'Butterfly Effect' and Chain Reactions
导读:在英语里,连锁反应(chain reactions)有很多种说法,有蝴蝶效应(butterfly effect)、涟漪作用(ripple effect)、多米诺骨牌效应( domino effect)、滚雪球效应( snowball effect)等,其中除滚雪球效应( snowball effect)是只用来描述坏事外,其他说好事或坏事时都可以用。
1)I am not going to lie to you: Not all bugs are created equal.
We like some insects and hate others.
2)For example, if you see a big cockroach run across the floor, you might run for the insecticide spray.But if you see a brightly colored butterfly landing on a flower outside your window, you probably will not spray it with poison.
cockroach:英 [ˈkɒkrəʊtʃ] 美 [ˈkɑːkroʊtʃ] n. 蟑螂
3)Butterflies are beautiful both in their appearance and movements.
4)They flutter. This means they move their wings back and forth very quickly. The word "flutter" even goes very nicely with the word "butterfly." Butterflies flutter by.
flutter:英 [ˈflʌtə(r)] 1. [V , VN] when a bird or an insect flutters its wings, or its wings flutter , the wings move lightly and quickly up and down(鸟或昆虫)拍(翅),振(翅),鼓(翼) 2. [V adv./prep.] (of a bird or an insect 鸟或昆虫) to fly somewhere moving the wings quickly and lightly 飞来飞去;翩翩飞舞
e.g. The butterfly fluttered from flower to flower. 蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去。
5)Other things can flutter, like a sail on a boat that flutters in the wind. Flutter can also mean to move in an uneven, irregular way. When two people are in love, you can say their hearts are "all a flutter.”
其他的东西也可以flutter,如船上的帆迎风破浪;”flutter”还可以表达:不均匀、不规则的运动,如当两个人相爱了,你可以说他们的心“怦怦乱跳”(”all a flutter”)。
flutter:[V] (of your heart, etc. 心脏等) to beat very quickly and not regularly 怦怦乱跳;扑腾
6)The butterfly effect is a theory. It claims that one small action can lead to major events. For example, a butterfly fluttering its wings can have a great effect -- like producing a storm -- in another part of the world.
7)But this expression is not just used by great thinkers, you know, philosophers. Every small decision you make can have a butterfly effect in your own life.
8)For example, let's say that one night you agree to meet friends at the movies. On the way, you stop to help a man with a broken bicycle. This makes you late and you miss the movie. But the man is thankful. He gives you his card and invites you to lunch.
9)As it turns out he is a book publisher who offers to look at a book you have just finished writing. Your stopping to help him led to events in your life happening very differently.
后来发现他是个图书出版商,他很乐意看一看你刚刚写完的书。 你的一个小小的助人的举动让你的生活发生了不一样的变化。
10)Now, you may hear other expressions that mean about the same thing. We also have the ripple effect. If you throw something into a body of still water, it cause ripples in the water, one leading to the next.
你可能还听过其他的类似表达,如ripple effect(涟漪作用);如果你往静止的水里扔个东西,水面会荡起涟漪,一件事情会引发另外一件事情。
11)Then there is the domino effect. Dominoes is a game where you stack up domino tiles close to each other. You push one which falls into the next, which falls into the next, and so on and so on – until they are all down.
还有多米诺骨牌效应( domino effect):多米诺是一种游戏,你把多米诺骨牌一个一个整齐地码在一起,推倒其中一块,这块骨牌倒向下一块,再下一块,不停地倒,直到最后一块倒下。
stack (sth) (up):to arrange objects neatly in a pile; to be arranged in this way(使)放成整齐的一叠(或一摞、一堆)
12)The snowball effect is when something small gets worse and worse over time. Imagine a ball of snow rolling down a hill getting bigger and bigger as it collects more snow.滚雪球效应( snowball effect)是:坏事一件接着一件。想象一下一个雪球从山上滚下来,越滚越大,因为雪越滚越多。
13)We usually use "to snowball" only for bad things. We use the others for both good and bad events.
14)One big difference is that we can say something dominoed, or snowballed or even rippled. Although that one is less common. However, we do not say something butterflied.
15)These expressions are all chain reactions. They all mean that one thing leads to the next, to the next and so on.这些表达都是“连锁反应”(chain reactions),意思都是“一件事情引发了另一件事情,再一件事情,无休无止”。