





Bright Side: Why Women Fell out of Love with Black

For decades it has been synonymous with timeless chic – but now joyful, attention-grabbing colors are pushing it out of the wardrobe.

New Yorkers do it. Parisians do it. Fashion types, Swedes and architects do it. In fact, name any stylish tribe and you’ll find that they do it. Wear black, that is – a Colour that has come to signify so much: rigour, elegance, sex appeal, piety, formality, slenderness, even wickedness.

Recently, however, black’s supposedly timeless status as the go-to hue for the chic has been thrown into the shade. And maybe that is no bad thing.

Scroll through any British fashion website today and a rainbow of colour beams out. The breadth of shades feels remarkable: Topshop sets out its stall with a parrot-green silk skirt, a lemon coat and an azure trouser suit. At Boden, it’s all tomato-red cardigans and spotty cerise frocks. At Zara, there are russet and emerald tartans and rollneck jumpers in highlighter pen yellow and candy pink.

Yes, Britain is in the midst of a heatwave, but this is no seasonal aberration. For months, the fashion news agenda has been hijacked by colour. Even vampires don’t wear much black these days, according to Susie Cave, whose label, the Vampire’s Wife, has quickly captured the fashion zeitgeist.

“I think the world in which we live as women has become so divisive, so bloodthirsty, so vindictive and puritanical that women want to exist beyond these reductive influences, and colour is one way of doing this,” says Cave. “Colour has a huge positive psychological impact – it is a shout of individuality – and I think women want some life and wonder and joy and wildness in their lives and colour gives them that.”

WGSN’s color director, Jane Boddy, believes we are all increasingly aware of “how color connects us, as human beings, and how we use it as a tool to define us”. Certainly, a fascination with something as digestible as color makes sense when the news agenda is so tangled and baffling, thanks to Brexit and Trump.

We may be living through the most visual era ever. But at least fashion experts are no longer urging women to wear black clothing to look thinner or less distracting in the workplace.

July 26th, 2018

The Guardian《卫报》







是的,英国正处于热浪之中,但上述这些趋势并不是季节性反常。数月以来,时尚新闻已经被色彩占据了。甚至吸血鬼都不再穿多少黑色了。说这话的是Susie Cave,她创立的Vampire’s Wife品牌迅速抓住了当前的时尚精神。


WGSN的色彩知道Jane Boddy认为我们正越来越意识到“色彩如何将我们作为人类连接起来,而我们又如何将它作为工具来定义我们”。当然,当英国脱欧和特朗普使得新闻内容愈加复杂而令人困惑时,我们也很容易理解人们为什么迷恋于色彩这一一种易于理解的存在了。



synonymous [sɪˈnɑːnɪməs]

adj. 同义词的;同义的,类义的

例:Sustainability is not synonymous with renewability but it is strongly linked to it.


chic [ʃiːk]

n. 时髦;优雅;别致

例:A recent refurb has transformed this hotel into the height of contemporary chic.


rigour [ˈrɪɡər]

n. 谨慎;严格;艰苦

例:It insists that economic co-ordination should involve all 27 members of the EU club, among whom there is a small majority for free-market liberalism and economic rigour; in the inner core alone, Germany fears, a small majority favour French interference.

它主张经济合作应该包括所有 27 个欧盟成员国,在它们当中,只有刚过半数的国家支持自由市场自由主义和严格的经济政策;而在核心成员国内部,德国担心 会有超过半数的国家支持法国的干涉。(2011 年考研英语二阅读理解 Part A Text 4)

piety [ˈpaɪəti]

n. 虔诚,虔敬

例:I'm not doing it out of any sense of religious piety or anything, Megan explained.


hue [hjuː]

n. 颜色;色调;信仰

例:He’d never seen eyes like that before, of such a strange hue.


scroll [skroʊl]

vt&vi. 滚屏;滚动

例: Scroll down to the bottom of the document.


beam out


azure [ˈæʒər]

adj. 天蓝色的;蔚蓝色的

例: The sun shone out of a clear azure sky.


aberration [ˌæbəˈreɪʃn]

n. 脱离常规;反常现象;异常行为

例:Economists dismissed last month’s jump in inflation as an aberration.


zeitgeist [ˈzaɪtɡaɪst]

n. 时代精神;时代思潮

例:She's bang up to now without kowtowing to fashion, and catches the zeitgeist in a completely individual way.


vindictive [vɪnˈdɪktɪv]

adj. 想复仇的;报复性的;怀恨的

例: Wretched are those who are vindictive and spiteful.


puritanical [ˌpjʊrɪˈtænɪkl]

adj. 清教徒式的;道德极严格的

例: Their parents had a puritanical streak and didn't approve of dancing.


tangled [ˈtæŋɡld]

adj. 缠结的;混乱的;复杂的;纠缠不清的

例: Diplomacy can be such a tangled web.


baffling [ˈbæflɪŋ]

adj. 令人困惑的;难对付的;难解的

例: Some of the country’s customs are baffling to outsiders.



the world in which we live as women has become so divisive, so bloodthirsty, so vindictive and puritanical that women want to exist beyond these reductive influences, and colour is one way of doing this


