

Traditional marriage proposals could soon be [w=consign]consigned to the history books – with almost half of them now happening at home in front of the TV.传统的求婚方式可能很快就会成为历史,因为现在几乎一半的求婚都发生在家里的电视机前。

A study of [w=newlywed]newlyweds has found modern men are ditching age-old traditional proposal custom in favor of a more lacklustre approach.一项针对新婚夫妇的研究指出,现代男性已逐渐抛弃了流传已久的传统求婚风俗,他们更倾向于选择单调的方式求婚。

The study found only a third of men now go down on one knee to pop the question as their fathers and grandfathers’ generations would have done.研究指出,如今只有1/3的男性会像他们的父辈、祖辈那样,单膝跪地求婚。

Even the idea of picking a romantic location to propose has fallen by the wayside, with the typical ‘Will you marry me?’ now most likely to take place at home.甚至是选择一个浪漫场所求婚的想法都被丢在一旁。如今,男性更有可能在家里提出那个象征性的问题“你愿意嫁给我吗?”

Only six percent bothered to take their partner abroad on holiday – but the same number of men proposed in the local pub – and 5.5% popped the question in the car.只有6%的男性会花心思带自己的伴侣出国度假,然而也有6%的男性会在当地酒吧向自己的另一半求婚,还有5.5%的男性在车里求婚。

Almost a third of women 29% now end up choosing their own ring, rather than letting their partner decide.如今几乎有三分之一的女性(29%)最后得自己选戒指,而不是由另一半决定。

Lorna Haddon, who commissioned the study of 1,500 newlyweds, commented: "Busy lives and hectic schedules mean we have fewer hours in the day for romance – however our study shows women do still want the ‘perfect proposal’ – and it's not only picking the perfect engagement ring that counts.”洛娜·哈登委托相关人员对1500对新婚夫妇进行了这次调查,她解释道:“忙碌的生活、紧张的安排意味着,在一天中,我们只能用更少的时间去做浪漫的事情,但是,我们的研究指出,女性依然想要‘完美的求婚’,对她们来说,重要的事情并不仅仅是挑选那枚理想中的订婚戒指。”

“The location, atmosphere and little details that mean a lot to them really make a proposal truly special, and as it’s a once in a lifetime occasion it’s well worth making the effort."“场所、气氛以及对她们来说意义重大的微小细节确实会让一场求婚变得非常特别,而且求婚是一生仅有一次的场合,值得我们为此努力一把。”


Top 10 modern proposal destinations10大现代求婚场所

1. At home – 49%1、家里—49%

2. On a day out – 7%2、外出的一天中—7%

3. On holiday abroad – 6%3、国外度假的时候—6%

4. The local pub – 6%4、当地酒吧—6%

5. On holiday in the UK – 5%5、在英国度假的时候—5%

6. In the car – 5.5%6、在车里—5.5%

7. At a restaurant – 4.5%7、在餐厅里—4.5%

8. In the garden – 2%8、在花园里—2%

9. On the beach – 2%9、在海滩上—2%

10. In a Hotel – 1、在酒店里—1%



