
Expert craftsmanship



Recently, the word craftsmanship often appeared in my life.

So I can not help thinking “what is craftsmanship?”



1. Hayao Miyazaki

Two days ago I saw an article ‘Wayward father, Hayao Miyazaki’s new work "Caterpillar pineapple.’ For the fans it is such a surprise, because his retirement made me feel sad.



Hayao Miyazaki is loved by everyone in the animation industry, but he has always said ‘his own era has passed.’ Yes, in this ever evolving era, Hayao Miyazaki still uses a somewhat traditional style with a twist, but he still manages to stay in front of the animation industry with his own unique style. He also feels the pressure and threat, like most artists, of hitting a creativity block, which may be why the ‘old man,’ has retired from the animation industry more than once.



Maybe it is because of ‘the old man’s,’ love for animation and so he has returned with a new film after three years, called "Caterpillar" pineapple.

Hayao Miyazaki gave the young animation artists of today some advice; keep away from the computer. In his view the computer makes people feel free but in fact, the craftsmanship of animation is lost to mass production. The animation artist can’t abandon the basic art of painting.







2. German

"You only need to buy one (thing) in your life, so you won't have to buy (another) again!"

You will often hear these words from the users of products which are ‘MADE IN GERMANY.’ I’m thinking why do the Germans say such things? My own personal experience. I am working in a German enterprise with a history which dates back to more than 200 years. I couldn't understand how a small family workshop could become a global company and survive for such a long time. The answer is the company system and culture which provides support and a means of nurturing talent and hard work.


German apprenticeships are highly effective. Coaching and mentoring their employees to become better. Their salary is higher than other technicians who are of the same age and whom have even got higher degrees.


It’s a Family business. At the end of last year, the census report showed that ninety percent of German companies are small scale, many of them are family orientated and in many different industries. Family businesses are the backbone of the German economy and have gone on to produce exquisite workmanship in any country.


The demand of quality. For a simple process, workers must operate by themselves again and again and be inspected by the QCI(Quality Control Inspector). There is also a pride in their work not to fail.


Employees' sense of identity. A product with more than two thousand processes and yet still be able to find the producer at each stage. After all of the things I have seen and experienced I suddenly felt very proud when I saw a picture of our company's anniversary.



I understand craftsmanship. One person, One life, One focus.





