


1.出生于be born in

2.主修理工 major in

3.毕业于 /毕业后graduate from/after graduation

4.从事于 be engaged in/go in for

5.有着 ……的天赋have a gift for / be gifted I / have a talent for

6. 受到良好教育的 well-educated

7. 中国国籍(of) Chinese nationality

8. 电话号码telephone number

9. 把心思用在 put one’s heart into

10. 集中精力于concentrate on / focus one’s attention on

11. 致力于 /献身于devote oneself to sth/doing sth/ be devoted to…

12. 积极从事……be active in sth

13. 对……做研究do research on

14. 对……不在乎cares little about

15. 工作到深夜 work until midnight

16. 获得硕士学位get/gain a master’s degree

17. 获得第一名 win the first prize (in…)

18. 大获成功 achieve great success

19. 被……录取;考入be admitted to

20. 被认为是……be regarded as/be considered as/be considered to be

21. 作为……被铭记be remembered as

22. (在……上 )排名第一rank No.1 (in); rank the first (in)

23. 因为……获得很多奖 receive many awards for

24. 用某物奖赏某人reward sb. with sth.

25. 凭着无比的决心with great determination


1. 一个五岁的男孩a boy aged five; a five-year-old boy

2. 在他十 /三十多岁时 in his teens/thirties

3. 五岁时 at the age of five

4. 在某人童年时 in one’s childhood

5. 过着 ……的生活live/lead/have a…life

6. 谋生earn one’s living; make a living

7. 照顾look after/take care of/attend to/care for

8. 养育;培养bring up

9. 对某人要求严格be strict with sb

10. 由……引起 result from

11. 导致result in; lead to; contribute to; bring about; give rise to; cause

12. 有能力做某事be able to do sth; have the ability to do sth

13. 很有才能的女子 a woman of great ability

14. 在……方面熟练 be skilled/skillful in

15. 在……方面有经验be experienced in

16. 获得 ……称号 be given the title of

17. 获得金 /银牌 win a gold/silver medal

18. 获诺贝尔奖 win/receive the Nobel Prize

19. 得到全世界的关注get the world’s attention

20. 不计名利 care little for money and fame

21. 留学深造 go abroad for further studies

22. 找到做某事的方法 find a way to do sth

23. 带/送某人到某地 take/send sb.to…

24. 情不自禁地做某事 can’t help doing sth

25. 给我们树立好榜样set us a good example / set a good example to us


1. 在教学楼的前面(有许多树)(There are lots of trees) in front of the teaching building

2. 在教室的前面(有块黑板)(There is a blackboard) in the front of the classroom

3. 位于在这座城市的南部lie in the south of the city

4. 距城南 15英里处15 miles away to the south of the city

5. 坐落在广州的西部be situated/located in the west of Guangzhou

6. 在山脚下at the foot of the mountain

7. 在山顶上at the top of the hill

8. 中国第二大岛屿the second largest island in China

9. 占地面积有cover an area of

10. 有三千多年的历史have/with a history of over 3,000 years

11. 有……人口have a population of

12. 由 ……组成be made up of / consist of

13. 盛产be rich/abundant in

14. 它的南面有on its south lies…

15. 因 ……而著名 be famous/well-known for

16. 乘三路公共汽车take a No.3 bus; take bus No.3

17. 可容纳500客人can hold/accommodate up to 500 guests

18. 乍一看,初看起来 at first sight

19. 看见,看到 catch sight of

20. 呈现在眼前 come into sight

21. 看得见 /看不见 in sight/out of sight

22. 宿舍楼dormitory building

23. 看不,忽略 (ignore)lose sight of

24. 象征和平 stand for peace

25. 代表我的同学on behalf of my classmates; represent my classmates



1. 整理床铺make the bed

2. 刷牙 brush one’s teeth

3. 洗冷水澡have/take a cold bath

4. 洗淋浴 take a shower

5. 负债 /还清债务 in debt/out of debt

6.直到深夜deep into the night

7.保持/失去平衡 keep/lose ones balance

8.对……残忍 be cruel to sb

9.承认错误admit one’s mistake

10.听说hear of/about

11.作出共同努力 make joint efforts

12.忙于 be busy/occupied with

13.习惯于 be used/accustomed to

14.给某人打电话phone/telephone sb; call / ring sb up; give sb a call

15.不挂断电话,等等hold on

16.挂断电话 ring off

17.回复电话 ring back

18.过时 out of date

19.允许某人做某事 allow/permit sb.to do sth.

20.号召某人做某事 call on sb.to do sth.

21.鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do sth

22.强迫某人做某事 force sb.to do sth.

23.提醒某人做某事/使某人想起某事remind sb to do sth; remind sb of sth

24.阻止某人做某事keep/prevent/stop sb.from doing sth.

25. 提高人民生活水平improve the living standards of the people


1.预习功课prepare for/preview lessons

2.上课have lessons

3.专心于be absorbed in

4.牢记 , 背诵 learn… by heart; keep…in mind

5.复习功课 review/go over the lesson

6. 努力学习work hard at

7. 尽力;尽最大的努力

8. 充分利用 do/try one’s best; make full use of; take advantage of

9. 在 ……方面取得进步 make progress in…

10. 赶上某人catch up with sb; keep up with sb

11. 参加入学考试take an entrance examination

12. 考试作弊 cheat in the exam

13. 通过考试/不及格pass/fail the examination

14. (数学)得满分 get full marks (for maths)

15. 获得奖学金 gain scholarship

16. 获得好成绩get good grades

17. 课后/放学后after class/after school

18. 算出;解决work out

19. 解决问题 solve the problem

20. 坚持做某事 insist on doing sth.

21. 高度赞扬某人speak highly of sb.

22. 因某事表扬表人praise sb for sth

23. 尊敬老师和家长 respect teachers and parents

24. 迟到/缺席 be late for/be absent from

25. 遵守/违反学校的规章制度obey/break the school rules and regulations



1. 对 ……感兴趣be interested in/take an interest in/show a great interest in/have a taste for

2. 培养对……的兴趣develop an interest in

3. 对 ……很积极,积极参加 be active in

4. 对 ……着迷 be crazy about

5. 对 ……感到好奇 be curious about sth

6. 对 ……感到厌烦be tired of

7. 引起某人的兴趣hold/attract one’s interest

8. 爱好体育运动love sports/like sports/be fond of sports/go in for sports/take pleasure in sports

9. 喜欢唱歌跳舞like/enjoy singing and dancing

10. 喜欢流行音乐 enjoy popular music

11. 感到高兴, 感到振奋 cheer up

12. 参加,参与join in; take part in; participate in

13. 挑出,辨别出 pick out

14. 尝试做某事 attempt/try to do sth

15. 在某人空闲的时候 in one’s spare/free time

16. 读小说read novels

17. 上网 surf the internet

18. 上网聊天 chat online

19. 集邮collect stamps

20. 做运动 do/have sports

21. 弹奏乐器 play musical instrument

22. 去野营 go camping

23. 打牌 play cards

24. 比起 ……更喜欢……prefer to…rather than…

25. 我最喜欢的爱好 my favorite hobby


1. 令某人开心/吃惊/失望的是to one’s delight/joy/surprise/disappointment

2. 对某人生气 be angry/annoyed with sb

3. 为……而担心be anxious/worried about

4. 对……感到惊讶 be astonished/surprised at sth.

5. 对某人感到失望 be disappointed at sb.

6. 对 ……感到满足be pleased/satisfied/content with

7. 对 ……感到抱歉 be sorry for…

8. 以 ……为豪 be proud of/take pride in

9. 满腔怒火 be filled with anger10. 急于做某事 be anxious to do sth

11. 高兴地做某事 be delighted to do

12. 感动流泪 be touched/moved to tears

13. 被吓死 be scared to death

14. 突然大哭/大笑burst into tears/laughter; burst out crying/ laughing

15. 情不自禁地做某事 cannot help doing

16. 担心,关心care about

17. 投诉,埋怨complain about

18. 渴望某人做某事 long for sb.to do sth

19. 盼望做某事 look forward to doing sth

20. 期盼/希望做某事 expect/wish to do sth.

21. 对做某事有强烈的愿望have a strong desire to do sth.

22. 对……有乐观的态度have an optimistic attitude towards…

23. 面带笑容with a smile on one’s face

24. 给……留下印象 make an impression on sb

25. 失去信心/建立自信 lose heart/build confidence


1. 撒谎 tell a lie

2. 帮助某人做某事 help sb with sth/help sb do sth

3. 帮助某人摆脱困境 help sb out

4. 遵守诺言/失言keep one’s word/promise; break one’s word/promise

5. 相互学习 learn from each other

6. 与某人交朋友 make friends with sb

7. 彼此信任trust each other

8. 关心be concerned about; care for; show concern for

9. 同……交流communicate with

10.交流思想/信息 exchange ideas/information

11. 爱上,喜欢上fall in love with

12. 与 ……取得/保持联系 get/keep in touch with

13. 与 ……相处,进展 get along/on with sb

14. 有很多共同点have a lot in common

15. 对 ……有影响have an effect / influence / impact on

16. 与某人建立亲密友谊form a close friendship with sb

17. 增进友谊 promote/strengthen friendship

18. 增进了解 promote understanding

19. 忍受,容忍 put up with

20. 珍惜某人的情谊 treasure sb’s friendship

21. 与……合作或一起工作team up with; cooperate with

22. 同甘共苦 share joys and sorrows

23. 与某人分享 share sth with sb

24. 保护……不受……伤害 protect…from…

25. 有某人的帮助/鼓励/支持下with sb’s help / encouragement / support of sb


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