


与look相关的7个习语/谚语Look before you leap. 三思而后行。

"Look before you leap"is a warning against people acting rashly.


look out for number one 先为自己考虑,把自己的利益放在首位

It doesn't make you a selfish person if you look out for number one from time to time.


be not much to look at 沒有吸引力,外表没什么魅力

He’s not much to look at, but he’s got a greatsense of humour.


look straight/right through sb 对(某人)视而不见

I said hello but she looked straight through me.


look on the bright side 看到光明的一面,看到好的一面

Look on the bright side - no one was badly hurt.


I'm just looking. 我只是随便看看

No thanks, I'm just looking.


look lively/sharp! 动作快点,麻利点

Look lively - we haven't got all day!



  • look sb. into silence 瞪着某人不敢作声
  • look sb. full in the face 盯着某人的面孔细看
  • look sb. up and down 上上下下打量某人
  • look on the bright side of life 看到生活的光明面
  • look about 四下里看;观察形势
  • look after 回头看;照应
  • look ahead 考虑未来,预先做好准备
  • look back 回顾,回头看
  • look as if 看起来好像,似乎,好像
  • look big 洋洋自得,盛气凌人
  • look down 俯视;看不起 (on;upon)
  • look forward to 盼望,期待
  • look in on sb. 顺便访问
  • look into 窥视;调查
  • look on 看做 (as);旁观,观看
  • look out 注意,警惕;看外头;找出
  • look over 过目,查看;检验
  • look round 掉头看,环顾,;察看。
  • look through 透过(玻璃等)看;看穿;彻底调查;从头看完
  • look to 注意;照料;依赖,指望
  • look to it that 注意,留心
  • look up 向上看;在字典中查找;尊敬 (to);拜访



1. Some people came to look _____the house, but I don't think they'll buy it.

A. over B. into C. after

2. Could you look ____on her and just check that everything's OK.

A. up B. in C. out

3. --Look _____, that chair's going to fall over!

A. over B. out C. into

4. I had to look ______ my neighbour's dog while she was away.

A. into B. after C. up

5. If you don't know a word, look it _____in a dictionary.

A. after B. up C. at

答案: 1-5 A B B B B

6. Look _____; he's got a gun!

A.up B. in C.out

7. She promised them that she would look ___ the matter and find out what had gone wrong.

A. at B. to C. into

8. He's a bit of a snob and looks _____ people who aren't from his social background.

A.up to B. forward to C. down on

9. Things have really looked _____ since she got promoted.

A. down B. out for C. up

10. The Investigation Committee was set up to look____ the cause of the plane crash.

A. into B. up C. over

答案: 6-10 C C C C A

11. I'm really looking ______ to my holiday as I need a rest.

A. up B. forward C. down on

12. She's always losing her keys and looking _____ them.

A. for B. at C. to

13. Customs stopped me and looked ______all my luggage.

A.on B.through C.into

14. The boss looks______ all his staff as idiots.

A. round B. over C. on

15. Everybody looks______ him for the solution.

A.up B. to . C. over

答案: 11-15 B A B C B

16. Could you look______ my dog while I'm on holiday, please?

A.after B. into C. up

17. I look ______ on my childhood as the happiest part of my life.

A.round B.through C.back

18. No matter how bad things seem, you should always look___the bright side of life.

A. off B. on C. at

19. After the accident, everyone looked______ the local priest for support and advice.

A.to B.up C.out

20. I went back to the town where I grew up and looked ______some old friends.

A. up B down. C. round

答案: 16-20 A C B A A



