
用英语讨论和辩论时有用的短语1. Introducing a point 介绍要点,我来为大家科普一下关于常用的英语辩论句子?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



Useful Phrases for Discussion and Debate


1. Introducing a point 介绍要点

  • First of all I’d like to point out…

  • The main problem is…

  • The question of…

  • Speaking of…

  • What we have to decide is…

    2. Enumeration of points 列举要点

  • First of all, I’d like to say…

  • In addition to that…

  • Moreover,…

  • Furthermore,…

  • Another example of this is..

  • First, second, third…

  • Finally,…

    3. Expressing a personal opinion 发表个人观点

  • It seems to me that…

  • I have the feeling that…

  • I feel that…

  • I’m absolutely convinced that…

  • You can take it from me that…

  • I think/don’t think that…

  • In my opinion,…

  • Well, if you ask me…

  • As I see it…

  • The way I see it, …

  • Personally, I believe/suppose/feel (that)…

  • I’m convinced that…

  • Expressing pros and cons

  • There are two sides to the question.

  • On the one hand…,on the other hand…

  • An argument for/ in favour of/ against if…

  • While admitting that…one should not fornet that…

  • Some people think that…,others say that…

    4. Expressing pros and cons 表示赞成和反对

  • There are two sides to the question.

  • On the one hand…,on the other hand…

  • An argument for/ in favour of/ against if…

  • While admitting that…one should not fornet that…

  • Some people think that…,others say that…

    5. Expressing doubt 表示疑问

  • I’m not sure if…

  • I’m not convinced that…

  • I wonder if you realize that…

  • I doubt that.

  • 6. Expressing disagreement 表示不同意

  • I don’t agree with you about…

  • I can’t accept your view that…

  • I’m of a different opinion…

    7. Expressing support 表示支持

  • You’re quite right.

  • That’s a very important point.

  • You’ve got a good point there.

  • I couldn’t agree with you more.

  • You look the words right out of my mouth.

  • Giving reason

  • The reason for this is (that)…

  • I base my argument on…

  • I tell you all this because…

  • 8. Keeping to the point 紧扣主题

  • It would be more to the point if…

  • Come to the point.

  • That’s not the problem.

  • What we are discussing is…

  • …has nothing to do with my argument.

  • That’s not relevant.

  • Drawing conclusion and summing up

  • The obvious conclusion is…

  • Last but not least…

  • The only alternative (left) is…

  • The only possible solution/conclusion is…

  • Summing up, I’d like to say that…

  • In conclusion we can say that…

  • To cut a long story short,…

  • Just to give you the main points again,…

    9. Filers in conversation (used only in speaking) 会话中的口头语(仅在口语中使用)

    At the beginning of a sentence 开始说话时

  • Um…

  • Ok/ All right, …

  • Well/ Well, anyway…

  • So/ So then,…

  • By the way,…

  • At any rate…Anyhow…

  • You know,…

  • What I mean is…

  • So…where was I saying? /where was I?

    In the middle of a sentence (usually) 说话过程中

  • I mean: This is, I mean, going to be challenging.

  • I guess: Well, I guess the problem is that I’m tired.

  • Kind of: This kind of makes sense

  • Adverbs such as “absolutely”, “actually”, “really”, “sure”, “seriously”: I mean, seriously, do you believe that?

    At the end of a sentence 说完后

    Though: This is going to be hard, though.Right?: This is going to be easy, right?

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