




3 年中考题专练


(一)2018 年

1.(2018 山东东营)Patient: 500yuan for pulling a tooth ? It’s only a couple of minutes’ work.

Doctor: Well, I can do it if you like.

A.quietly B.more slowly C.less carefully D.as quickly as I can.

2(. 2018 重庆B 卷)My math teacher lives an active life. She looks as as she was

ten years ago.

A.young B.younger C.the youngest D.youngest 3.(2018 四川南充)---I think that Eric writes as as Betty.

----So he does.

A. more careful B.more carefully C.most carefully D.carefully 4.(2018 四川乐山) It’s reported that Fuxing high-speed train can go as as 350 km

an hour.

----Wow, how amazing!

A. fastest B. faster C. fast 5.(2018 上海)The bridge between the two islands is one in Shanghai.

A.long B.longer C.longest D.the longest

6.(2018 湖北黄冈) How hard you are working, Helen!

----We must! President Xi said that we are, we will be.

A. The more hard-working: the luckier B. the hard-working; the lucky

B. more hard-working; luckier D.the most hard-working; the luckiest

7.(2018 湖北襄阳)High-speed railways have developed rapidly in our country. Today China has

high-speed rail network(铁路网) among all the countries in the world.

A. long B. longer C. the longer D. the longest 8.(2018 天津) Tianjin is one of cities in China.

A. big B. bigger C. the biggest D. the bigger

9.(2018 甘肃白银市)After two years’ physical training ,he was and healthier.

A.weaker B.longer C.stronger D.shorter 10.(2018 江苏扬州) I can't afford the white dress.

----What about the orange one? The price is a little .

A. cheaper B. higher C. lower D. more expensive

11.(2018 山东临沂)Of all the blue holes in the world, Sansha Yongle Blue Hole in the South China Sea is now It is 300.89 meters deep.

A. deeper B. very deep C. as deep as D. the deepest

12(. 2018 山东青岛)Mount Lao is one of mountain in Qingdao. Many tourists like

climbing it every year.

A.famous B.the more famous C.most famous D.the most famous

13.(2018 福建 A 卷)Tony is the best student in the class because he works than the others.

A. hard B. harder C. hardest

14.(2018 贵州黔东南、黔西南、黔南) you practice, you will be at math.

A. The more; the better B. The more; the best

C. The most; the better D. The most; the be 15.(2018 北京)Tony is of the three boys, but he is the tallest.

A. young B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest

16.(2018 江西)---Could I speak to Paul? I phoned .

---Sorry , he is still in his meeting.

A. late B. earlier C. earliest D. later 17.(2018 甘肃武威)After two years physical training he was and healthier.

A. weaker B. longer C. stronger D. shorter

18. ( 2018 江苏宿迁) The local guide spoke she could to make the visitors understand her.

A. as clear as B. as clearly as C. so clear as D. so clearly as

19.(2018 河南) Why don’t you get yourself a job ?

----That’s said than done.

A.easy B.easier C.the easier D.the easiest 20.(2018 四川达州) Roy never likes junk food.

----Neither do I.That's probably why I'm becoming now.

A.healthy and weak B.healthier and healthier

C.weaker and weaker D.more and more healthily

21.(2018 内蒙呼和浩特)— Many boy students think physics is geography.

— I agree.I’ m weak in geography. A.much difficult than B.as difficult as C.less difficult than D.more difficult than

22.(2018 江苏连云港)The Shape of Water was a big winner at the 90th Academy Awards, winning four Oscars: Best Production Design, Best Score, Best Director and Best Picture.

A. as soon as B. as well as C. as much as D. as good as

23(. 2018 四川乐山)---It’s reported that Fuxing high-speed train can go as as 350

km an hour.

----Wow, how amazing!

A. fastest B. faster C. fast

24.(2018 湖南邵阳) Guangzhou is one of cities in China.

A. the biggest B. big C. bigger

25.(2018 江苏盐城) What's time you're willing to wait for Waimai food?

---- Ten minutes at most.

A. long B. longer C. the longer D. the longest

26.(2018 江苏南京) “Reading Pavilion”, which entered Luhe Library this spring, has made it for the citizens to experience the pleasure of reading than before.

A. easy B. easier C. easily D. more easily

27.(2018 四川眉山)—Next Monday is our mother’s birthday. Let’s buy some cards for her.

—Why not make some ourselves? It will be much .

A.interesting B. more interesting

C.most interesting D. the most interesting 28.(2018 山东滨州)—Home is place wherever you go.

—Yes. There’s no place like home.

A. warm B. warmer C. warmest D. the warmest 29.(2018 四川凉山)Of all the subjects, chemistry seems to be for me.

A. difficult B. too difficult C. more difficult D. the most difficult

30.(2018 黑龙江绥化)Alice is one of the twins.

A .the taller B .taller C. tallest

31.(2018 长春) Hi, Jane! I’ll go to Shijiazhuang next month.

---Great! The glass bridge there is than any other one in the world.

A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest

(二)2019 年

1.(2019 浙江金华)Nobody worked the math problem out. It was one of all.

A. easier B.the easiest C.more difficult D. the most difficult

2.(2019 四川自贡) —I don’t want this book because of the price. May I have another one?

—How about this one? It is as interesting as that one and expensive.

A. more B. less C. little

3(. 2019 山东青岛)To make rivers than before, everybody is supposed to protect


A. dirty B. dirtier C. clean D. cleaner

4.(2019 浙江温州)The living room becomes as the sunlight comes in through the windows.

A.bigger B.cleaner C.quieter D.brighter 5.(2019 四川达州)---Maling’s Chinese isn’t so as Wangming’s.

I know them very much. But now Maling studies than Wangming does.

A.good; harder B.good; hard C.better; harder D.better; better

6.(2019 江西)---What do you think of the band’s performance ?

---It could be . I think they’re feeling very nervous.

A.good B.better C.bad D.worse 7 ( 2019 重庆 B 卷) The Hong Kong---Zhuhai---Macau Bridge , the world’s

cross--sea bridge, won another international prize in December ,2018.

A.long B.longer C.longest D.the longest

8(2019 江苏宿迁)LeBron James is one of players in the NBA. He is my hero.

A. better B. the best C. worse D. the worst 9.(2019 四川凉山州)—Home is place wherever you go.

—East or west, home is the best.

A. warm B. warmer C. warmest D. the warmest 10.(2019 四川南充)---Who sings in your class?

- ---Li Jing does.

A. most beautifully B. most beautiful C. more beautifully D. more beautiful

11.(2019 天津)Jenny will get up than usual in order to catch the first bus.

A. early B.very early C.earlier D.earliest


2019 甘肃庆阳)After two years physical training, he was and healthier.

A. weaker B. longer C. stronger D. shorter

13(. 2019 四川成都)Compared with newspaper or TV, the Internet offers people


A.much B.more C.most

14.(2019 江苏苏州)The flying squirrel might be one of animals you could meet during the trip.

A. strange B. stranger C. strangest D. the strangest

15.(2019 甘肃敦煌)Sam is 11 years old.Peter is 16 years old.Peter is 5 years than Sam.

A.older B.shorter C.newer D.longer

16.(2019 四川内江)—Time is money.

—But I think time is money.

A.as important as B.more important than C.the most important D.less important as

17.(2019 湖南郴州)— This T-shirt is a bit expensive for me.

— But this is one in our shop, sir.

A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheapest

18.(2019 广东) Fishing is one of activities among the middle-aged people.

A. popular B. more popular

C. most popular D. the most popular

19.(2019 广东)A mobile phone with 5G can send videos much than the one with 4G.

A.fast B. faster C. fastest D. the fastest

20.(2019 湖北襄阳) — Who runs in your class?

— Tom does. None of us can catch him in the race.

A. faster B. slower C. fastest D. slowest 21.(2019 湖北孝感) How do you like this plan?

A. Perfect. B. Terrible. C. Meaningless D. Awful

22.(2019 湖北孝感)一 There will be no winner in the trade war between China and the US.

— I agree. If we can't avoid it, the relationship will get as time goes on.

A. bad B. badly C. worse D. worst 23.(2019 湖北黄冈)—Mike plays the drums so wonderfully!

—Of course. He is than any other students in his class.

A. talented B. more talented C. less talented D. the most


24.(2019 湖南益阳)Lin Tao, a student of Grade 9, is boy in our school.

A. tall B. taller C. the tallest 25.(2019 河北) The High Speed Rail is amazing. It makes travel .

A. easier B. harder C. higher D. slower

26.(2019 湖南长沙)Of the two physics problems, Martha just finished one.

A.the most difficult B.the least difficult C.the less difficult

27.(2019 湖北咸宁)—The 55—kilometer HZMB(港珠澳大桥)opened to the public on Oct. 24th. 2018.'

—It is cross—sea bridge in the world, linking Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao.

A. long B. longer C. longest D.the longest

28.(2019 贵州安顺) Roy never likes junk food.

----Neither do I. That's probably why I'm becoming now.

A. healthy and healthy B. more and more healthily

C. weaker and weaker D. healthier and healthier 29.(2019 四川眉山) — Mum, could you buy me a dress like this, please?

— Of course. We can buy one than this, but it.

A. a better; better than B. a worse; as good as

C. a cheaper; as good as D. a more important; not as good as 30.(2019 福建) You are singing to the plants!

----That’s true. I believe it helps them grow .

A.slower B.better C.harder 31.(2019 呼和浩特) He is planning to walk on the wings of a flying plane.

----What ? I have never heard of idea before.

A.a crazier B.the crazier C.a craziest D.the craziest 32.(2019 湖南湘潭) What subject do you like, English , math or physics?

---- Of course, English.

A.good B.better C.best

33.(2019 北京)Julie takes good care of the family dog. She is than her


A. patient B. more patient

C. most patient D. the most patient

34.(2019 湖北黄石)---Do you know Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macao Bridge(港珠澳大桥)?

---Yes, It is cross- sea bridge in the world.

A. the longer B.longest C.the longest D.longer 35.(2019 湖北鄂州)---Paul, do you prefer weekdays or weekends?

---Weekdays, of course. I’m on weekends.

A. busy B. much busier C. more busier D. the busiest 36.(2019 湖南怀化)Of the three books, the blue one is .

A.cheap B.cheaper C.the cheapest

37.(2019 湖南岳阳)Tina is as as her sister , Tara.

A.outgoing B.more outgoing C.the most outgoing

38.(2019 湖南株洲)”Actions speak than words” as the saying goes.

A.loud B.louder C.loudest

39.(2019 湖南邵阳)---Shaoyang has changed a lot in the past few years.

---Yes. It’s getting .

A.clean B.cleaner C.cleanest

40.(2019 贵州毕节)Does the dish taste as as it looks?

A. well B. best C. good D. better 41.(2019 湖南湘西)---What do you think of English ?

---I think English is as as Chinese.

A. useful B.more useful C.the most useful 42.(2019 湖南湘西)---Do you know that China is one of countries in the world?

----Yes, I do. It’s much than the US.

A.the oldest; older B.old; older C.older; older

43. ( 2019 河南) More and more people agree that expressions such as “LOL” and “hahaha” are making our speech more direct but interesting and creative.

A. less B.more C.the least D. the most

44.(2019 大庆)---If there are people driving, there will be air pollution.

---Yes, and the air will be fresher.

A.less, less B.less; fewer C.fewer; fewer D.fewer; less

45.(2019 黑龙江绥化)Bill says, “ Robinson Crusoe is interesting than Tom Sawyer”

A.very more B.more much C.much more


2019 四川广元)Taking a subway in Chengdu is much than taking a taxi.

A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest

47.(2019 四川德阳)Tony is of the three boys, but he is the tallest.

A.young B.younger C.youngest D.the youngest 48.(2019 四川遂宁)Shanghai is one of in the world.

A.the biggest cities B.biggest cities C. the biggest city D. bigger cities

49. ( 2019 贵阳) Everyone wants to win the contest . But I think it is to learn something and have fun.

A.the most important B.important C.more important 50.(2019 贵州黔西南)Does it often taste as as it looks ?

A.well B.best C.good D.better

51.(2019 广西河池)Linda is of the three girls, but she is the tallest.

A.young B.younger C.youngest D.the youngest

52.(2019 广西柳州)Peter studies of all the students in his class.

A.hard B.harder C.hardest

53.(2019 广西百色)Wang Wei speaks English as as Yang Lan . They both study English hard.

A.good B.well C.better D.best 54.(2019 广西百色)Tea is one of drink in the world.

A.more popular B.the more popular C. most popular D.the most


55.(2019 广西桂林)Of all the students in my class, Lily studies .

A.most carefully B.carefully C.more carefully

56.(2019 北京)Julie takes good care of the family dog. She is than her brother.

A. patient B. more patient

C. most patient D. the most patient

57.(2019 海南)Shanghai has a population than that in many other cities.

A.large B.larger C.largest

58(. 2019 昆明) Tom cannot run as as his friends, so he practices running very


A.fast B.faster C.slow D.slower

59.(2019 青海) You have made such a great progress on your English.

----Thanks. I believe you work, you will be.

A.the less, the better B.the harder , the better C.the better, the worse

60.(2019 辽宁盘锦)—Lucy, our father’s birthday is coming. Let’s buy a card for him.

—Why not make one by ourselves? It will be than buying one.

A. meaningful B. much meaningful

C. more meaningful D. the most meaningful

61.(2019 江苏无锡) Guess what? The university has accepted my application!

---Wow! That’s new I’ve heard this year, Boris! Let’s celebrate.

A. a worse B. the worst C. a better D. the best 62.(2019 河北)The High Speed Rail is amazing. It makes travel .

A. easier B. harder C. higher D. slower

63.(2019 江苏镇江)Because of the flood, there are tourists in that ancient town this year than last year.

A. more B. most C. fewer D. fewest

64.(2019 江苏南通) —Would you like to go to the city and live with us, Granny?

—Oh, dear, I’m used to the life in the country. I think life here is .

A. more comfortable B. less comfortable

C. the most comfortable D. the least comfortable 65.(2019 甘肃天水)—What do you think of the environment in your hometown?

—It's . Both the air and the water are badly polluted.

A. not bad B. as good as before

C. much better than before D.not as good as before

(三)2020 年

1.(2020 年贵州铜仁)—Your handwriting is beautiful.

—Thank you, I write than before.

A. careful B. more careful C. more carefully D. carefully

2(. 2020 年贵州黔东南州)Fishing is one of activities among the middle—aged

men like my uncles.

A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most


3.(2020 年贵州黔东南州)There is milk in the fridge, is there?

A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 4.(2020 年新疆建设兵团)— I think it's necessary to learn how to work in groups.

—I agree. Sometimes it's even than grades.

A. more important B. less important

C. the least important D. can't

5(. 2020 年重庆B 卷)You've done a good job, and I'm sure you can do it .

A. worse B. worst C. better D. best 6.(2020 年山东滨州)---Could you tell why you learn English so well?

---It’s very simple. you study, grades you will get.

A.The harder, better B.The harder, the better

C.Harder, better D.Harder, the better

7(. 2020 年江苏苏州)In North America, meat eaters are bears and mountain lions.

They eat smaller animals such as rabbits and mice.

A.smallest B.the smallest C.largest D.the largest 8.(2020 年四川甘孜州)—Which is , the blue one or the red one?

—The blue one.

A. good B. better C. best

9.(2020 年四川达州)Of the two math problems, I can just work out one.

A. the less difficult B. more difficult

C. the more difficult D. less difficult

10(. 2020 年贵州安顺)If we are interested in something,our brain is and it is also

easier for us to pay attention to it for a long time.

A. active B. more active C. the most active

11.(2020 年黑龙江龙东)Treasure Island is the most novel I have read.

A. interesting;which B. interesting;that C. interested;that

12(. 2020 年哈尔滨)—Sarah, I'm a very slow reader. Could you give me some advice to

improve my reading speed?

—Well, keep on reading something you enjoy. The more you read, you'll be.

A. the slower B. the fresher C. the faster

13.(2020 年北京)Zhaozhou Bridge is one of stone bridges in the world

A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest

14.(2020 年四川凉山)Putting out forest fire is regarded as one of problems in the world.

A. difficult B. more difficult C. most difficult D. the most difficult

15.(2020 年黑龙江绥化) I think Mark is of all the boys in our class.

A. most outgoing B. more outgoing C. the most outgoing

16. ( 2020 年 甘 肃 武 威 、 张 掖 、 酒 泉 、 金 昌 、 陇 南 )

It was a hundred times than 'd expected.

A.fun B.more fun C.the most fun D.funny

17(. 2020 年黑龙江大庆)— How do you like Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

— It is book I since Grade Two.

A. the most interested; have read B. a more interested; read

C. the most interesting; have read D. a more interesting; read

18.(2020 年四川广元)Sam didn't jump so as Jim in yesterday's sports meeting.

A. high B. higher C. highly 19.(2020 年四川遂宁)The young man was of all the performers.

A. more creative B. much creative C. the most creative D. the


20.(2020 年湖南怀化)With the help of Chinese government, the people in poor areas have a life than before.

A. good B. better C. best

21.(2020 年甘肃庆阳) Sam

is 11 years old. Peter is 16 years old. Peter is 5 years than Sam.

A. older B. shorter C. newer D. longer

22(. 2020 年江西)I’m pretty good at tennis. Actually, I’m probably in the club.

A. worse B. good C. better D. the best

23.(2020 年山东青岛)My People, My Country is movie I’ve ever seen. A.more educational B.the most educational C.educationalD.less educational

24.(2020 年江苏盐城)Our country now has high-speed rail network in the world.

A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest

25.(2020 年湖北襄阳)--- Wang Lin did in the final exam this term again.

--- That’s not strange. He always gets full marks in all of his subjects.

A. worst B. worse C. best D. better

26.(2020 年甘肃天水)The glass bridge in Shijiazhuang is than any other one in China.

A. long B. the longest C. longest D. longer

27.(2020 年湖南岳阳)China is over 5,000 years old. It has a much history than the USA.

A. long B. longer C. longest 28.(2020 年天津)This street is much than that one.

A. wide B. wider C. widest D. the


29.(2020 年辽宁抚顺)—Can I keep the book a little ? I haven't finished reading it yet.

—Sorry. You have to return it on time.

A. shorter B. bigger C. longer D. smaller 30.(2020 年辽宁锦州)—You have made great progress on your study.

—Thank you. I believe you work, the better grades you will get.

A. the more careless B. the more careful

C. the worse D. the harder

31(. 2020 年辽宁丹东)Amy has read many history books, so she learns history

of all the subjects.

A. well B. bad C. best D. worst 32.(2020 年湖南湘西)With the help of the government, my hometown becomes

than before.

A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. the most beautiful 33.(2020 年江苏无锡)—How is your cold, Tom? Did you take the medicine?

—Yes, three times a day. But it’s getting , I suppose. I have a headache today.

A. worse B. worst C. better D. best 34.(2020 年湖南郴州) —Have you ever seen the show America’ Got Talent?

—Yes. I think it is as as Star Avenue.

A. interesting B. more interesting C. the most interesting

35.(2020 年江苏泰州)I will volunteer for a two-day home stay for an exchange student from the UK. I consider it a good chance to show Chinese food our kindness.

A. as well as B. so well as C. as good as D. so good as

36.(2020 年山东菏泽)China is almost as as the US,and it is the country in Asia.

A.big;bigger B.big;biggest C.bigger;biggest

37.(2020 年湖北咸宁)—Does the dish taste as as it looks? —Yes. I can't wait to eat it.

A. well B. good C. better D. best

38(2020 年湖北黄冈)—Chinese mountain climbers got to the top of Qomolangma again in 2020!

—How exciting!Qomolangma is one of_____places for serious mountain climbers.

A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular 39.(2020 年湖北鄂州)—I'm proud of Ezhou, our homeland.

—So am I. It is becoming .

A. more and more beautifully B. more beautiful and beautiful

C. more and more beautiful D. more beautifully and beautifully 40.(2020 年辽宁营口)---Tom, how are you feeling today ?

---Much . I don’t think I can go to school tomorrow.

A.better B.worse C.healthier D.happier

41(2020 年河北)Helen is the person in her family. Her two elder sisters are both married.

A.older B.oldest C.younger D.youngest

42(. 2020 年昆明)Garbage-sorting(垃圾分类) encourages people to live life

than before. It makes the earth a better place to live in.

A. a greener B the greenest C a wilder D the wildest

43.(2020 年湖北十堰)— Super brain is a hit TV show recently. Which competitor do you like best?

— I think Zhao Jinhao is one of competitors among them.

A. smart B. smarter C. smartest D. the smartest

44.(2020 年青海)— She was the best seller in the company and her boss gave her a special ten-day holiday.

— That’s so cool. She sold out products than any others last year.

A. the most B. more C. fewer

45(. 2020 年上海)Balanced diets are just as as regular exercise in our daily life.

A.important B.more important

C.most important D.the most important

46.(2020 年吉林) ---who is the runner, Mike or Sam?

---Mike is. He is good at running.

A. faster B. slower C. weaker

47.(2020 年甘肃武威)It was a hundred times than I'd expected.

A. fun B. more fun C. the most fun D. funny

48.(2020 年湖北黄石) I think Jay chou’s “Mojito” is than his last song.

A. more better B. the best C. much better D. more good

49.(2020 年江苏徐州)My grandma is a really nice person — one of people I know.

A. nice B. nicer C. nicest D. the nicest

50(. 2020 年江苏南通)Compared with a 1-day weekend, a 2-day weekend is as

we may have enough time for our hobbies.

A. more pleasant B. less pleasant

C. the most pleasant D. the least pleasant

51.(2020 年四川攀枝花)—Mary, do you prefer weekdays or weekends?

—Of course weekends. Because I'm on weekdays.

A. busiest B. busy C. the busiest D. much busier 52.(2020 年广西贵港)—What is river in China?

—The Yangtze River. It's about 6,300 kilometers long.

A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest

53.(2020 年辽宁沈阳)Emma loves animals and looks after her pet dog than her friends.

A. carefully B. more carefully C. most carefully D. the most carefully


(I)2018 年

1. (山东威海)


2. (湖北恩施).


Nowadays. Payment Online makes our lives convenient.

(II)2019 年1.(2019 山东滨州)

The harder you work, the luckier you will become.(译为汉语)

2. (2019 山东潍坊)


3.(2019 湖北随州)


The kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their .

4.(2019 湖北宜昌)


The earlier kids learn to be independent, it is for their future.

5.(2019 山东威海)


6.(2019 辽宁本溪)

5G 来了!它将使我们的生活越来越好。

5G is coming! It will make our life .

7.(2019 辽宁铁岭)


(III)2020 年

1.(2020 年贵州黔西南州)

Qomolangma (珠穆朗玛) is higher than any other mountain in the world. (改为同义句) Qomnolangma is mountain in the world.

2. (2020 年重庆 A 卷)

瞧!我们大都长得和老师一样高啦! (完成译句)

Look! Most of us have grown tall our teachers! 3. (2020 年四川达州)

Shanghai is the biggest city in China. (改为同义句)

Shanghai is any other city in China.

4. (2020 年黑龙江绥化)

China is the greatest country in the world.(改为同义句)

China is greater than country in the world.

5. (2020 年江苏连云港)

Pingshu is my grandma’s favourite. It’s (最传统的之一) art forms in China.

6. (2020 年甘肃武威、张掖、酒泉、金昌、陇南)


China is the countries which have the largest number of rivers.

7. (2020 年辽宁丹东)

一个人书读得越多,就会变得越聪明。The more books a person reads, . 8. (2020 年湖北宜昌)


Watching the tea preparation is just drinking the tea itself. 9. (2020 年辽宁营口)


10. (2020 年湖北随州)


Is Qomolangma the mountain in the world?



(一)2018 年

1~5DADCD;6~10ADCCC; 11~15DDBAD; 16~20BCBBB;21~25CBCAD;


(二)2019 年

1~5DBDDA; 6~10DDBDA; 11~15CCBDA; 16~20BCDBC; 21~25CCBCA;

26~30CDDCB; 31~35BCBCC; 36~40DCABC;41~45AAADC; 46~50BDAAC;

51~55DCBDA; 56~60BBABC; 61~65DACAD

(三)2020 年

1~5CDDAC; 6~10BDBAB; 11~15BCDDC;


26~30DBBCD; 31~35CBAAA; 36~40BBDCB;




(I)2018 年:

1.Football is more popular than tennis, but tennis is my favorite. 2.more and more

(II)2019 年:

1. 你工作越努力,你就变得越幸运。

2. Our country is becoming more and more powerful./Our country is becoming stronger

and stronger.

3. earlier, future.

4. Better.

5. What/Which kind of animals is the heaviest on land?

6. Better and better

7. The more (books)we read,the more we will/can get.

(III)2020 年:

1. the highest

2. as, as

3. bigger than

4. any other

5. the most traditional

6. one of

7. the cleverer he will become

8. as enjoyable as

9. I believe that our country will becoming stronger and stronger.

10. most dangerous


