

This is a dollar bill 这是一张一美元的钞票

Now if i go to the store and there is something for $0.9 现在如果我去商店购买0.9美元的商品

can i buy it with this dollar bill 我用这张钞票可以买到吗?

OK all right OK当然没有问题

SO if i go to the store and there is something for $0.85 and affter tax 那么如果我去商店买了0.85美元的商品再加上税

it ends up being $0.96 总价是0.96美元

can i buy with this dollar bill 是不是还是可以用这张一美元买单

OK.All right.So what if i ball the dollar bill up? 好吧,那如果我把这张一美元的钞票揉成团呢?

Think about it now 再想想看

like i just ball the dollar bill up 像这样把一张一美元揉成团

like so we can't be worth a dollar now 揉得它好像不值一美元了

lt's probably worth like $0.95,right?大概只值0.95美元了,对吗?

How much do you think it's worth? 你认为它还值多少钱?

a dollar? 还是一美元?

Listen, listen, you're going to pay attention 你可要听仔细了

I juet balled it up 我可是把它揉成团了

So clearly it's not worth a dollar anymore all right 很明显它已经不值一美元了

so maybe what if i step on it? 那我再在它上面踩一脚呢?

What if step on it? Ijust step on there 像这样狠狠地踩上几脚

How much is it worth now? 现在它还值多少钱?

Maybe$0.65? $0.68? 可能只值个0.65美元?或者0.68美元?

It's still worth a dollar?它还值一美元?

OKay. What if ball it up? 如果我再把它揉成一团

What if step on it?再踩上几脚?


And then i put it in the trash can 然后我把它扔进垃圾桶

And this is here with some trash 和垃圾混在一起

and it'saround some beer 里面还有一些空啤酒瓶

and some gum in the bunch of the nasty stuff 还有恶心的黏得到处都是的口香糖

and some guy off the street pulls the dollar out unfolds it 等到街上没人时再捡起它复原

How much is it worth now? 现在它还值多少钱?

Maybe $0.82? 大概还值个0.82美元?

Come on,at least $0.92? 或者再值点钱,值0.92美元?

It's okay.All right,so what if i balled it up? 好吧,那我把它先揉成团

What if i step on it? 再踩上一脚

What if i put it in trash 然后把它扔进垃圾桶

And then,watch this 接着看这里

I tear ita half 我把它撕成两半了

Think about it now,right? 现在再想想看

How much is it worth now? 现在它还值多少钱?

A dollar? 还是一美元?

I could tape it? 我可以用胶带粘上?

Wait a second 等一下

Ijust balled it up 就在刚才我都把它揉成团了

I just stepped on it 我都已经在上面踩了一脚

I put it in trash 我把它扔进垃圾桶

I pulled it out 然后拿出来

Then i tore it a half 再撕成两半

And you mean to tell me 然后你告诉我

I could pick the dollar up 我可以拿起这一美元

I could wipeitoff,and i could put some tape around it 把它擦干净 然后用胶带把它粘起来

and it's still worth a dollar? 它还是能当一美元用?

Then why? 那么为什么?

If this dollar doesn't lose its worth of its value 如果这美元没有因此失去它的价值

then why do you feel like you lost your worth of value? 那么为什么你觉得你失去了你自己的价值

Because many of you feel like you're been stepped on 因为你们很多人觉得自己被践踏了

You feel like you've been pushed aside 你觉得自己被排挤了

You feel like you've been abandoned 你觉得自己被抛弃了

You feel like you've been talked about 你觉得自己被流言蜚语所中伤

You feel like you've been abused 你觉得自己被虐待了

like someone took from you 像是有人夺走了你的东西

someone hurts you 有人伤害了你

someone that took advantage of you 有人利用了你

and deep down inside your core 你的内心深处

you feel like you've lost some of your value 这一切都让你觉得自己丧失了价值

And i am here to say today 今天我在这里告诉你

that this dollar still has worth value 这一美元仍然没有失去它的价值

because there are some many years ago 因为很多年前

who put value on with a slice 我们的先驱们便赋予了这一张纸的价值

It's said no matter what happens to it 他说 无论经历了怎样的变故

it can still be taped back together 它仍然可以拼合修复

it can still be wiped off 它仍然可除残去秽

I am here to tell you 我告诉你

that you were created,and you're born,and you're here 你被创造 降生于世上

and you have life,and you have purpose 你拥有了人生并且追寻人生的意义

and you have value 你拥有了价值

and though you've gone through some hard time 虽然你经历了一些艰难的时刻

and though you've experiencing some depression 即使你经历了一些低谷

and you might be want to hurt yourself 你可能会想要伤害自己

and you might want to give up 你可能会想放弃

I am here to tell you,you still got worth in value 但是我在这里告诉你,你的价值仍然存在

and there is nothing that can happen 并且没有什么情况

that could take you worth in your value away 会夺走你的价值

So what you've got to do now? 所以你现在需要怎么做?

you've got to pick yourself up 就是振作起来

you've got to dust yourself off 弹去身上的灰尘

and you've got to keep moving 你必须继续前进



