
二十四节气夏历是一种古老的阴阳合历,相传起源于夏朝,距今4000多年二十四节气是中国夏历中的阳历部分,其依据地球在黄道(即地球绕太阳公转的轨道)上的位置来划分的太阳从春分点(黄经零度,此刻太阳垂直照射赤道)出发,每前进15度为一个节气;运行一周又回到春分点,为一回归年,合360度,因此分为24个节气公元前104年,由邓平等制定的《太初历》,正式把二十四节气订于历法,明确了二十四节气的天文位置至今已经沿用了2000多年 2006年5月20日,“二十四节气”作为民俗项目经国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录2016年11月30日,中国“二十四节气”被正式列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录,今天小编就来说说关于二十四个节气中英文?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!




夏历是一种古老的阴阳合历,相传起源于夏朝,距今4000多年。二十四节气是中国夏历中的阳历部分,其依据地球在黄道(即地球绕太阳公转的轨道)上的位置来划分的。太阳从春分点(黄经零度,此刻太阳垂直照射赤道)出发,每前进15度为一个节气;运行一周又回到春分点,为一回归年,合360度,因此分为24个节气。公元前104年,由邓平等制定的《太初历》,正式把二十四节气订于历法,明确了二十四节气的天文位置。至今已经沿用了2000多年。 2006年5月20日,“二十四节气”作为民俗项目经国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。2016年11月30日,中国“二十四节气”被正式列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。

24 solar terms

The Xia calendar is an ancient combination calendar of yin and yang which was said that it originated in the Xia Dynasty and has a history of more than 4000 years. The 24 solar terms are the part of the Chinese lunar calendar, according to the position of the earth on the ecliptic (the earth's orbit around the sun). The sun sets out from the Beginning of Spring point (longitude zero, now the sun is perpendicular to the equator), and every 15 degrees forward is a solar term; it returns to the Beginning of Spring point for a week and it is a tropical year, 360-degree, so it is divided into 24 solar terms. In 104 B.C., the Taichu Calendar, formulated by Deng Ping, formally set the 24 solar terms in the calendar and defined the astronomical position of it. It has been used for more than 2000 years until now. On May 20,2006,”24 solar terms”,as folk custom items,was approved to enrol into the first batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage by the State Council. On November 30, 2016, "24 solar terms"of China was officially listed in the UNESCO representative list of human intangible cultural heritage.


24 solar terms is a kind of calendar expression based on the belief of yin and yang, which has the religious and humanistic value of the unity of heaven and human with Chinese characteristics. Taiji produces Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang produce five elements; Yin and Yang, the five elements, produce men, women and everything. Yin Qi denotes biochemistry, and Yang Qi indicates active. Yang Qi rises from the Winter Solstice, and being extremely prosperous in the Summer Solstice;Yin Qi rises from the Summer Solstice, and being extremely prosperous in the Winter Solstice.The changes of Yin and Yang in the 24 solar terms are the seasonal guideline for Chinese to cultivate themselves. People should obey the idea of harmony between heaven and human, make clear of virtue, people,and aiming at absolute perfection.



The Beginning of Spring(Li Chun)

The Beginning of Spring is the first solar term of 24 solar terms, at 315 degrees of the Yellow longitude of the Sun. Its meaning is to enter into the new year, all things are revived, and vigorous. The ancients took "spring" as the vitality, and The Beginning of Spring is a new and correct beginning, so as to pray for new opportunities. The Beginning of Spring is around the New year of Xia calender, when Yang qi gradually raise,commonly known as "the spring comes in full form."



Rain Water(Yu Shui)

Rain Water is at 330 degrees of the Yellow longitude of the Sun.At this time, the spring breeze blows everywhere, the ice and snow melt, the air is moist, the rain increases, so it is called Rain Water.People often say, "the Beginning of Spring is getting warmer, Rain Water is busy to spread fertilizer." The whole year's work depends on a good start in spring”.Time is fleeting and inspiring.



The Waking of Insects(Jing Zhe)

The Waking of Insects is at 345 degrees of the Yellow longitude of the Sun.This solar term means that after the Beginning of Spring, the weather turns warm, spring thunder begins to ring, and all kinds of hibernating animals that lie dormant in the soil will wake up and begin to move, so called The Waking of Insects.



The Spring Equinox(Chun Fen)

The Spring Equinox is at 0 degree of yellow longitude of the sun. Half, means equal. On the Spring Equinox,sun is above the equator, day and night equal. Since then, the Northern Hemisphere has a long day and a short night. After the Spring Equinox, swallows came from South, thunder and lightning increased when it rained, and winter crops get into the spring growth stage.



Pure Brightness(Qing Ming)

Pure Brightness is at 15 degrees of yellow longitude of the sun which means pure and bright. Pure Brightness is the season of phenology, with the meaning of clear weather and lush vegetation. Before and after the Pure Brightness, there are customs of trampling green, cold food and sweeping tombs among the people. As the saying goes,Pure Brightness break Snow, Grain Rain break Frost.


谷雨在太阳黄经30度。俗话说:“雨生百谷。” 雨量充足而及时,谷类作物能够茁壮生长。谚云:“谷雨前后,种瓜种豆。”

Grain Rain(Gu Yu)

Grain Rain is at 30 degrees yellow longitude of the sun. As the saying goes, "Rain produces grain." When rain is sufficient and timely, grain crops can thrive. There is also a saying,it is a high time to seed melon and bean before and after Grain Rain,



The Beginning of Summer(Li Xia)

The Beginning of Summer is at 45 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun. It is the beginning of summer. From then on, everything grows vigorously. It is customary to regard the Beginning of Summer as one of the most important solar terms for crop growth in the peak season, the temperature rising significantly, the heat season approaching, the thunderstorms increasing.



Lesser Fullness of Grain(Xiao Man)

Lesser Fullness of Grain is at 60 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun. Wheat and other summer crops are milk-ripe, and the grain begins to be full, but not yet ripe, so called Grain full.



Grain in Beard(Mang Zhong)

Grain in Beard is at 75 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun. "Mang" means a crop with awns, such as wheat and barley, "Zhong" means a seed. Grain in Beard is a solar term reflecting the phenomena of agriculture, which is characterized by the maturity of awn crops such as wheat.



The Summer Solstice(Xia Zhi)

The Summer Solstice is at 90 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun.This day,direct sunlight is above the Tropic of Cancer.The sun is highest at noon in the Northern Hemisphere,the longest day and the shortest night in the Northern Hemisphere. From this day on,hot season coming,all things grow most vigorously.



Lesser Heat(Xiao Shu)

Lesser heat is at 105 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun. Summer means the intense heat. The weather is already very hot, but not yet the hottest time, so it is called Lesser heat .



Greater heat(Da Shu)

Greater heat is at 120 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun.It’s the hottest solar term in a year and rains a lot.So people should pay attention to flood control and waterlogging prevention.



The Beginning of Autumn(Li Qiu)

The Beginning of Autumn is at 135 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun. Autumn coming,the sky is clear,the air is crisp,the moon is bright and breeze is cool.Since then,the temperature has gradually dropped.



The End of Heat(Chu Shu)

The End of Heat is at 150 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun."Chu" means to hide and stop. "The End of Heat" means the end of hot summer day. It is a solar term reflecting changes in temperature and a turning point for temperature drops.



White Dew(Bai Lu)

White Dew is at 165 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun. The weather becomes cool, the temperature decreases, and the water vapor condenses on the ground or near-Earth objects. So it is called White Dew.



The Autumn Equinox(Qiu Fen)

The Autumn Equinox is at 180 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun.It is the same as the Spring Equinox,the sun shines almost directly on the equator and day and night are equal.



Cold Dew(Han Lu)

Cold Dew is at 195 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun. The temperature is lower than that of the White Dew. The dew is more dewy and colder. It is about to condense into frost.



Frost’s Descent(Shuang Jiang)

Frost’s Descent is at 210 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun. The weather is getting colder and the frost appears, so called the frost falls.



The Beginning of Winter(Li Dong)

The Beginning of Winter is at 225 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun. The ancient said that ‘Li’ means beginning,the Beginning of Winter.’Dong’ means end, the end of the field operations.It is time to crop harvest.



Lesser snow(Xiao Xue)

Lesser snow is at 240 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun.Temperature drops sharply and precipitation form changes from rain to snow, but the amount of snow is small. It is not yet in the season of heavy snow. So called Lesser snow.



Greater Snow(Da Xue)

Greater Snow is at 255 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun. Greater Snow with heavy snow. The ancients said that "Big means rich, now snow is rich." Greater Snow means that the weather is colder, snowfall is more likely than when Lesser Snow.But it does not mean that the amount of snow must be very large.



The Winter Solstice(Dong Zhi)

The Winter Solstice is at 270 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun,called "Tianchang Festival". Because the days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter. In ancient times, the Winter Solstice was used as "New year". The Winter Solstice Festival, there are customs of congratulation of winter,heaven worship, ancestor worship, greeting God, avoiding evil and eating wonton.



Lesser Cold(Xiao Han)

Lesser Cold is at 285 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun.The arrival of Lesser Cold means the beginning of the coldest day in a year.



Greater cold(Da Han)

Greater cold is 300 degrees in the Yellow longitude of the sun. It is the coldest season of the year.


