
MED comes from Latin verb mederi "to heal, to attend to", mederi的变体形式为medicus" healing, medicial" or"physician, surgeon"其变体形式为MEDIC, From PIE root *med "take appropriate measures".



meditate['mɛdɪtet] TEM8 <med = attend to > ate动词后缀 表示强调意识到--> 沉思 vt. 考虑;计划;企图 vi. 冥想;沉思

COLLINS: v-i if you meditate on something, you think about it very carefully and deeply for a long time. 深思; v-i if you meditate you remain in a silent and calm state for a period of time, as part of a religious training or so that you are more able to deal with the problems and difficulties of everyday life. 冥想

拓展: meditation [,mɛdɪ'teʃən] n. 冥想;沉思,深思;静坐 meditative ['mɛdɪtetɪv] adj. 冥想的,沉思的;耽于默想的 deep in meditation 陷入沉思

e.g. i was meditating, and reached a higher state of consciousness. 我正在冥想,并进入了一种更高的意识境界

remedy ['rɛmədi] <re = again> <med = heal > 再次恢复--> CET4 TEM4 vt. 补救;治疗;纠正 n. 补救;治疗;赔偿

COLLINS: n-count a remedy is a successful way of dealing with a problem. 解决办法; n-count a remedy is something that is intended to cure you when you are ill or in pain.治疗; 疗法; 药品; v-t if you remedy something that is wrong or harmful, you correct it or improve it. 补救; 纠正; 改善

e.g. good remedy for colds 好的感冒药 beyond remedy 没有补救的方法的


medical ['mɛdɪkl] <medic = heal> al 形容词后缀 --> 医疗的 CET4 TEM4 adj. 医学的;药的;内科的 n. 医生;体格检查

COLLINS: adj medical means relating to illness and injuries and to their treatment or prevention. 医学的; 医疗的 [adj n]; n-count a medical is a thorough examination of your body by a doctor, for example before you start a new job. 全面体检 [英国英语]

拓展: medicine [ˈmedɪsn; mɛdəsn] n. 药;医学;内科;巫术 vt. 用药物治疗;给…用药 take medicine(s) 吃药

e.g. medical attendant 私人保健医生 medical care 医疗 medical checkup 体检

medicament [mɪ'dɪkəm(ə)nt; 'medɪk-] <medic = heal> n. 药剂;医药 vt. 用药物治疗n. 药剂;医药 vt. 用药物治疗

COLLINS: n a medicine or remedy in a specified formulation .药剂

medicate ['mɛdɪ,ket] <medic = to heal> ate动词后缀 --> vt. 用药治疗;加药品于

COLLINS: v to cover or impregnate (a wound, etc) with an ointment, cream, etc 涂药

拓展: medication ['mɛdɪ'keʃən] n. 药物;药物治疗;药物处理['mɛdɪ'keʃən]

medicinal [mɪ'dɪsənəl] <medic = to heal> adj. 药的;药用的;治疗的(等于medicinable);有益的

COLLINS: adj medicinal substances or substances with medicinal effects can be used to treat and cure illnesses. 药用的

拓展: medicinal preparation for both internal and external use 内服药和外用药的制作材料.

medico ['mɛdɪko] <medic = to heal> -o 来源于 -us n后缀 n. 医师;医科学生

COLLINS: n a doctor or medical student 医生; 医校学生

Medicare ['mɛdɪ,kɛr] <mecial care > n. (美国) 国家老年人医疗保险制度

Medicaid ['medi,keid] <medical aid > n. (美)医疗补助计划



