Doppelgängers don’t just look alike; people who appear nearly identical without being related are also astonishingly similar in their genetic makeup and often share lifestyle traits, a study published August 23 inCell Reportsfinds.
Doppelgängers:[ˈdɑp(ə)lˌɡæŋər] n.二重身; (迷信者认为存在的)活人的魂魄
西班牙巴塞罗那大学一个研究团队研究了32对长相相似的人,使用三种不同的面部识别方法,发现其中的16对非常相似。他们对这些长相相似者(look-alikes / doubles / doppelgangers )进行了生物特征和生活方式问卷调查,并采集其唾液并提取其DNA进行生物信息学分析。
Photos of 16 pairs of people who look alike were used to measure just how similar the pairs of people look using three different facial recognition algorithms. The lookalikes then took a biometric and lifestyle questionnaire and also provided saliva samples for analysis.
algorithm [ˈælɡəˌrɪðəm] n.算法;计算程序
"It is said that our face reflects our soul," said Esteller, who works at the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute in Barcelona, Spain. With the written questionnaire, the researchers found the lookalikes "not only shared the face, but also other features beyond such as anthropometric characters (i.e., height, weight) and personality traits (i.e. tobacco addiction, education stage that could relate to intelligence quotient IQ)," Esteller said.
anthropometric [ˌanθrəpə'metrɪk] adj.人体的
"These results will have future implications in forensic medicine—reconstructing the criminal's face from DNA—and in genetic diagnosis—the photo of the patient's face will already give you clues as to which genome he or she has," Manel Esteller, senior author of the study,said in the news release.
In his email to CBS News, Esteller said the research means facial features could potentially be used to infer the presence of genetic mutations that could cause diseases like diabetes or Alzheimer's.
forensic [fəˈrenzɪk] adj.法医的;法庭的
mutation [mjuˈteɪʃ(ə)n] n.变异;改变
西班牙这项研究的灵感和研究对象实则来源于加拿大的摄影师布鲁内尔(François Brunelle)。这位摄影师在听到有人说他看起来像演员罗文·阿特金森(Rowan Atkinson)饰演的著名角色憨豆先生(Mr. Bean)后,萌生了寻找世界上那些彼此不相识却长得一模一样的人的想法。
Researchers in Spain used photographs by Canadian artist François Brunelle, who has taken pictures of lookalikes around the world since 1999, in the study.
lookalike[ˈlʊkəˌlaɪk] n.长得极像(某人)的人
"I'll find two identical people, I'll bring them together, and then when they meet they will be in shock," Brunelle said. "And then I will take a picture of them. And that will be amazing to look at this picture. That was my dream!"
从那时起,他以记录和拍摄尽可能多的“没有血缘关系的双胞胎”为使命,历时十数年,拍摄了来自全球 30 多个城市的 250 多位相似者,从而汇集而成这一伟大的拍摄项目——“我们不是双胞胎!”(I’m Not a Look-Alike)。
It’s a project that’s not only time consuming, but it also tests the will of the artist and the artist’s subject. With his experience as a photographer mixed with his determination, Brunelle has accomplished exactly what he’s set out to do – for a very long time.
There’s something refreshing about Brunelle’s series of black-and-white portraits. Besides the subjects themselves, nothing is out of the ordinary about the portraits. It’s a relatively minimal set up—a white background, black and white negative film and the doppelgangers found by Brunelle from around the world. With this, the portraits are both startling and eye-catching.
Brunelle said he photographed two women who not only looked alike but got a tattoo in the same shop, share the same birthday and live in the same apartment building.
栏目主编:赵翰露 文字编辑:宋彦霖 题图来源:图虫创意 图片编辑:雍凯