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Ring out the old and ring in the new. Let's take a look back on the events we experienced in Zhengzhou over the past year.


We will get inspired and energized from these memorable events of 2020 to move forward.



The CCTV Spring Festival Gala was successfully held at Zhengzhou sub-venue


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Photo: Feng Weifeng, Zhao Yibo

On the evening of January 24th, the 2020 Spring Festival Gala was held at Zhengzhou sub-venue of Henan Province by the Yellow River. It showed the spiritual outlook and cultural confidence of Henan - a strong province for its culture, food, and population. On the eve of the Chinese New Year, Zhengzhou presented its best wishes to the Chinese people all over the country and the world through the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.



Great archaeological discoveries of the Shuanghuaishu Site were released


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Photo: Li Yan

The Shuanghuaishu Site, named the Heluo Kingdom by experts, was rated by specialists as the Cradle of Early Chinese Civilization. The important archaeological findings at the Shuanghuaishu Site proved that the Zhengzhou region was the center of Chinese civilization around 5,300 years ago, and was indeed the birthplace of the 5,000 years of Chinese history and civilization.


【双语】Proved cradle of early Chinese civilization 5000多年前“河洛古国”在这里


The China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival 2020 and the Summit Forum for 2020 China Cybersecurity Week were held in Zhengzhou


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Photo: Li Xinhua

Two events happened in Zhengzhou in September: The China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival 2020 (the 35thHundred Flowers Awards) was held in Zhengzhou, and the Summit Forum for 2020 China Cybersecurity Week was held in Zhengzhou.


【双语听读】See you in Zhengzhou 看“百花”在郑州绽放

【双语听读】Cyberspace Security in Zhengzhou 网安郑州


Two new cultural landmarks of Zhengzhou: the Zhengzhou Grand Theatre and the new Zhengzhou Art Museum were opened


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Photo: Bai Tao, Ma Jian

The new Zhengzhou Art Museum opened on October 25th, and the Zhengzhou Grand Theater opened on November 8th, becoming two new cultural landmarks of Zhengzhou.


【双语听读】New Zhengzhou Art Museum opens 郑州美术馆新馆开馆

【双语听读】Zhengzhou Grand Theater Debuts 郑州大剧院盛装亮相,开幕演出季来啦

No.5 ITTF Finals was held in Zhengzhou again


Followed the 2020 ITTF Women's World Cup and 2020 ITTF Men's World Cup held in Weihai, the Bank of Communications 2020 ITTF Finals was held at the Zhengzhou Olympic Sports Center from November 19thto November 22nd. It is said that these three sports events were China's first international sports events after the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, which were approved by international sports organizations and participated by foreign players according to the relevant work program.


【双语听读】ITTF Finals to be held in Zhengzhou again 国际乒联总决赛又来郑州了


High-quality city construction was made to build a beautiful Zhengzhou


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Photo: Ma Jian

Zhengzhou attached importance to the "Three Projects and One Management" (i.e. the city roads renovation project, the old communities renovation project, the rural-urban fringe zone renovation project, and the urban improvement management), improved the city in terms of both environment and quality, promoted the high-quality city construction in an all-out effort, and redoubled its efforts to make Zhengzhou a place that people enjoy working, living, entertaining in and traveling to.


【双语听读】New Living Environments in Zhengzhou 我们的家园“郑”在变

【双语听读】Changing Zhengzhou: City Innovation 我们的城市“郑”创新


Clicks of the Online Platform for Ancestor Worship and Blessing in the Hometown of the Yellow Emperor exceeded 2.7 billion, and the interactive online activity "Dress-up Worship" came into fashion


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"Same Root, Same Ancestor, Same Origin, Peace, Together and Harmony", "The Chinese Nation Fought the Battle Against the Epidemic, and the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan Blesses the Chinese Nation" - On March 22nd(March 3rdof the lunar calendar), the grand ancestor worship ceremony in honor of Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor, was held at the foot of the Juci Mountain by the Zhenshui River. While offline worship ceremony was simple and solemn, online worship platform was fashional and popular. Clicks of the Online Platform for Ancestor Worship and Blessing in the Hometown of the Yellow Emperor exceeded 2.7 billion. The Chinese people around the world worshiped the Yellow Emperor to bless the Chinese nation and all mankind.


【双语】Global Chinese Worship Xuanyuan Online 黄帝故里网上拜祖祈福平台开启


Zhengzhou launched the start-up zone of the core demonstration area for eco-conservation and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin


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Photo: Li Xinhua

Zhengzhou built mechanisms to encourage new types of innovation and achieved success with careful planning. We developed the start-up zone of the core demonstration area by high standards. We accelerated the implementation of the national strategy for eco-conservation and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin in Zhengzhou. We made great efforts to build this area into a demonstration area for eco-conservation, Yellow River historical culture, and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin.


【双语听读】Zhengzhou enters the "Yellow River Era" 郑州唱响“黄河新时代”

【双语听读】The Yellow River, the Cultural Cradle 黄河文化,风华“郑”茂


Zhengzhou was named one of China's best cities to live and work in, in 2020


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Photo: Zhang Wenju, Li Yan

Zhengzhou was named one of China's best cities to live and work in, in 2020, according to new ranking. In recent years, with the rapid and steady development of urban construction, Zhengzhou had brought a more convenient and comfortable living experience to its citizens.



Zhengzhou launched the beautiful villages cluster


According to the Implementation Plan for the Construction of Beautiful Villages in Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou would concentrate its efforts to build 50 excellent beautiful villages and 300 model beautiful villages. It would complete the construction of the beautiful villages demonstration belt along the Yellow River, and basically build 3 to 5 beautiful villages tourism lines to get the beautiful villages cluster into shape.


【双语】Zhengzhou's Beautiful Townships 近!美!别致!郑州的美丽小镇

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Chief Planner丨Shi Dadong

Managing Editor丨Xiong Vivi

Text丨Wang Yipin

Art Editor丨Wang Xiaoyu

Trainee Editor丨Xu Hanyu

Proofreader丨S. Jones(南非)



