c语言经典小游戏源代码50行 CC项目实战


这是个益智游戏,规则很简单,按上、下、左、右键,使游戏区域的所有方块向该方向滑动,每次滑动时,相碰的两个相同数字会合并。同时,空白的地方也会在随机出现一个数字方块(2 或者 4)。游戏目标,是想办法合成 2048 这个数字方块。


c语言经典小游戏源代码50行 CC项目实战(1)



/* 项目名称:2048 开发工具:Visual Studio 2019,EasyX 20190415(beta) 作者:洛枫 */ #include <easyx.h> #include <string.h> #include <map> #include <sstream> #include <time.h> #include <conio.h> #pragma comment( lib, "MSIMG32.LIB") // 方块的状态 enum State { EXIST, // 存在 DESTORY // 销毁 }; // 二维向量,用于表示位置或者大小 struct Vector2 { float x; float y; }; // 符号函数 int sgn(float d) { if (d < 0) return -1; if (d > 0) return 1; return 0; } class Block { private: State currentState; // 当前的状态 State targetState; // 移动后的状态 Vector2 size; Vector2 currentPos; // 当前位置 Vector2 targetPos; // 目标位置 IMAGE *img; IMAGE *newImg; float deltaPos; // 每秒移动多少位置 float deltaSize; // 每秒变大多少 float animationSpeed; // 动画速度 public: Block(const Vector2 &pos, IMAGE *img) { currentPos = targetPos = pos; currentState = targetState = EXIST; size = { 50,50 }; this->img = this->newImg = img; deltaPos = 100; deltaSize = 40; animationSpeed = 20.0f; } void update(float deltaTime) { // 改变方块大小(图片刚生成时的由小到大的动画) if (size.x < img->getwidth()) { size.x = size.y = size.x deltaSize * deltaTime * animationSpeed / 2; if (size.x > img->getwidth()) { size.x = size.y = (float)img->getwidth(); } } // 更新方块位置 if (currentPos.x != targetPos.x || currentPos.y != targetPos.y) { int directionX = sgn(targetPos.x - currentPos.x); int directionY = sgn(targetPos.y - currentPos.y); currentPos.x = deltaPos * directionX * deltaTime * animationSpeed; // 相距小于 5 视为在同一位置 if (fabs(currentPos.x - targetPos.x) < 5) { currentPos.x = targetPos.x; } currentPos.y = deltaPos * directionY * deltaTime * animationSpeed; if (fabs(currentPos.y - targetPos.y) < 5) { currentPos.y = targetPos.y; } } if (currentPos.x == targetPos.x &¤tPos.y == targetPos.y) { currentState = targetState; img = newImg; } } void draw() { TransparentBlt(GetImageHDC(NULL), int(currentPos.x (90 - size.x) / 2), int(currentPos.y (90 - size.y) / 2), (int)size.x, (int)size.y, GetImageHDC(img), 0, 0, img->getwidth(), img->getheight(), BLACK); } // 把方块从当前位置移动到目标位置,移动后改变状态 void MoveTo(const Vector2 &pos, IMAGE *newImg, State state = EXIST) { targetPos = pos; targetState = state; this->newImg = newImg; } State getState() { return currentState; } }; int map[4][4]; // 4 * 4 地图 Block *blockMap[4][4]; // 方块索引 int score; // 得分 int maxScore; // 最高得分 int currentMaxBlock; // 当前最大方块 int maxBlock; // 历史最大方块 int gameLoop; // 游戏循环 float keyTime = 0; // 按键间隔 std::map<int, IMAGE> image; // 存储所有数字图像 bool gameOver = false; // 游戏是否结束 float overTime; // 游戏结束后不会立刻退出循环,而是等待 0.5s 更新动画 // 判断是否有可移动的方式,有返回 1 ,没有返回 0 // 检测思路:如果碰到为 0 的格子,或者两个相邻的格子数字相等,则返回 1 int Judge() { // 横向检测 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j ) { if (map[i][j] == 0 || map[i][j] == map[i][j 1] || map[i][j 1] == 0) return 1; } } // 纵向检测 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j ) { if (map[j][i] == 0 || map[j][i] == map[j 1][i] || map[j 1][i] == 0) return 1; } } return 0; } // 上移 void Up() { int moveFlag = 0; // 记录是否进行过移动 int mergeFlag = 0; // 记录是否合并过 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j ) { int k, z; // 找到一个不为 0 的方块向上移动,并判断是否可以和下边的方块合并 for (k = j; k < 4; k ) if (map[k][i] != 0) break; // 寻找右边不为 0 的方块 for (z = k 1; z < 4; z ) if (map[z][i] != 0) break; // 当前行有非 0 方块 if (k < 4) { if (z < 4 && map[k][i] == map[z][i]) { // 可以合并 int value = map[k][i] map[z][i]; map[k][i] = map[z][i] = 0; map[j][i] = value; // 开启动画 Block *temp = blockMap[k][i]; blockMap[k][i] = NULL; blockMap[j][i] = temp; blockMap[j][i]->MoveTo({ 25.0f 100 * i,225.0f 100 * j }, &image[map[j][i]]); blockMap[z][i]->MoveTo({ 25.0f 100 * i,225.0f 100 * (j 1) }, &image[map[z][i]], DESTORY); // 更新分数 score = map[j][i]; if (score > maxScore) maxScore = score; // 更新方块 if (value > currentMaxBlock) currentMaxBlock = value; if (currentMaxBlock > maxBlock) maxBlock = currentMaxBlock; mergeFlag = 1; } else { // 不可以合并 int value = map[k][i]; map[k][i] = 0; map[j][i] = value; // 判断是否可以移动 if (k != j) { moveFlag = 1; // 开启动画 Block *temp = blockMap[k][i]; blockMap[k][i] = NULL; blockMap[j][i] = temp; blockMap[j][i]->MoveTo({ 25.0f 100 * i,225.0f 100 * j }, &image[map[j][i]]); } } } else // 判断下一行 { break; } } } // 如果发生了移动或合并,随机生成一个 2 或 4 if (moveFlag || mergeFlag) { int index; // 随机位置的索引 // 直到随机到一个空位置退出循环 do { index = rand() % 4; } while (map[3][index] != 0); // 80% 生成 2 , 20% 生成 4 int num = rand() % 10; if (num < 8) { map[3][index] = 2; blockMap[3][index] = new Block({ 25.0f 100 * index, 225.0f 100 * 3 }, &image[2]); } else { map[3][index] = 4; blockMap[3][index] = new Block({ 25.0f 100 * index, 225.0f 100 * 3 }, &image[4]); } } } // 下移 void Down() { int moveFlag = 0; // 记录是否进行过移动 int mergeFlag = 0; // 记录是否合并过 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ) { for (int j = 3; j > 0; j--) { int k, z; // 找到一个不为 0 的方块向下移动,并判断是否可以和上边的方块合并 for (k = j; k >= 0; k--) if (map[k][i] != 0) break; // 寻找右边不为 0 的方块 for (z = k - 1; z >= 0; z--) if (map[z][i] != 0) break; // 当前行有非 0 方块 if (k >= 0) { if (z >= 0 && map[k][i] == map[z][i]) { // 可以合并 int value = map[k][i] map[z][i]; map[k][i] = map[z][i] = 0; map[j][i] = value; // 开启动画 Block *temp = blockMap[k][i]; blockMap[k][i] = NULL; blockMap[j][i] = temp; blockMap[j][i]->MoveTo({ 25.0f 100 * i,225.0f 100 * j }, &image[map[j][i]]); blockMap[z][i]->MoveTo({ 25.0f 100 * i,225.0f 100 * (j - 1) }, &image[map[z][i]], DESTORY); // 更新分数 score = map[j][i]; if (score > maxScore) maxScore = score; // 更新方块 if (value > currentMaxBlock) currentMaxBlock = value; if (currentMaxBlock > maxBlock) maxBlock = currentMaxBlock; mergeFlag = 1; } else { // 不可以合并 int value = map[k][i]; map[k][i] = 0; map[j][i] = value; // 判断是否可以移动 if (k != j) { moveFlag = 1; // 开启动画 Block *temp = blockMap[k][i]; blockMap[k][i] = NULL; blockMap[j][i] = temp; blockMap[j][i]->MoveTo({ 25.0f 100 * i,225.0f 100 * j }, &image[map[j][i]]); } } } else // 判断下一行 { break; } } } // 如果发生了移动或合并,随机生成一个 2 或 4 if (moveFlag || mergeFlag) { int index; // 随机位置的索引 // 直到随机到一个为 0 的位置退出循环 do { index = rand() % 4; } while (map[0][index] != 0); // 80% 生成 2 , 20% 生成 4 int num = rand() % 10; if (num < 8) { map[0][index] = 2; blockMap[0][index] = new Block({ 25.0f 100 * index,225.0f 100 * 0 }, &image[2]); } else { map[0][index] = 4; blockMap[0][index] = new Block({ 25.0f 100 * index,225.0f 100 * 0 }, &image[4]); } } } // 左移 void Left() { int moveFlag = 0; // 记录是否进行过移动 int mergeFlag = 0; // 记录是否合并过 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j ) { int k, z; // 找到一个不为 0 的方块向左移动,并判断是否可以和右边的方块合并 for (k = j; k < 4; k ) if (map[i][k] != 0) break; // 寻找右边不为 0 的方块 for (z = k 1; z < 4; z ) if (map[i][z] != 0) break; // 当前行有非 0 方块 if (k < 4) { if (z < 4 && map[i][k] == map[i][z]) { // 可以合并 int value = map[i][k] map[i][z]; map[i][k] = map[i][z] = 0; map[i][j] = value; // 开启动画 Block *temp = blockMap[i][k]; blockMap[i][k] = NULL; blockMap[i][j] = temp; blockMap[i][j]->MoveTo({ 25.0f 100 * j,225.0f 100 * i }, &image[value]); blockMap[i][z]->MoveTo({ 25.0f 100 * (j 1),225.0f 100 * i }, &image[map[z][i]], DESTORY); // 更新分数 score = map[i][j]; if (score > maxScore) maxScore = score; // 更新方块 if (value > currentMaxBlock) currentMaxBlock = value; if (currentMaxBlock > maxBlock) maxBlock = currentMaxBlock; mergeFlag = 1; } else { // 不可以合并 int value = map[i][k]; map[i][k] = 0; map[i][j] = value; // 判断是否可以移动 if (k != j) { moveFlag = 1; // 开启动画 Block *temp = blockMap[i][k]; blockMap[i][k] = NULL; blockMap[i][j] = temp; blockMap[i][j]->MoveTo({ 25.0f 100 * j,225.0f 100 * i }, &image[value]); } } } else // 判断下一行 { break; } } } // 如果发生了移动或合并,随机生成一个 2 或 4 if (moveFlag || mergeFlag) { int index; // 随机位置的索引 // 直到随机到一个为 0 的位置退出循环 do { index = rand() % 4; } while (map[index][3] != 0); // 80% 生成 2 , 20% 生成 4 int num = rand() % 10; if (num < 8) { map[index][3] = 2; blockMap[index][3] = new Block({ 25.0f 100 * 3,225.0f 100 * index }, &image[2]); } else { map[index][3] = 4; blockMap[index][3] = new Block({ 25.0f 100 * 3,225.0f 100 * index }, &image[4]); } } } // 右移 void Right() { int moveFlag = 0; // 记录是否进行过移动 int mergeFlag = 0; // 记录是否合并过 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ) { for (int j = 3; j > 0; j--) { int k, z; // 找到一个不为 0 的方块向右移动,并判断是否可以和左边的方块合并 for (k = j; k >= 0; k--) if (map[i][k] != 0) break; // 寻找右边不为 0 的方块 for (z = k - 1; z >= 0; z--) if (map[i][z] != 0) break; // 当前行有非 0 方块 if (k >= 0) { if (z >= 0 && map[i][k] == map[i][z]) { // 可以合并 int value = map[i][k] map[i][z]; map[i][k] = map[i][z] = 0; map[i][j] = value; // 开启动画 Block *temp = blockMap[i][k]; blockMap[i][k] = NULL; blockMap[i][j] = temp; blockMap[i][j]->MoveTo({ 25.0f 100 * j,225.0f 100 * i }, &image[value]); blockMap[i][z]->MoveTo({ 25.0f 100 * (j - 1),225.0f 100 * i }, &image[map[z][i]], DESTORY); // 更新分数 score = map[i][j]; if (score > maxScore) maxScore = score; // 更新方块 if (value > currentMaxBlock) currentMaxBlock = value; if (currentMaxBlock > maxBlock) maxBlock = currentMaxBlock; mergeFlag = 1; } else { // 不可以合并 int value = map[i][k]; map[i][k] = 0; map[i][j] = value; // 判断是否可以移动 if (k != j) { moveFlag = 1; // 开启动画 Block *temp = blockMap[i][k]; blockMap[i][k] = NULL; blockMap[i][j] = temp; blockMap[i][j]->MoveTo({ 25.0f 100 * j,225.0f 100 * i }, &image[value]); } } } else // 判断下一行 { break; } } } // 如果发生了移动或合并,随机生成一个 2 或 4 if (moveFlag || mergeFlag) { int index; // 随机位置的索引 do { index = rand() % 4; } while (map[index][0] != 0); // 80% 生成 2 , 20% 生成 4 int num = rand() % 10; if (num < 8) { map[index][0] = 2; blockMap[index][0] = new Block({ 25.0f 100 * 0,225.0f 100 * index }, &image[2]); } else { map[index][0] = 4; blockMap[index][0] = new Block({ 25.0f 100 * 0,225.0f 100 * index }, &image[4]); } } } void Update(float deltaTime) { // 更新方块 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j ) { if (blockMap[i][j] != NULL) { blockMap[i][j]->update(deltaTime); if (blockMap[i][j]->getState() == DESTORY) { delete blockMap[i][j]; blockMap[i][j] = NULL; } } } } if (gameOver) { overTime -= deltaTime; if (overTime <= 0) gameLoop = 0; } keyTime = deltaTime; // 0.2s 可以按键一次 if (keyTime < 0.2f || gameOver) return; if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP) & 0x8000) || (GetAsyncKeyState('W') & 0x8000)) // 上 { Up(); if (!Judge()) { gameOver = true; } keyTime = 0; } else if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN) & 0x8000) || (GetAsyncKeyState('S') & 0x8000)) // 下 { Down(); if (!Judge()) { gameOver = true; } keyTime = 0; } else if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT) & 0x8000) || (GetAsyncKeyState('A') & 0x8000)) // 左 { Left(); if (!Judge()) { gameOver = true; } keyTime = 0; } else if ((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT) & 0x8000) || (GetAsyncKeyState('D') & 0x8000)) // 右 { Right(); if (!Judge()) { gameOver = true; } keyTime = 0; } } // 设置文字样式和颜色 void settext(int height, int weight, UINT color) { settextstyle(height, 0, _T("Arial"), 0, 0, weight, false, false, false, ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, ANTIALIASED_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH); settextcolor(color); } // 在指定矩形区域内居中输出字符串 void printtext(LPCTSTR s, int left, int top, int right, int width) { RECT r = { left, top, right, width }; drawtext(s, &r, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE); } // 绘制界面 void Draw() { // 历史最大方块 TransparentBlt(GetImageHDC(NULL), 12, 30, 90, 90, GetImageHDC(&image[maxBlock]), 0, 0, 90, 90, 0x9eaebb); setfillcolor(0x9eaebb); // 绘制当前分数 solidroundrect(112, 30, 264, 119, 10, 10); settext(28, 800, 0xdbe6ee); printtext(_T("SCORE"), 112, 40, 264, 69); std::wstringstream ss; ss << score; settext(44, 800, WHITE); printtext(ss.str().c_str(), 112, 70, 264, 114); ss.str(_T("")); // 绘制最高分数 solidroundrect(275, 30, 427, 119, 10, 10); settext(28, 800, 0xdbe6ee); printtext(_T("BEST"), 275, 40, 427, 69); ss << maxScore; settext(44, 800, WHITE); printtext(ss.str().c_str(), 275, 70, 427, 114); ss.str(_T("")); // 绘制提示信息 settextcolor(BLACK); ss << "Join the numbers and get to the " << currentMaxBlock * 2 << " tile!"; settext(24, 800, 0x707b83); printtext(ss.str().c_str(), 0, 120, 439, 211); // 绘制方块底板 solidroundrect(12, 212, 427, 627, 10, 10); // 绘制方块 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j ) { putimage(25 100 * j, 225 100 * i, &image[0]); } } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j ) { if (blockMap[i][j] != NULL) blockMap[i][j]->draw(); } } } // 初始化游戏 void Init() { srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); // 初始化随机数种子 memset(map, 0, 4 * 4 * sizeof(int)); // 把地图初始化为 0 memset(blockMap, 0, 4 * 4 * sizeof(Block*)); score = 0; gameLoop = 1; gameOver = false; overTime = 0.5f; currentMaxBlock = 2; map[0][0] = 2; map[0][1] = 2; blockMap[0][0] = new Block({ 25,225 }, &image[2]); blockMap[0][1] = new Block({ 125,225 }, &image[2]); setbkcolor(WHITE); setbkmode(TRANSPARENT); } // 游戏结束界面 返回 1 表示继续游戏 返回 0 表示结束游戏 int OverInterface() { // 保存最高纪录 std::wstringstream ss; ss << maxScore; WritePrivateProfileString(_T("2048"), _T("MaxScore"), ss.str().c_str(), _T(".\\data.ini")); ss.str(_T("")); ss << maxBlock; WritePrivateProfileString(_T("2048"), _T("MaxBlock"), ss.str().c_str(), _T(".\\data.ini")); setbkmode(TRANSPARENT); setbkcolor(0x8eecff); cleardevice(); // Game Over settext(60, 1000, 0x696f78); printtext(_T("Game Over!"), 0, 0, 439, 199); // 绘制最大方块 TransparentBlt(GetImageHDC(NULL), 175, 150, 90, 90, GetImageHDC(&image[currentMaxBlock]), 0, 0, 90, 90, 0x9eaebb); // ReStart setfillcolor(0x9dadba); solidroundrect(120, 310, 319, 389, 10, 10); settext(36, 1000, WHITE); printtext(_T("ReStart"), 120, 310, 319, 389); // Exit solidroundrect(120, 460, 319, 539, 10, 10); printtext(_T("Exit"), 120, 460, 319, 539); FlushBatchDraw(); FlushMouseMsgBuffer(); while (1) { while (MouseHit()) { MOUSEMSG msg = GetMouseMsg(); if (msg.mkLButton) { int x = msg.x; int y = msg.y; if (x >= 120 && x <= 319 && y >= 310 && y <= 389) return 1; if (x >= 120 && x <= 319 && y >= 460 && y <= 539) return 0; } } Sleep(100); } return 1; } // 释放内存 void FreeMem() { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ) for (int j = 0; j < 4; j ) if (blockMap[i][j] != NULL) delete blockMap[i][j]; } // 用于生成方块图片 // img: 方块图片指针 // num: 方块上的数字 // imgColor: 方块颜色 // fontSize: 字体大小 // fontColor: 字体颜色 void CreateImage(IMAGE *img, LPCTSTR num, COLORREF imgColor, int fontSize, COLORREF fontColor) { SetWorkingImage(img); setbkmode(TRANSPARENT); setbkcolor(0x9eaebb); settext(fontSize, 1000, fontColor); setfillcolor(imgColor); settextcolor(fontColor); cleardevice(); solidroundrect(0, 0, img->getwidth() - 1, img->getheight() - 1, 10, 10); RECT r = { 0,0,img->getwidth() - 1,img->getheight() - 1 }; drawtext(num, &r, DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE); } // 绘制图片缓存 void Load() { IMAGE temp(90, 90); CreateImage(&temp, _T(""), 0xb5becc, 72, WHITE); image[0] = temp; CreateImage(&temp, _T("2"), 0xdbe6ee, 72, 0x707b83); image[2] = temp; CreateImage(&temp, _T("4"), 0xc7e1ed, 72, 0x707b83); image[4] = temp; CreateImage(&temp, _T("8"), 0x78b2f4, 72, WHITE); image[8] = temp; CreateImage(&temp, _T("16"), 0x538ded, 72, WHITE); image[16] = temp; CreateImage(&temp, _T("32"), 0x607df6, 72, WHITE); image[32] = temp; CreateImage(&temp, _T("64"), 0x3958e9, 72, WHITE); image[64] = temp; CreateImage(&temp, _T("128"), 0x6bd9f5, 56, WHITE); image[128] = temp; CreateImage(&temp, _T("256"), 0x4bd0f2, 56, WHITE); image[256] = temp; CreateImage(&temp, _T("512"), 0x2ac0e4, 56, WHITE); image[512] = temp; CreateImage(&temp, _T("1024"), 0x13b8e3, 40, WHITE); image[1024] = temp; CreateImage(&temp, _T("2048"), 0x00c5eb, 40, WHITE); image[2048] = temp; CreateImage(&temp, _T("4096"), 0x3958e9, 40, WHITE); image[4096] = temp; CreateImage(&temp, _T("8192"), 0x3958e9, 40, WHITE); image[8192] = temp; SetWorkingImage(NULL); } // 主函数 int main() { float deltaTime = 0; // 每帧耗时 initgraph(440, 650); Load(); BeginBatchDraw(); maxScore = 0; // 读取最高分 maxScore = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("2048"), _T("MaxScore"), 0, _T(".\\data.ini")); // 读取最大方块 maxBlock = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("2048"), _T("MaxBlock"), 2, _T(".\\data.ini")); while (1) { Init(); while (gameLoop) { clock_t start = clock(); cleardevice(); Update(deltaTime); Draw(); FlushBatchDraw(); Sleep(1); clock_t end = clock(); deltaTime = (end - start) / 1000.0f; } FreeMem(); if (OverInterface() == 0) break; FlushMouseMsgBuffer(); } closegraph(); }


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c语言经典小游戏源代码50行 CC项目实战(2)


c语言经典小游戏源代码50行 CC项目实战(3)


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