
英语教案:Unit 1 My day-A Let’s talk 教案,今天小编就来说说关于面试教案要扫描吗?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!




Unit 1 My day-A Let’s talk 教案



1. Knowledge aims:

(1)To understand the dialogue.

(2)To master the sentence pattern: When do you...? and At...o'clock to do simpleask and answer.

2. Ability aims:

Talkabout their daily life in real life.

3.Emotional/Moral aims:

ArouseSs’ interests in English.

二、教学重难点 (Teaching key &difficult points)

1. Teachingkey points:

Understandthe dialogue.

Usethe sentence pattern “When do you...? At...o'clock.” to talk about daily lifein a real situation.

2.Teaching difficult points:

Thepronunciation of “lunch”.

二、教学过程 (Teaching Procedures)

Step 1:Warming up & Leading in


(2)Let's try.

Presentpictures of “Let's try” part and Ss can recognize it. Then, listen to the tapeand tick where are Zhang Peng and Pedro?

Step 2:Presentation

(1)Show the pictures of Zhang Peng and Pedro and encourage Ss to guess what are theytalking about in such a situation? (情境引出对话这个是必须要有的)

Then,listen to the dialogue and find out the answer of “Where does Pedro eat lunch?What are they talking about?” (第一遍听)

Listento the dialogue again and try to finish the chart.

Practiceit by asking and answering: When do you...? I.... at... o’clock.

Step 3:Practice

Readin groups.

Makea new dialogue based on the dialogue between Zhang Peng and Pedro, and then usethe game “Hot potato” to check their dialogue.

Step 4:Consolidation

Createa situation about talking about introducing your daily life to your foreignfriends Thomas.

Step 5:Summary

Sssummarize and teacher gives supplement timely.

Step 6:Homework

Ssare encouraged to interview their friends or family members about timetable.




