知这项运动是很简单的。

60.G 点拨:由后一句“The sport's no­hands rule makes beautiful dance-like movements on the field.”可知足球运动表演是非常赏心悦目的。

八、61.born 62.worker 63.brothers

64.seven 65.full

66.fails 67.hurt

68.him 69.hard 70.win

九、71.method 72.excuse 73.pride

74.suffers 75.records 76.successful

77.decision 78.teaching 79.Asian 80.going


How my school life has changed

My school life has changed a lot since this term. We don't need to get__to__school① early. We begin our lessons at eight o'clock. We can get__enough__sleep②.

At school we have at__least③ one hour for sports to relax__ourselves④ every day. After__the__second__class⑤ we do morning exercises. After__that⑥ we usually kick jianzi or skip rope. In__the__afternoon⑦, we can do different__kinds__of⑧ sports. Some play basketball, some play football and others run on the playground.

After__school⑨, we don't have too much homework to do. We have lots of free time. We can do what we like. We can take__part__in⑩ many after­school activities.

In a word, we are happier__and__healthier⑪ than before.



