


What would happen if all apes suddenly gained human intelligence?如果所有的类人猿突然拥有了人类的智慧,会发生什么?

评论翻译Cesar Alcaraz, lives in Houston, TXHonestly… I can only speculate on what would happen, but I can safely bet that something like this would be one of the most insane things ever. A species (or multiple species) like Man arising would be almost otherworldly.I’m pretty sure a lot of people are gonna start rioting and be pretty pissed at the concept, they’ll proclaim that “They are a threat to us”.Cesar Alcaraz住在德克萨斯州休斯顿老实说,我只能推测会发生什么,但我可以有把握地打赌,像这样的事情将是有史以来最疯狂的事情之一。一个物种(或多个物种)如人类那样崛起几乎是闻所未闻的。我敢肯定,许多人会开始骚动,对这个概念感到非常愤怒,他们会宣称“他们是我们的威胁”。


Of course, the apes themselves would start out as hunter-gatherers just like their human counterparts did during the Ice Age. And would be evolving and progressing from there.Though at the end of the day, I’m not quite sure what the end result will be honestly. And I’m not even certain if things would ever be the same afterwards. I just hope that it goes the best possible direction for both us and them… and to the world in general.当然,类人猿一开始也是狩猎采集者,就像冰河时期的人类一样。并将从此阶段开始发展和进步。虽然,我不太确定最终的结果会是什么。我甚至不确定以后一切还会不会和以前(人类的发展)一样。我只是希望这对我们和他们,乃至整个世界都是最好的方向。Taelor PickelThey would probably create a movement of sorts— some more brutal, others more like Martin Luther King Jr. Funny to think of an MLK Jr version of an ape. Orangutans would get along the most with humans, Chimpanzees would get along the least, as Gorillas are morally grey.他们可能会发起某种运动——有些类人猿会更残忍,有些会更像马丁·路德·金。一想到马丁·路德·金版本的类人猿,就觉得好笑。猩猩(Orangutan)与人类相处得最好,黑猩猩(Chimpanzee)与人类相处得最差,因为大猩猩在道德上是灰色的。Cesar AlcarazWell… due to their heightened intelligence, chimps won't be nearly as aggressive as they were before, they'll be able to think clearly and rationally and will no longer rely on Primal instinct. Same with the other apes.由于它们的高智商,黑猩猩将不再像以前那样具有攻击性,它们将能够清晰理性地思考,不再依赖原始本能。其他类人猿也一样。Abhigna VijjapurapuWho knows, they may just be easily angered. After all, some people are much more aggressive than others, but that doesn’t make them dumber or less civilized.谁知道呢,他们可能只是很容易生气。毕竟,有些人比其他人更有攻击性,但这并不意味着他们更笨或更不文明。Garrett StockJust like how humans are rational and peaceable,就像人类是“理性和平和的”一样。Mark D WaverI think that intelligence and aggression aren’t mutually exclusive.我认为智力和攻击性并不是相互排斥的。Jerry HuBonobos would get along with humans even better. They're practically ape hippies倭黑猩猩会更好地与人类相处。他们实际上是类人猿嬉皮士。Taelor PickelForgot about them lol.哈哈哈哈,忘了他们吧。Loic Jonet“ funny to think of an MLK jr version of an ape". ??? Really?. Cm'on use your imagination 马丁路德金版类人猿?真的?得了吧,再想想/笑哭Taelor PickelAbraham Lincoln Ape.亚伯拉罕·林肯版类人猿。




Taelor PickelNumber two is far and away more likely.第二条更有可能。






Roberto RayoImagine apes becoming theists. They would be like we're the new chosen people. And people would become atheists. But god created us in his image. It would be a very interesting world to live in.想象一下类人猿变成有神论者。他们会觉得自己是新的神选之猿。那将是一个非常有趣的世界。Nathan HuttonIf apes did that and took over successfully, that would prove every major religion was false, which could be a huge victory for atheism.如果类人猿能拥有智慧,并且成功地掌控世界,那将证明所有主要宗教都是错误的。这将是无神论的巨大胜利。






I’ve seen dudes who look like this. And yes, there is evidence that they could well have had light skin, eyes, and hair before Sapiens ever did.A recent investigation which created thousands of simulations, based on the data we have on both species/subspecies, gave results which strongly suggested that Eurasian Neanderthals just couldn’t compete with the relentless, torrential waves of Sapiens coming out of Africa.To me it makes sense. African warmth and resources were far more favourable for Sapiens populations to boom. Eurasia was a tough, cold place to multiply in.我见过长得像这样的人。是的,有证据表明他们有浅色皮肤、眼睛和头发,可能比现代人类早。最近的一项研究基于我们掌握的关于两个物种/亚种的数据,创造了数千个模拟,给出的结果强烈地表明欧亚尼安德特人无法与从非洲涌出的无情、汹涌的智人竞争。对我来说这是有意义的。非洲的温暖和资源更有利于智人的繁衍。欧亚大陆是一个难以繁衍的寒冷地区。


Tomaž VargazonNot possibility, certainty.不可能,我肯定。John GuzmanOnly if we don't kill ourselves first and they somehow have compatible DNA除非我们没有自杀,而且他们也有兼容的DNA。J H ParkI think it means the colonizers will be isolated from the rest of us, evolving into a new species我认为这意味着殖民者将会与我们隔离开来,进化成一个新的物种。Terence McQuillanI remember reading the end of a short story, the background of which was that humanity had spread to the stars, gradually expanding in both directions around the Galactic habitable zone (there was no FTL travel). Eventually, a human exploration ship on the other side of the galaxy encounters the first ever alien species… only to find the aliens are actually humans explorers from the other direction.我记得我读过一个短篇故事的结尾,故事的背景是人类已经扩散到星系里,并在银河系的宜居带周围逐渐向两个方向扩张(不存在超光速旅行)。最终,一艘人类探险飞船在银河系的另一边遇到了有史以来第一批外星物种,却发现这些外星人其实是来自另一个方向的人类探险家。


Sue CarverI always imagine a sci-fi story where we do that, then the two planets lose contact for centuries. One day, one shows up at the other’s planet and they don’t realize that they’re related because they look and act so different from each other.我总是会联想出一个科幻故事,我们探索太空,然后两个星球失去了几个世纪的联系。有一天,一个人出现在另一个人的星球上,他们没有意识到他们是有联系的,因为他们的长相和行为都截然不同。


Grzegorz BorowiakI’m not a biologist, but AFAIK, interbreeding between humans and any apes is impossible.我不是生物学家,但人猿杂交是行不通的。



Cameron FiddesIf I recall correctly, it is theoretically possible for people to produce infertile offspring with a couple very closely related species of primates. But it’s considered absurdly unethical amongst scientists and so will never be tested.After all, there’s many good reasons to worry that the offspring would end up absorbing the worst qualities of both their parent species, developing severe learning disabilities and other sorts of life-derailing mental illnesses, experience stunted or otherwise problematic puberty and growth, or experience horrifying prejudice from several members of both their parent species. The last one in particular is seen as so likely to happen that scientists tend to apply Occam’s Razor and just assume that bigotry against part-human hybrids is inevitable.It’s so strongly stigmatized amongst the people who have the skills to attempt making hybrids of humans that next to nobody would even consider trying such a thing for real, let alone funding or providing equipment for it. And anybody who does try is, at best, basically guaranteed a one-way trip to prison.如果我没记错的话,从理论上讲,人们是有可能和一对近亲灵长类动物生育不育的后代的。但科学家认为这是荒谬和不道德的,所以永远不会被试验。毕竟,我们有很多理由担心后代最终会吸收双亲物种最糟糕的特质,出现严重的学习障碍和其他影响生活的精神疾病,经历发育不良或其他问题性的青春期和成长,或者经历来自双亲物种的可怕的偏见。尤其是最后一种情况,被认为极有可能发生,以至于科学家们倾向于使用“奥卡姆剃刀”(Occam 's Razor)。对于那些有能力尝试孕育人猿混血儿的人来说,这将面临强烈的歧视,几乎没有人会考虑真正尝试这种事物。更不用说为它提供资金或设备了。而任何尝试过的人,最好的境况也只能被送进监狱。David EliezerI’m not a biologist either, and I think consensual interbreeding with apes is really impossible.我也不是生物学家,而且我认为与类人猿进行自愿杂交是不可能的。Eris YumiDidn’t humans (Homo sapiens) breed with Neanderthals when they first appeared?人类(智人)不是一开始就与尼安德特人进行过杂交吗?Nathan GambleTrue, but modern humans are much more closely related to neanderthals (who are often considered to be a subspecies of homo sapiens) than we are to other modern species of apes, so the chance that we would be able to interbreed with (for example) chimpanzees or gorillas is much lower (though not strictly impossible).没错,但是现代人与尼安德特人(通常被认为是智人的一个亚种)的关系要比我们与其他现代类人猿的关系密切得多。因此,我们能够(例如)与黑猩猩或大猩猩进行杂交的可能性要低得多(尽管严格来说并非不可能)。Eris YumiIf we play with OP’s theory and those apes would evolve enough to be a challenge to humans, would that bring them to a closer evolutionary point, enough for cross-species breeding?基于OP理论,这些类人猿的进化程度足以对人类构成挑战,这会使它们的进化程度更趋近,近到足以跨物种繁殖吗?Sabrina MoarProbably not. Intelligence, which is subjective, comes solely from the mental capacity. The ability to breed depends on the chromosomes of the parents, and if they are able to align. I don't believe there is a species of ape left that we have not speciated enough from that producing offspring outside of a laboratory would be possible.The more they and we evolve, the further we'll speciate, becoming ever increasingly difficult.可能不会。智力是主观的,仅仅来自于心理能力。繁殖的能力取决于父母的染色体,以及他们是否能够对齐。他们和我们进化得越多,我们的物种分化就会越深,变得越来越困难。Benedikt DonatClosely related species can often interbreed (e.g. lions with tigers, horses with donkeys, wolves with dogs, or homo sapiens with homo neanderthalensis), even though depending on the case their offspring might be infertile. But that does not mean that the same applies for species that are evolutionary further apart.近缘物种经常可以杂交(例如狮子和老虎,马和驴,狼和狗,或智人和尼安德特人),尽管根据具体情况,他们的后代可能无法生育。但这并不意味着同样的情况也适用于进化得更远的物种。Christian WrayI’m not a biologist and I think we non-biologists should just stay out of it我不是生物学家,我认为我们这些非生物学家应该置身事外。Jerry RattanongThere are some sick freaks out there that will try外面有一些变态想试试呢。Kameron JonesI read somewhere that there actually wasn't much fighting between homo sapiens and neanderthals odds are we probably couldn't tell each other apart and thought they were funny looking homo sapiens我在什么地方读到过,智人和尼安德特人之间并没有太多的争斗,我们可能无法区分对方。或许只是认为他们是长相有趣的智人。Tomaž VargazonUp to 60% of all males at the time died violently. Prehistory makes the Eastern Front of WW2 look tame by comparison.But I guess it’s possible we just thought they were funny other people and did not actively seek to fight them over others.当时,高达60%的男性死于暴力。相比之下,史前时期使二战的东线显得平淡无奇。但我想有可能我们只是认为他们是有趣的人,并没有主动寻求与他们争夺其他资源。Sıla OkurKnowing what humans are like, we probably looked at them, found them funny, and decided to kill them because of it.要知道,人类是那种:我们可能会看着他们,觉得他们很有趣,并因此决定杀了他们。Kameron JonesThat is probably the most likely think to have happened actually now that I think about it这可能是我认为最有可能发生的事情。Robert JonesHomo Sapiens and Neanderthals are both humans.智人和尼安德特都是人类。Andrew ChangThe neantherthals probably had issues working with each other as part of a larger group compared to Sapiens. This is a theory put up by Yuval Harari in his book Sapiens on why the Neantherthals did not manage to remain distinct as a group or survive. They probably lacked the ability to imagine a future as part of a larger imaginary group like members of a country/ nation.与智人相比,尼安德特人作为一个更大的群体可能存在协作问题。这是Yuval Harari在他的《智人》(Sapiens)一书中提出的一个理论,解释了为什么尼安德特人不能作为一个群体保持独立或生存下来。他们可能缺乏想象未来的能力,作为一个更大的想象群体的一部分,比如一个国家/民族的成员。Dragos RugescuAs opposed to Cro Magnon which lacked that till about, oh, I dunno, a couple hundred years ago?It's probably something slightly more prosaic like:1) neanderthals expended more energy to do anything, including walk. This made them energy inefficient and unable to compete in game hunting.Or:2) Some sort of biological fertility advantage in Cro-Magnon.Both of these are attested.这与Cro Magnon的理论相反,可能是一些更平淡无奇的原因,比如:1. 尼安德特人做任何事情都需要消耗更多的能量,包括走路。这使得它们的能源效率低下,无法在狩猎中竞争。亦或者:2.智人有繁衍优势。这两点都得到了证实。Nathan GambleThere’s also the point that neanderthals’ shoulders were less well adapted for throwing, which made hunting and fighting more difficult and dangerous.It was probably a combination of factors.还有一点是,尼安德特人的肩膀不太适合投掷,这使得狩猎和战斗更加困难和危险。这可能是多种因素共同作用的结果。


