




K John2I prefer "Emperor Han Wudi" than "Emperor Wu of Han"我更喜欢“汉武帝大帝”而不是“汉武大帝”。


K John2@Henry Yeung I know Di means emperor. But it's just my personal preference to call him "Emperor Han Wudi"知道帝(DI)的意思是皇帝。但我个人喜欢叫他“汉武帝皇帝”。Gary Ang2also it can be read as unparalleled or without a match so thats fun也可以说是无与伦比的或者两者根本是不同的东西,所以这很有趣。Aegys TierOne2 (edited)漢武帝 literally 'Han Warrior Emperor' ....or Warrior Emperor of Han China汉武帝的字面意思是勇敢的汉皇帝或者勇武的中国汉皇帝。


RedKho852Why people called Han Chinese?为什么人们被称中国汉人?



RedKho852@Brain Washington What i asked is why are they called "Han" it surely has a lix to this period.我问的是,他们为什么叫“汉”,这肯定跟这个时期有关系。


RedKho852@Henry Yeung So the common people adapted "Han" somewhat as their ethnicity?所以,普通人在某种程度上适应了“汉”作为他们的种族渊源?


Jonathan2@K John I like having a title so I'm ok with Emperor Wu of Han. Just like i named my dog Henry but his title is Henry The Red, since he is a red German shepherd and named after a character in Army of darkness.我喜欢有头衔,所以我对汉武皇帝( Emperor Wu of Han)没意见。就像我给我的狗取名亨利一样,但它的头衔是红色的亨利,因为它是一只红色的德国牧羊犬,取自《黑暗军团》中的一个角色。


Bat Eater"We have seen above how necessary it is for a prince to have his foundations well laid, otherwise it follows of necessity he will go to ruin. The chief foundations of all states, new as well as old or composite, are good laws and good arms; and as there cannot be good laws where the state is not well armed, it follows that where they are well armed they have good laws." - Niccolò Machiavelli; The Prince; Ch.12: How Many Kinds of Soldiery There Are, and Concerning Mercenaries; 1532“从这里可以得出,君主的根基必须打好,否则必然会走向毁灭。所有国家的主要基础,无论是新的,还是旧的,还是新旧混合的,都得有好的法律和好的武器;如果国家没有好的武装,就不可能有好的法律。因此,哪里有好的武装,哪里就有好的法律。”—尼克尔·马基雅维利;《王储》;第12章:要多少军队;1532年。RazifChina's only Golden Age: Han Tang: Hold my gunpowder. Song: Hold my paper money.中国唯一的黄金时代:汉唐:稳住了,我有火药。宋:别吓到了,我有纸币。Peter MillsMing Dynasty: Hold My Treasure Fleet Hold My New Capital City of Beijing Hold My Forbidden City And Hold My Own Ming Version Of The Great Wall of China! Qing Dynasty: Hold My Opium! 明朝:都稳住,保持定力吧,我有宝藏舰队,新首都北京,紫禁城,明版中国长城!清朝:稳住,我有鸦片Hyltonial IGunpowder was invented in Song. Paper currency started in Yuan火药是宋代发明的。纸币是元代的。Plus Hsu@Peter Mills PRC: Hold My Grand Infrastructure中国:稳住,我有宏大的基础设施。Aizman@Peter Mills Actually Ming was also the first nation in history to field large numbers of cannons and other gunpowder weapons, the only problem was their manufacturing industry hadn't caught up with the advancement in weapons design, otherwise, there might not be a Qing Dynasty.事实上,明朝也是历史上第一个大量生产大炮和其他火药武器的国家,唯一的问题是他们的制造业没有跟上武器设计的更新迭代,否则,可能就不会有清朝了。xiaoriben100@Hyltonial I paper currency originated in Song dynasty. Yuan dynasty made paper bonds.我的纸币起源于宋代。元朝只是制造了纸质债券。Razif@Plus Hsu Yeah but also PRC: Hold my GDP(PPP)是的,但也包括中国:稳住,我有GDP(平价购买力)



Barry Stern@Razif How? Can you provide the balance sheet of both empires for that period?那么? 你能提供这两个帝国在这段时间的资产负债表吗?————————————PrithuTotal War Rise of Han confirmed.《全面战争:汉帝国》得到证实。(游戏)Catmund Sebastian LimHell yea是的Kyle WoodShould have been a total war: mongolia应该来一场《全面战争:蒙古》Cameron BoothA chu Han contention game would be great来一个《楚汉争霸》就好了。————————————Richara GonzalesSweet! I have been really in to Chinese history/mythology since watching the Three Kingdoms tv series, I hope you eventually cover it in as much depth as Rome and Greece太好了!自从看了《三国演义》这部电视连续剧后,我对中国的历史和神话非常感兴趣,我希望你们最终能像罗马和希腊那样深入地报道它。


jacky sunThe greatest Eastern emperor, Han is the east equivalent to west Rome empire.东方最伟大的皇帝,汉相当于东罗马帝国。


matthew mannThe Sino world is generally dominated by Hans中国的世界一般由汉人主宰Nas ChokaA hero of Han Chinese civilization.英雄豪杰汉化的文明。M QYou need to do the spring and autumn period你们需要做春秋战国。abcdef27669"You gained your Empire on horseback, but can you rule on horseback?" 马背得天下,岂能马背上之。


