

在上节课中呢我们学习了“at shool” 这个短小的故事。今天我们将学习第二课:getting up.这是一个什么样的是故事呢?美好的清晨,从睡梦中醒来,懒懒的舒展身体,惬意的一天开始了。刷牙,洗脸,穿衣,出门。但是对Kipper一家来说,今天是一个特别的日子。孩子们都准备了礼物呢。你来猜一猜,为什么是个特别的日子呢?一起来进入今天的故事~


大家先翻开封面。让我们先读一下封面的标题,大家还记得读标题怎么说么?Read the title.好的,我们看一下这幅图,首先我要提问了,Who is getting up?谁正在起床呢?哈哈,是不是那个黄头发的小男孩呢?还记得这个小男孩的名字叫什么呢?对,他叫Kipper。Kipper正在起床,躺在KIpper旁边的那个是什么呢?对,那是一只泰迪熊。看到kipper的表情非常的高兴,是不是?通过这个封面我们来猜想一下今天会发生什么特殊的事情呢?It was a sunny day. Kipper woke up from sound sleep. He was having a big stretch. Two bears slept with him. Just like you. Your always let panada sleep with you. What can you see in this cover? We can see desk lamp, Kipper in stripy pajamas, white pillow, yellowish-white quilt and two bears. What did Kipper do next?那是一个阳光明媚的日子。基珀从酣睡中醒来。他伸了个懒腰。两只熊和他睡了。就像你一样。你总是让帕纳达和你睡觉。你能在这个封面上看到什么?我们可以看到台灯,穿着条纹睡衣的基珀,白色的枕头,黄白色的被子和两只熊。基珀接下来做了什么?woke 醒 ; 醒来 ; 唤醒 ; 弄醒 ; 唤起 ; 使再次感觉到 ; wake的过去式panada 面糊sleep with 与…性交 ; 与…上床you see 你瞧,要知道,你是知道的desk lamp 桌灯,台灯stripy 有条纹的,有斑纹的quilt 加衬芯床罩


我们来看看,是谁?正在 Getting Up 呢?Who is getting up?哈哈,是不是那个黄头发的小男孩?还记得他的名字吗?对了,他叫 Kipper。Kipper 正在起床。让我们把书翻到背面,What is the Surprise?有什么 惊喜 呢?我们来看一看,今天,会有什么特别的事情发生?


下面我们看到了kipper已经起床了,他在干什么呢?Kipper brushed his teeth. (Kipper在刷牙)那我们看这张图片里面都有什么呢?我们看到右边有一只狗狗他的名字叫什么呢?Floppy,是吧。右边这个人是谁呢?还记得他是谁呢?对了,他就是Chip.那么kipper在哪里刷牙呢?他是不是在镜子前面?In front of the mirror,他在镜子前面在刷牙。这里我有一个疑问Why Kipper got up early?为什么kipper起来这么早呢?Because He knew a secret. 因为他知道一个秘密.哦?原来他们今天起床早是有原因的啊,看来今天是有大事情要发生了.It is time to brush the teeth. Kipper brushed his teeth in front of the mirror. He squeezed too much toothpaste. And it almost fell on Floppy's nose. Naughty boy~But he looked so surprised. What did he see in the mirror? He saw Chip. What did Chip do to make him surprised? Chip was taking the pee in front of Kipper. It was shocked. Floppy was waiting for them.该刷牙了。基珀在镜子前刷牙。他挤了太多牙膏。差点落在松软的鼻子上。淘气的男孩~但他看起来很惊讶。他在镜子里看到了什么?他看到了奇普。奇普做了什么让他吃惊?奇普在基珀面前撒尿。我很震惊。Floppy 在等他们。in front of 在…前面squeezed 挤压 ; 捏 ; 榨出,挤出,拧出 ; 挤入 ; 挤过 ; 塞入 ; squeeze的过去分词和过去式too much 过分fell on 开始 ; 进攻 ; 正当 ; 忽然看出来do to 对待,处置 ; 给予,带来in front 处于领先位置 ; 在前面;在最前头


让我们打开第一页。诶~ What is Kipper doing?Kipper 在干什么?Kipper brushed his teeth.Kipper 在刷牙。图片里,除了 Kipper,还有谁呢?右边,是不是有只小狗,还记得它的名字吗?嗯~对了!它叫 Floppy。左边的小哥哥呢?是的,他叫 Chip。看到这里,我有一个疑问。Why Kipper got up early?为什么 Kipper 起来的这么早呢?因为,He knew a secret.他知道了一个秘密。看来今天,真的会发生什么特别的事情,会有一个 Surprise!


这幅图我们看到kipper在翻箱倒柜的在找什么呢?他在衣柜中在干什么呢?Kipper looked for his clothes.(Kipper在找他的衣服)可是我们发现kipper好像并不只是在找衣服哦.And a surprise he had hidden in his bottom drawer.(在最下面的抽屉里他藏着一个惊喜)哦.原来,他在找下面抽屉里面的一个惊喜。就在kipper找衣服的同时,我们看到Chip和Biff从门前面正在走过。What is Biff carrying?我们看到biff手里拿的是什么呢?在这里我们先不告诉大家,等最后的时候你就会知道他们拿的是什么东西了。It was time to get dressed. But Kipper could not find his clothes. He looked for his clothes everywhere and made such a mess. He found the surprise he had hidden in his bottom drawer. Wow, a surprise~ Is it a special day? Look at the clock. what time is it now? It is 7 o'clock. Biff and Chip were ready to go outside. I think Kipper should hurry up.该穿衣服了。但是基珀找不到他的衣服。他到处找衣服,弄得一团糟。他发现了藏在最下面抽屉里的惊喜。哇,一个惊喜~今天特别吗?看钟。现在几点了?现在是7点钟。比夫和奇普准备出去。我想基珀应该快点。get dressed 穿衣服looked for 寻找,渴望a mess 一团糟 ; 混乱bottom drawer 女子为结婚而储存的物品,压箱钱财Look at 看 ; 考虑what time 几点 ; 什么时候 ; 什么时间o'clock …点钟go outside 出去hurry up 赶紧 ; 赶快 ; 使加快 ; 使提早


翻到第二页。What is Kipper doing?Kipper 在干什么呢?Kipper looked for his clothes.Kipper 在找他的衣服。Kipper 是在找他的衣服吗?好像有什么东西在抽屉里。And a surprise he had hidden in his bottom drawer.在最下面的抽屉里,他藏着一个 Surprise,一个大大的惊喜。我们再来看一下,Kipper 在找衣服的时候,谁正好路过啊?哦~ 是 Kipper 的哥哥和姐姐,Chip and Biff。What is Biff carrying?Biff 手里拿的是什么呢?


来看下面一幅图,Why is the pile of clothes falling over?为什么这叠衣服会倒下来?because,Kipper looked for his clothes.因为Kipper在找他的衣服,所以导致衣服都被翻乱了.Shh. Kipper got his shirt. (嘘。Kipper找到衬衫)我们看到kipper好像是找到了他的衣服了.咦,楼梯旁边的biff和chip也都在穿衣服.看他们这样,他们打算是要出去呢.?究竟他们要去干甚呢?Gosh~Kipper found his shirt on the ironing board. Mum ironed the clothes neatly. Kipper pulled his shirt. The clothes above fell down on the ground. Such a mess~Floppy surprised for this. Biff and Chip were ready for their coat. Come on, Kipper. Don't forget your surprise~天哪,基珀在熨衣板上发现了他的衬衫。妈妈把衣服熨得整整齐齐。基珀扯了扯衬衫。上面的衣服掉在地上。真是一团糟,Floppy 很惊讶。比夫和奇普准备好穿大衣了。快点,基珀。别忘了你的惊喜~ironing board 烫衣板ironed 熨,烫平 ; iron的过去分词和过去式fell down 流下 ; 〔美俚〕失败 ; 跌倒 ; 同“fall”on the ground 当场a mess 一团糟 ; 混乱for this 为此ready for 预备好Come on 来吧 ; 快点儿 ; 加把劲 ; 开始 ; 进展 ; 进步 ; 开始工作,开始运转


我们翻到下一页。What is Kipper doing?Kipper 在干什么呢?Why is the pile of clothes falling over?为什么这叠衣服会倒下来?哦~ Kipper looked for his clothes.Kipper 在找他的衣服呢。Shh. Kipper got his shirt.Kipper 好像找到他的衣服了。楼梯边上的 Chip and Biff 也在穿衣服,他们是打算出去吗?究竟是去干什么呢?


来看下面这幅图,kipper已经走到门口了.他在这里干什么呢?Kipper put on his trainers. (Kipper穿上运动鞋)也就在与此同时,我们看到一个穿着蓝色制服的阿姨出现在我们的视野当中.他是谁呢?哦.原来是邮递员.The postlady arrived. (女邮递员来了)She had a bigger pile of envelopes than usual.(我们注意到,她拿着一摞比平时大得多的信封)这些信究竟是给谁的呢?Kipper put on his trainers. Look at his coat, he only wore his clothes in one sleeve. So funny~Biff and Chip were waiting for him outside teh door. Why were they laughing? I thought Kipper's funny coat made them laugh. Who is this woman? She is a postlady. Just like zoey's Dad. She delivered the parcles and letters.基珀穿上他的运动鞋。看他的外套,他只穿一只袖子里的衣服。好笑~比夫和奇普在门外等他。他们为什么笑?我以为基珀滑稽的外套让他们笑了。这个女人是谁?她是一位女邮递员。就像佐伊的爸爸。她送来了包裹和信件。put on 穿 ; 戴 ; 涂 ; 抹 ; 上演 ; 举办 ; 展出 ; 增加 ; 打开 ; 播放(唱片、磁带或CD光盘) ; 烹调 ; 加热 ; 对…下赌注 ; 押赌注于… ; 提高…的成本 ; 假装,矫饰trainers 运动鞋 ; 便鞋 ; 教员 ; 驯兽师 ; 教练员 ; trainer的复数Look at 看 ; 考虑wore 穿 ; 戴 ; 佩戴 ; 蓄,留 ; 流露,面带,呈现 ; wear的过去式in one 集为一体postlady 女邮递员zoey 佐伊 ; 岑洁仪 ; 柔伊


我们翻到下一页。What is Kipper doing?Kipper 在干什么呢?Kipper put on his trainers.Kipper 穿上了他的运动鞋。与此同时,我们看到一个穿着蓝色制服的阿姨,出现在我们的视野中。Who is she?她是谁呢?The post lady arrived.哦,原来是 Post lady,邮递员来了。She had a bigger pile of envelopes than usual.我们注意到,她拿着一摞比平时大得多的信封。


我们来看最后一幅图.哈哈.真相大白了!原来原来他们一家人都在院子里面,我们看到院子都有那些人呢?有kipper ,Chip,Biff,Floppy,Mum and postlady,妈妈和女邮递员,我们看到这里有一个人的背影,你猜猜,他是谁呢?是的,你猜对了.这个人就是Dad.The surprise was for Dad. 这个惊喜是给爸爸的,是什么呢?原来今天他们一家人都在给爸爸庆祝生日呢.It was his birthday. (原来今天是他的生日)下面我们看到他们在院子里面拉出了一个横幅?是什么意思呢?Happy birthday Dad!这句话是什么意思呢?就是生日快乐的意思。接下来我要问How old Dad is today?大家注意了,我们看到在Mum的头顶上有一个大大的35的数字。原来:Dad is is 35 years old today.爸爸今天35岁了.下面我们来用Happy birthday Dad!来进行造句.我们可以说Happy birthday mum! Happy birthday Li Ming!所以以后你的爸爸妈妈或者朋友过生日的时候,你就可以用这句话了,你也可以单纯说一声Happy birthday!这就是今天图片所描述的内容.Yeah, Today is special day. Dad's birthday. The surprises are all for Dad. They make the banner which says Happy Birthday Dad. How old is Dad? We can see the number 35. Dad is 35 years old maybe. They prepare the presents and make the music for Dad. Chip is rocking the rattle. Biff is druming the tray with the hammer. Kipper is blowing the trumpet. What do you think Dad will enjoy this music? I guess no. A little bit noisy. But Dad is still happy for this surprise.是啊,今天很特别。爸爸的生日。惊喜都是给爸爸的。他们做的横幅上写着爸爸生日快乐。爸爸多大了?我们可以看到35号。爸爸可能35岁了。他们为爸爸准备礼物和做音乐。奇普在摇拨浪鼓。比夫正在用锤子敲盘子。基珀在吹喇叭。你觉得爸爸会喜欢这音乐吗?我想没有。有点吵。但爸爸还是为这个惊喜感到高兴。all for 完全赞成,坚信Happy Birthday 生日快乐How old 多少岁years old 岁 ; 年龄 ; 当我八岁时do you 你愿意吗A little bit 一点for this 为此


我们来看最后一幅图.哈哈,真相大白了!原来大家都在院子里,都有哪些人呢?有 Kipper,Chip,Biff,Floppy,Mum and post lady。我们看到窗前还有一个背影,猜猜他是谁?是的,你猜对了。这个人就是 Dad。The surprise was for Dad.这个惊喜是给爸爸的。It was his birthday.今天是他的生日。小朋友们,注意到院子里的横幅了吗?Happy birthday Dad!爸爸,生日快乐!那么,How old is Dad today?爸爸今天几岁?35!Mum 的头顶上有一个大大的 35。Dad is 35 years old today.How is Dad feeling?爸爸觉得开心吗?Have you ever had a surprise?你有没有过 Surprise?How did you feel?你觉得开心吗?故事,就到此结束了,我们回到封面。现在你能告诉我Why Kipper got up early?为什么今天 Kipper 早起吗?And What is the Surprise?惊喜是什么呢?


附:原文翻译Getting Up起床Kipper brushed his teeth.Kipper 在刷牙。He knew a secret.他知道了一个秘密。Kipper looked for his clothes.Kipper 在找他的衣服。And a surprise he had hidden in his bottom drawer.在最下面的抽屉里,他藏着一个惊喜。Kipper got his shirt.Kipper 找到了他的衣服。Kipper put on his trainers.Kipper 穿上了他的运动鞋。The post lady arrived.哦,原来是 Post lady,邮递员来了。She had a bigger pile of envelopes than usual.她拿着一摞比平时大得多的信封。The surprise was for Dad.这个惊喜是给爸爸的。It was his birthday.今天是他的生日。


节奏训练请小朋友们根据我每一句后面都跟着一个空白练习进行节奏跟读Kipper brushed his teeth.(Kipper在刷牙)He knew a secret.(他知道一个秘密)Kipper looked for his clothes.(Kipper找他的衣服)And a surprise he had hidden in his bottom drawer.(在最下面的抽屉里他藏着一个惊喜)Shh. Kipper got his shirt.(嘘。Kipper找到衬衫)Kipper put on his trainers.(Kipper穿上运动鞋)The postlady arrived.(女邮递员来了)She had a bigger pile of envelopes than usual.(她拿着一摞比平时大得多的信封)The surprise was for Dad.(惊喜是给爸爸的)It was his birthday.(今天是他的生日)




读后讨论:1. How do you get up in the morning?2. Can you find 4 items that make loud noise on page 8?


The rich get richer, the poor get poorer.Strong readers will continue to do well.富的更富,穷的更穷。在阅读上强的人,会持续好下去!让我们一起陪孩子不断阅读下去...



