
Hey there, I'm Emma from mmmEnglish! ,我来为大家科普一下关于期待和期望差别?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



Hey there, I'm Emma from mmmEnglish!

There are many different ways to express a single idea in English and these verbs are a good example of that.

嘿,我是 Emma,欢迎来到美味英语频道。在英语中有很多不同的方式来表达同一个意思,而这些动词就是很好的例子。

Knowing the subtle differences and understanding how to use each of these verbs accurately and naturally is a really good sign of the difference between an intermediate student and an advanced English speaker because these verbs can all be used in really similar situations, they're synonyms.

I suppose it can be confusing to know when and how to use them.


I think you know what I mean right?

But I believe that by the end of watching this video you'll be clear on how to use all of them correctly.


I anticipate you'll have some questions but I'll do my best to answer as many of them as I can.

I predict that by the time we get to the mini quiz at the end, you'll have no trouble at all.


Let's go! Of all of these verbs, think is the one I'm certain you know and you feel comfortable using.

让我们开始吧!在所有这些动词中,我确定有一个你肯定知道,并且感觉使用起来还挺自如的,那就是 think。

Suppose, believe, anticipate, predict, they can all be synonyms of think. And think has quite a few meanings as well.

假设,相信,预期,预测,它们全都可以是 think 的同义词。Think 也有很多含义。

It can be used in phrasal verbs and other expressions but if we focus on the meaning that is similar to the verbs we've been talking about, then think means to feel that something is true, based on facts or knowledge that you have.

So we use it to take an educated guess.

它可用于短语动词和其他表达形式中,但是如果我们关注的是意思是和我们在谈论的动词的意思相似的那个意思的话,那么 think 的意思就是感觉某件事是真实的,根据你所掌握的事实或知识。因此,我们用它来进行有根据的猜测。

I think it's going to be a hot day tomorrow.

So I'm making a guess and it's based on the weather that we've had in previous days this week and maybe I've seen the weather report, so I'm not a hundred per cent confident that it's going to be hot, but I'm using the information that I have to make that guess.


And by using think, we're communicating that we're unsure. We're not a hundred per cent certain, right?

通过使用 think 这个词,我们表明我们也不是特别确定。我们不是百分之百确定,对吧?

If I was certain then I would say: It will be a hot day tomorrow. I think we need to turn left but I'm a bit lost.


Now if you're a regular student of mine, then you'll know that I'm often talking about how important collocations are and even with simple verbs like think, it's often the words that are used with it where my students make mistakes.

So collocations are words that are commonly used together in naturally spoken English.

如果是我的正式学生的话,你肯定会知道我经常会说搭配有多重要,即使是简单的动词,例如 think,我的学生都会在和它搭配的词上犯错误。因此,搭配是英语口语中经常一起使用的词汇。

And with the verb think, the preposition of is often used. When we think of something or someone, we're remembering them and often keeping their needs or their happiness in mind.

介词 of 经常和动词 think 一起使用。当我们想到某事或某人时,我们会记住他们,而且会将他们的需求和快乐牢记于心。

Our neighbour is always thinking of us and dropping home-baked goodies on our doorstep. If I think of someone as something then I have a specific opinion about them.


I always thought of him as a great athlete. Or I've always thought of myself as a city person but I really enjoyed the peace and quiet of the farm.


If you think about something, then you're carefully considering it right? You're weighing up different options to make a decision.


I know I said I'd make the offer by the end of the week but I need more time to think about it. It's a tough decision.


Quick note. It is much more natural when you're showing appreciation to someone to say: Thanks for thinking of me.


Rather than: thanks for thinking about me. I suppose you've heard this verb before but I wonder if you are completely confident in how to use it.


We use the verb suppose when you generally believe or you think that something is true or possible but you're not completely sure. So of course that sounds very similar to the definition of think, right?

当你大概相信,或者是你认为某件事情是对的或者是有可能的,但是你不是完全确定的时候,我们会使用动词 suppose。所以当然了,听起来与 think 的定义非常相似,对吧?

Let's look at an example. I suppose he's going to show up late again.


He always does. I think he's going to show up again.


He always does. So both of these examples are correct.


You can use each of these verbs like this but there is a subtle difference. Think is just a little bit more certain like you feel that you are right, whereas suppose suggests that you're not quite convinced of your own feelings.

你可以在这种情况下使用这两个词,但是有一点细微的差别。Think 的意思更加确定一点,就像你觉得自己是对的,而 suppose 则表明你不是特别相信自己的感受。

Maybe you have some information, enough to take a guess but you don't really have any solid proof.

And when you're using think, well you might also have some information that helps you feel more confident about your feelings.

也许你知道一些信息,足以进行猜测,但你实际上没有任何可靠的证据。当你使用 think 时,你可能还会有一些信息,让你对自己的感觉更加自信。

Maybe someone has said to you that they hadn't seen him in the office all day. Maybe he regularly turns up late so you're using the information that you've got to confidently take a guess.


When you're using suppose it puts your feelings in a little more doubt.

Now you can also use suppose when you are being sarcastic, when you think that something is true or correct, but you're not really happy about it.

当你使用 suppose 时,这会让你的感觉有一种怀疑的色彩。当你在进行讽刺的时候,当你觉得某件事情是真的,但是你并不是很满意的时候,你可以使用 suppose。

I suppose I should finish my homework before I come over. You can also say:


I suppose so as a way to agree with someone and again to show that you have some doubts or maybe that you're not loving the idea. Could you help me to edit this report by the end of the day?


I suppose so. We use believe when we have an opinion that something is true or that what someone is saying is true.

应该可以吧。当我们相信某件事情是真实的,或者是有人说的话是真的的话,我们会使用 believe。

But it doesn't have to be an opinion based on fact, it can simply be something that you feel is true. I believe that we'll find the right person for the job.


We can't give up yet. So again, it's a synonym of think, right?

我们还不能放弃。同样的,这是 think 的同义词,对吗?

So the differences are really subtle but like the verb suppose, when we use believe, it does sound a little less certain. However it is a verb that has power, like you trust in your instinct.

所以差异真的很细微,但是就像动词 suppose 一样,当我们使用 believe 的时候,听起来有点不太确定的感觉。但是这个动词有种力量,就像是你相信你的直觉。

You feel that you're correct but perhaps you don't have the evidence to support it but you do have your faith or trust that it will be.

Now believe is a verb that can be used and is often used in the passive voice.

你觉得你是对的,但是也许你没有证据支持它,但是你相信自己,相信会是这样的。Believe 这个词可以被也经常被用在被动语态中。

We say it is believed that. . . And you'll often hear the adverb widely used as well.

我们说据信……而且你还会经常听到副词 widely 一起使用。

It is widely believed that and that's to emphasise that it's thought to be true by many people.

So we use the passive voice when we don't know or maybe we don't want to say who believes that, so it's a really great sort of collocation, chunk of words to learn and practise using together.


Now we use the verb anticipate when we think that something will probably happen so you believe that something is coming in the future.

You can't anticipate that something has happened in the past or the present, we anticipate the future, right?

当我们认为某件事情可能会发生的时候,我们会使用动词 anticipate,意思就是你相信某件事情未来会来到的。你无法预期过去或现在发生了什么事,我们预见的是未来,对吧?

We anticipate our sales will triple by next year. So if I say that I believe our sales will triple, well, it's just my own personal opinion or my feelings right?


However, if I use the verb anticipate, well, then I usually have some kind of information or facts to back that up. I've got reasons to believe that something is going to happen in the future.


And when we anticipate something, we usually prepare ourselves to deal with it, too.

We know or we think that we know that something is coming, so we can prepare for that moment or that event in the future.


I anticipated the test would be difficult so I studied extra hard.

It's a good thing that we anticipated such a large crowd and provided the extra parking.


And last but not least, we use the verb predict which is actually quite similar to anticipate because we use predict to guess or to explain what we think will happen in the future before it actually does happen.

But the very subtle difference is that we use anticipate when the event that will happen in the future is going to happen at a specific time and we usually use predict when the event will happen further into the future or we don't know what time it's going to happen.

最后但同样重要的是,我们使用动词 predict,实际上这个词与预期非常相似,因为我们使用预测来猜测或解释在某件事情真正发生之前,我们认为将来会发生的事情。但是其中最微妙的区别是,当未来会发生的事情会发生在某个特定时间的话,那我们就是用预期,当这个事情发生在未来,或者是我们不知道具体发生在什么时间的时候,我们会使用预计。

Scientists predict that machines will be quicker in learning and predicting the future than humans! But we could equally say:


We anticipate that machines will be quicker and faster at learning than humans by next year.

Now remember that in many situations, you could use several of these verbs correctly but the meaning of each of those sentences would be slightly different.


Let's just look at a comparison. She believes that 2021 will be a great year.


She predicts that 2021 will be a great year. She thinks that 2021 will be a great year.


She anticipates that 2021 will be a great year. And she supposes that 2021 will be a great year.


So all of these sentences make sense but there are some really subtle differences.

In the first example, by using the verb believe, well it doesn't sound very factual, right?


She might not have much information to back up that belief but she has faith, she has the feeling that 2021 is going to be great.

So in the second example, she not only believes but she's told someone that she believes.


She's announced her belief, right? In the third example, if she thinks that 2021 will be great, then she's formed that opinion based on some information.


Maybe she's considered some facts or some ideas, right?

We know that coronavirus vaccine is coming, right, so we think next year is going to be better.


When we use anticipate, well, we can assume that she's planning for 2021 to be great. She's based her belief on some information and she's organising or she's preparing everything to make that happen.


In this example, think and anticipate can be used pretty interchangeably, but anticipate is definitely a more advanced way of expressing that idea.

It also suggests more specific and more formal language.


And lastly, well, she's got some doubts about 2021 being great. She's not sure.

最后一个,她对 2021 年将会很棒这件事情有一点疑虑。她不确定。

The facts and the ideas, maybe they suggest that it's gonna be great but she's not totally convinced so she's really expressing her doubt by using the word suppose.

I suppose it's gonna be good.

事实和看法可能预示着这一年将会很棒,但她并不完全相信,所以她用 suppose 这个词表达了她的怀疑。我想应该会好的吧。

All right, as always, we've got a little quiz to help you test what you've learned. Are you ready to get started?


I've got some sentences for you and I want you to do your best just to pick the best fit for the space.

Don't forget that you need to change the form of the verb to make sure that the sentence is correct so that might mean conjugating the verb so the grammar's accurate.


Most of these examples are really common expressions or collocations where one verb fits better than the others so think about the meaning and the intention of that verb first and look for clues in the prepositions and words around that verb, those collocations.

We're not — any major issues will be raised at the meeting tomorrow.


Anticipating is correct. Everybody likes her and — highly of her.


Now the clue is here. Thinks.


If you had asked me to — how I would spend the year 2020 last year, I would have been wrong. Predict.

如果你去年问我我会如何度过我的 2020,我可能会想错了。预测。

Since you have been so good today, I — we can stop for ice cream on the way home. Suppose.


After watching a few sci-fi documentaries, he now — in aliens. So again, look at that preposition for a clue.


Believe, you're right. So how did you do?


Tell me down in the comments especially if any of them were quite challenging for you and can you think of any other synonyms of the word think?

If you can, share them down in the comments below, there are definitely a few more to explore.

在评论中告诉我吧,尤其是如果里面有你觉得比较有挑战性的,你能想到 think 这个词的其他同义词吗?如果可以的话,请在下面的评论中分享一下吧,肯定还有更多的可以探索。

I love that you have stuck with me all the way through to the end of the lesson and you've done the hard work. You're awesome! Well done.


And if you haven't subscribed to the mmmEnglish channel yet, well, hit that button down there and do it. You don't want to miss out on any more lessons, right?


Speaking of more lessons, we've got one pronunciation lesson right here, ready to go.

Let's do it!




