


Why do people say that martial arts don’t work in a street fight?为什么人们说武术在街头格斗中不起作用?

评论翻译Brett Tyler, Black Belt, MMA trainee and Street Survival ExpertThat’s like saying swimming only works in swimming pools, but not the ocean.Ya know what? I’m calling this answer:Street-Fighter-Fu这就好比说你只能在游泳池里游泳,而这个技能在海洋里无效。你知道吗?我把这个答案称为:街头-斗士-夫原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Look, I’m a street-fighter.I’m also a marital artist.I’ve battled tested traditional styles and MMA. In fact, I grew up fighting.A lot.听着,我是个街头霸王(*...)。我也是一个武术家。我曾与传统武术家和MMA选手都打过。事实上,我是在战斗中长大的。很多战斗。The best street-fighters I’ve ever seen were martial artists.Either that or they were boxers or wrestlers.As anyone from the streets will tell you, most boxers ARE STREET. They’re literally trying to make it OUT of the streets.我见过的最好的街头斗士就是武术家。他们不是拳击手或者摔跤手。正如街上的任何人都会告诉你的那样,大多数拳击手都是来自街头的拳击手。他们真的在试图走出街头。The street-fighters I knew, a lot of them cross-trained different stuff, as I did. They nearly all dabbled and scooped up techniques from other fighters.And get this, they almost ALL trained at least semi-frequently.That’s the streets.Nearly every street-fighter out there has fought for sport on some level. Usually because someone was instigating something, or somebody had to prove who was the baddest on the block.Whether it was to takedown a rival or a bully, some fights were inevitable.Nearly every fight I’ve ever seen was because someone’s misplaced words turned into senseless, egotistical, chest bumping. Either that or someone tried to impose their will upon another human being until somebody got stomped.And it was usually the person trying to impose their will that got wrecked. Karma’s a b%#ch like that.Occasionally, you’ll see a guy with a killer instinct with no training that you’d swear it’s genetic. And those guys are usually mesomorph, muscular, athletic body types that are built like an offensive linemen.Your typical muscle-head bouncer at the club, physique.So what does it mean to be a street-fighter with no martial arts training? What can you expect from such an encounter?Let’s dive in further.These are the attributes and characteristics of most capable, albeit untrained street-fighters you’ll encounter in a tough neighborhood or outside the bar:they have a lot of experiencethey like to fight or they grew up toughthey fight dirtythey don’t hesitate to land the first punchthey execute their initial attack while you’re talking, when you look away, or when you turn and walk awaythey are aggressive and viciousoffense is usually their best defensethey’re often rage fighters, though the more experienced know how to channel itthey’re usually head-hunters; berserker like and linearthey throw punches in bunches starting with a big looping rear handthey swing for the fences; big shots but little staminathey hook wide right, then left, then right, then left, then right…..either that or they grab you with one hand, and drill you with the otherif they tackle you, they spear you more like a football tackle than a double-leg takedownexpect a headlock, that’s always the go-toif they’re bigger or stronger than you, they might body slam youall ground and pound is either big, wind-up punches or short, quick, rabbit punchesthey may have a “special move” or two, they’ve picked up along the way that they’re moderately proficient at我认识的街头斗士,他们中的很多人混杂着训练很多不同的技巧,就像我一样。他们几乎都从其他斗士那里学到了一些技巧。你要搞清楚,他们几乎都是半工作式的训练。那是在街头。几乎每个街头斗士都在某种程度上把他作为一种运动而打架。通常是因为有人在煽动,或者有人必须证明谁是街区里最坏的那个家伙。无论是要打倒对手还是恶霸,一些争斗都是不可避免的。我所见过的几乎每一次打架都是因为某人的错话变成了毫无意义的、自私自利的、胸撞胸。要么就是有人试图把自己的意志强加给另一个人,直到有人被干爆。通常是那些试图强加自己意愿的人遭到了反杀。因果报应就是这样的。偶尔的,你会找到一个没有受过训练却有杀人本能的人,你会发誓这是遗传下来的。这些人通常都是中等体型、肌肉发达、运动型的身材,他们的体型就像橄榄球里进攻型的边锋。你在健身房里看到的那种典型的肌肉大块的,反而不太符合这样的体格。那么,作为一名没有武术训练的街头斗士意味着什么呢?你能从这样的遭遇中得到什么?让我们再深入一点。这些属性和特征是最有能力的、尽管未经训练的街头斗士,你会在艰苦的社区或酒吧外遇到这种人:他们有很多经验他们喜欢打架,或者艰难长大后内心很坚强他们不讲武德他们会毫不犹豫地打出第一拳当你说话时,当你看向别处时,或当你转身走开时,他们会偷袭你他们咄咄逼人,恶毒不堪进攻通常是他们最好的防守他们通常是愤怒斗士,尽管经验更丰富的人知道如何引导自己的愤怒他们通常是猎头者;狂暴且一根筋他们会绕着你转圈,给你来一拳大的,然后重拳出击他们左摇右晃寻找你的弱点;拳力很大,但体力不行他们从右晃到左,再到右,再到左,再到右。。。要么他们用一只手抓住你,用另一只手钻你如果他们撞你,更像是足球里的断球,而不是双腿飞铲头槌,总是会出现的动作如果他们比你大只或比你强壮,他们可能会用身体猛撞你所有的套路不是大动作长拳,就是短拳,快速的,灵巧的攻击他们可能会有一两个“特殊招式”,他们在这一路上已经学会了,他们在这方面相当熟练As intimidating as all of that sounds, a martial artist is a street-fighters kryptonite.Your average street brawler is a sucker for counters. They lack the finesse and the timing of a trained fighter.Not to mention a martial artist’s defense can be virtually impenetrable, making counter-attacks smooth and seemingly effortless.所有这些听起来都很吓人,一个武术家听起来像是一个街头霸王氪星人(*超人)。普通人在街头打架在这帮人眼里就是过家家。他们缺乏训练有素的斗士的技巧和时机。更不用说一个武术家的防御几乎是不可穿透的,使他们的反击变得流畅,似乎毫不费力。Untrained fighters are also easy to unbalance.They have poor footwork and lack a solid base, so it doesn’t take much to put them on the concrete with a well timed shove, sweep, reap or a leg kick.未经训练的斗士也很容易失去平衡。他们的步法很差,缺乏坚实的基本功,所以用一个适时的推、扫、收或踢腿把他们放倒在地上并不需要太多本事。Actually, with most people, a couple 2–3 solid leg kicks is game over.事实上,对于大多数人来说,2-3次硬踢游戏就结束了。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处The second you create a disabling condition for your opponent’s advance, most aggressors—no matter how tough they are—will logically withdrawal and gradually make their exit.Guys will fight through broken hands and broken noses for a limited time. Sometimes with a stupid, demoralized grin (which usually means they’re hurt).However, seldom will you find an opponent willing to fight through a debilitating leg injury from a kick.The second it lands, it’ll be written all over their face. They’ll wince and make a face that basically says, “Ouch, you just f’ed up my leg.”That old martial wisdom of the masters certainly holds true, “If a man can’t stand, he can’t fight.”第二,你要为对手的进攻创造障碍,大多数侵略性的家伙——不管他们有多强硬,都会按部就班地逐渐后退。这帮家伙们会在短时间内,打断手或者打断鼻子。有时带着愚蠢、沮丧的笑容(这通常意味着他们受伤了)。然而,你很少会发现一个对手愿意带着踢腿造成的腿部损伤进行战斗。伤腿一落地,你就能从他们脸上看出来。他们会退缩,顶着一张苦脸,基本上写着,“哎哟,你刚刚把我的腿踢断了。”大师们古老的武术智慧当然是正确的,“一个人如果站不稳,他就不能打。”The original question was:Why do people say that martial arts don’t work in a street-fight?Simple. They obviously know nothing about martial arts, or what it means to be a street-fighter.The best street-fighters out there ARE martial artists and the best martial artists out there are street-fighters.They’re street-fighters in the sense that, they’ve fought OUTSIDE the controlled environments of combat sports, and a training hall, enough to know what works in a real life situation.They’re street-fighters because they’ve pressure tested their fighting skills in real fights.There are entire systems of martial arts based on this exact formulaic amalgamation of experience.In fact, the bareknuckle, NO RULES contests in Brazil, called Vale Tudo, was the predecessor to the Mixed Martial Arts “sport fighting” you see on pay-per-view today.You know it as 3 letters:M.M.A.题主的问题是:为什么人们说武术在街头格斗中不起作用?很简单。他们显然对武术一无所知,也不知道街头斗士意味着什么。最好的街头斗士是武术家,最好的武术家是街头斗士。从某种意义上说,他们是街头斗士,他们在格斗运动和训练馆的可控环境之外作战,足以知道在现实生活中什么套路是有效的。他们是街头斗士,因为他们在真实的战斗中对自己的战斗技能进行了压力测试。有完整的武术体系基于这种经验的公式化融合。事实上,巴西名为Vale Tudo的赤手空拳、无规则比赛是你今天在付费电视上看到的混合武术“运动格斗”的前身。你肯定知道这三个字母:M.M.A.And for the record, I put my money on any properly trained martial artist, against any street-fighter, any day of the week.Ask, Kimbo Slice. Possibly the most famous street-fighter of all time.如果一名武术家和一名街头斗士打一场,我一定会把我的赌注压在武术家身上,随便挑哪天打都是这样。问问,Kimbo Slice。可能是有史以来最著名的街头斗士。No contest.Anyone that thinks or says otherwise is spouting utter nonsense. If you really think your Street-Fighter-Fu is so superior to us pathetic martial artists, I challenge you to walk into any MMA gym right now and throw up a challenge for a full contact fight.I swear to god if you last more than 60 seconds you’ll go viral on YouTube and I’ll sponsor your next fight.没有可比性。任何不这样想或说的人都是在胡说八道。如果你真的认为你的街头-拳士-夫比我们这些可悲的武术家高明,我建议你现在就走进任何一家MMA场馆,挑战一场综合格斗。我向上帝发誓,如果你能坚持60秒以上,你就会在YouTube上走红,而我会赞助你的下一场比赛。One last thing, if you truly believe that us puny martial artists AREN’T capable of fighting dirty against your Street-Fighter-Fu, then I have oceanfront property for sale in Montana, if you’re interested.But you better hurry, cuz the price just went up!最后一件事,如果你真的相信我们这些弱小的武术家没有能力对抗你的街头-斗士-夫,那么如果你有兴趣的话,我在蒙大拿州出售海景房(*蒙古海军的意思,蒙大拿不靠海)。但是你最好抓紧点,因为房价上涨了!原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Pavel Fekula, Active in Russian-American RelationsCertain martial arts work better than others. People who make these claims about martial arts not working are usually referring to North Asian striking arts like Karate, Tae Kwon Do and the various forms of Kung Fu, which have proven to be less effective than grappling based martial arts like judo, wrestling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The North Asian striking arts place a heavy emphasis on striking and blocking. However, the fact of the matter is that most fights end up on the ground in the first 30 seconds. Styles that focus on taking an opponent to the ground and controlling him once he is there tend to hold up better in street fights.某些功夫比其他武术更管用。那些声称武术不起作用的人通常指的是像空手道、跆拳道和各种形式的功夫这样的东北亚功夫,这些功夫被证明不如柔道、摔跤和巴西柔术这样的格斗武术有效。东北亚功夫非常重视打击和阻击。然而,事实是,大多数人打架在30秒内就结束了。专注于将对手击倒在地并把他按在地上的风格往往在街头格斗中表现得更好。


