




Unit7. Will people have robots?


1. on computers 在电脑上

2. on paper 在纸上

3. live to be 200 years old 活到200岁

4. free time 空闲时间

5. in danger 在危险中

6. on the earth 在世界上

7. play a part in sth 在某方面出力/做贡献

8. space station 太空站

8. look for 寻找

9. computer programmer 电脑程序师

10. in the future 在将来

11. hundreds of 成百上千的

12. the same…as 与…一样

13. over and over again 反复

14. get bored 无聊

15. wake up 醒来/唤醒

16. look like 看起来像

17. fall down 倒下/落下


1. Are you kidding?


2. Will people have robots?


3. Everything will be free.


4. Books will only be on computers, not on paper.


5. They’ll study at home on computers.


6. There will be only one country in the world.


7. There will be less pollution.


8. What will the future be like?


9. We never know what will happen in the future.


10. And my apartment will be no good for pets.


11. I think so.我认为是这样

I don’t think so.这认为不是这样。

12. I hope so.我希望如此。

I hope not.我希望不这样。

13. In 50 years, people will have more free time because there will be less things to do.


14. In 20 years, I think I’ll be a newspaper reporter.

20 年以后,我想我会成为一个报社记者。

15. However, some scientists believe that although we can make robots move like people, it will be difficult to make them really think like a human.


16. For example, scientist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are.

例如,科学家James White 认为,机器人将不能够清醒得知道他们身处何处。

17. This was not possible 20 years ago, but computers and rockets also seemed impossible 100 years ago.


18. You should also remember that there will be both good and bad things in life.


19. As a reporter, I think I will meet lots of people.


20. During the week, I’ll wear smart clothes.


21. I’ll have fewer pets, though, because I’ll have less free time.


22. Some robots are very human-like/ bird-like/ ball-like/dog-like.


23.I’m not scared (afraid).


Unit8. How do you make a banana milk shake?


1. milk shake 奶昔

2. turn on打开,turn off 关上

3. pour...into...将...倒入

4. a cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶 a good idea —个好主意

6. on Saturday morning 在星期六早上

7. cut up 切碎

8. put...into_..将...放入...

9. one more thing 还有一件事

10. a piece of _片/—张/—块

11. at this time 在此时

12. a few几个,一些

13. fill...with...用...装满...

14. cover...with...用...盖任...

15. one by one —个接一个

16. a long time 长时间

17 cut... into pieces 将...切成碎片

18. add.to (into )...将...加到".上(里)

19. mix...together…持...混合一在起

20. mix up…持昆合

21. serve...to...用…招待.

22. half a cup 半杯

23. another ten minutes 另外十分钟

24. peel the banana 剥一个香蕉


1.Turn on the blender.


2.How do you make a banana milk shake?


3.How many bananas do we need?


4.How much yogurt do we need?


5. Now, it' s time to enjoy the rice noodles!


6.First,... Then,... Next... Finally,...


7.You can put more if you like.


8.This is going to taste great.


9.To make this special food, you need to have rice noodles.


10. When it is ready, place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy.


11. These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family.


Unit9. Can you come to my party?


1. on Saturday afternoon 在星期六下午

2. have to 必须

3. prepare for 准备

4. go to the doctor 去看病

5. have the flu 患流感

6. help my parents 给父母帮忙

7e to the party 参加晚会

8. meet my friend 见朋友

9. go to the party 参加晚会

10. too much homework太多的家庭作业

11. go to the movies 去看电影

12. another time下次,另外的时间,别的时间

13. last fall去年秋天

14. hang out 闲逛

15. after school 放学后

16. on the weekend=on weekends 在周末

17. study for a test 备考

18. visit grandparents 拜访爷爷奶奶

19. the day before yesterday 前天

20. the day after tomorrow 后天

21. have a piano lesson 上钢琴课

22. look after 照看

23. make an invitation 制定邀请

24. accept an invitation 接受邀请

turn down (refuse ) an invitation 拒绝邀清

25. take a trip to Wuhan 去武汉旅游

26. at the end of this month 在本月底

27. look forward to doing 期望/渴望

28. the opening of...开幕/开业

29. reply in writing 写回信

30. go shopping 构物

31. not...until...直到......才……


1.Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?


Sure, I’d love to. / Sorry, I can't.1 have to prepare for an exam.


2.I’m not available. = I’ m not free.

3.I’m sad to see her go, and this party is the best way to say “Thank you and goodbye”看到她离开我很悲伤,这个聚会是表达谢意和离别的最好方式。

4.I already have a great idea about how to do that.我已经有了一个怎样做的好主意。

5. Let me know if you need my help.


6. Drink lots of hot water and get lots of sleep.多喝水,多睡觉,

7. What are you doing the day after tomorrow? 后天你要做什么?

8. I‘m really busy this week.本周我的确很忙。

9. I’m afraid I can' t.= I' m afraid.

10. Sam isn’t leaving until next Wednesday.


11. Who are you going to the movies with?


Unit10. If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!


1. go to the party 参加晚会

2. have a great /good time 玩的开心

3. stay at home 呆在家

4. take the bus 乘公交车

5. tomorrow night 明天晚上

6. have a class party 开班级晚会

7. have a class meeting 开班会

8. half the class 全班一半人

9. make some food 做食物

10. at the party在晚会上

11. order food预定食物

12. potato chips 署条

13. be angry with sb 对某人生气

14. give sb some advice给某人建议/劝告

15. travel around the world 周游世界

16. go to college 上大学

17. make ( a lot of) money 挣钱/賺钱

18. school dean-up 学校大扫除

19. work hard努力工作/努力学习

20. a soccer player —个足球运动员

21. keep...to oneself 保守秘密

22. talk to sb 与某人谈话

23. in life 在一生中

24. in the end 在最后

25. be angry at/about sth 因某事而生气

26. make mistakes 错/出差错

27. in the future 在将来

28. run away 逃跑

29. the first step 第一步

30. in half 成半


1. If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time.


2. If you do, the teachers won' t let you in.


3. If you do, you’ll be sorry.


4. If you don' t do this now, I’ll never do it. 要是你现在不做这件事情,我将永远不会做。

5. If we do that, more people will want to play the game. 要是我们做那件事,更多的人都会想玩这个游戏。

6. You can come with us if you want.


7. What will happen if they watch a video at the party? 假如他们在开派对时看视频,会发生什么呢?

8. When is the good time to have the party?


9. For the party next week, should we ask people to bring food?


10. Give me some advice, please! 请给些建议。

11.I will not make any friends if I always keep my ideas go myself.


12. Problems and worries are normal in life.


13. Unless we talk to someone, we’ll certainly feel worse.


14. Sharing a problem is like cutting it in half.


15. Talking to someone helps a lot.


16. She was afraid to tell her parents about it.


17. Laura once lost her wallet. Laura 曾经丟了钱包。

18. They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful.


19. It’s best not to run away from our problems.


20. This person doesn’t need to be an expert.


21. We should try to solve problems.


22. So you’re halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it.


23. Why not have it on the weekend?


24. There' s a test the day after tomorrow.


25. The worst thing is to do nothing.


26. He feels the same way as Laura.



