据台媒DigiTimes报道,苹果供应链传出苹果已经完成了其AR/VR头显的第二阶段工程验证测试(EVT2),以确保原型设备符合苹果的设计目标和规格,同时预计Q3进入量产,并有望在今年年底上市。据传,苹果将于2022年推出的AR/VR头显定位为高端的商用产品,将采用高强度轻量化的镁合金材料,内含激光传感器,配备两个4K micro-OLED显示屏、15个光学模块、两个主处理器、Wi-Fi 6E连接,能够实现眼球追踪、透视AR模式、物体追踪、手势控制等诸多特性。除此之外,《DigiTimes》进一步援引苹果供应链方面指出:“所述设备重量较重且价格偏高,锁定专业市场需求”。业界推测,苹果AR/VR头显将专注于游戏、影音和通信,由于其采用的零组件及初期规模量成本相对较高,其备售价可能会拉升至2000美元左右。VR的行情正以远超五年前冷寂的速度,重归火热。从苹果、谷歌、微软等大型科技公司群雄追逐,大力研发头显设备及可穿戴设备,身临其境不是梦想的同时,一场抢占时代先机的较量也在暗流涌动着。
From Apple to Google, big tech is rushing to build VR and AR headsets
With eyes like saucers , nine-year-old Ralph Miles slowly removes his Quest 2 headset. “It was like being in another galaxy !” he exclaims. He has just spent ten minutes blasting alien robots with deafening laser cannons —all the while seated silently in the home-electronics section of a London department store. Sales assistants bustle around, advertising the gear to take home today. “That would be sick!” enthuses Ralph. “Don’t get him started,” warns his dad.
9岁的拉尔夫·迈尔斯眼睛如茶碟般,他慢慢地摘下了他的Quest 2耳机。“就像置身于另一个银河系!”他惊呼道。他刚刚花了十分钟用震耳欲聋的激光炮轰炸外星机器人,与此同时,他一直静静地坐在伦敦一家百货公司的家用电器区。销售助理们忙得团团转,为了推销今天要带回家的设备。“那太烦人了!”拉尔夫热烈地说。“别让他开始,”他的爸爸警告说。
Children are no longer the only ones excited about “extended reality ”, a category which includes both fully immersive virtual reality (VR) and the newer technology of augmented reality (AR), in which computer imagery is superimposed onto the user’s view of the world around them. Nearly every large technology firm is rushing to develop a VR or AR headset, convinced that what has long been a niche market may be on the brink of becoming something much bigger.
Meta, Facebook’s parent company , has sold perhaps 10m Quest 2 devices in the past 18 months and will launch Cambria , a more advanced headset, later this year. Microsoft is pitching its pricier HoloLens 2 to businesses. Apple is expected to unveil its first headset near the end of the year, and is said already to have a next-generation model in the pipeline. Google is working on a set of goggles known as Iris. And a host of second-tier tech firms, from ByteDance to Sony and Snap, are selling or developing eyewear of their own.
在过去的18个月里,Facebook的母公司Meta已经售出了大约1000万台Quest 2设备,并将在今年晚些时候推出一款更先进的耳机Cambria。微软正在向企业推介其价格更高的HoloLens 2。苹果公司预计将在今年年底推出其首款头显,据称其下一代机型已经在酝酿之中。谷歌正在研发一款名为Iris的护目镜。从字节跳动到索尼和Snap,许多二线科技公司都在销售或开发自己的眼镜。
- big tech 大型科技公司;
- rush to 抢着做某事,急于做某事;
- VR abbr. 虚拟现实(virtual reality);
- AR abbr. 增强现实(Augmented Reality) ;
- headset /ˈhedset/ n.头戴式受话器,耳机;
- saucer /ˈsɔːsər/ n. (放茶杯的)浅碟,茶托;
- galaxy /ˈɡæləksi/ n. 银河;银河系;星系;
- exclaim /ɪkˈskleɪm/ vt. 呼喊,惊叫,大声说;
- blast /blæst/ vt.(用炸药)炸毁,把…炸成碎片;爆破;
- deafening /ˈdefnɪŋ/ adj. 震耳欲聋的;极喧闹的;
- cannon /ˈkænən/ n. 大炮;机关炮;
- all the while 一直;始终;
- electronics /ɪˌlekˈtrɑːnɪks/ n.电子设备;
- department store 百货公司,百货商店;
- sales assistant 销售助理;
- bustle /ˈbʌs(ə)l/ vi. 四下忙碌;东奔西走;
- gear /ɡɪr/ n.(某种活动的)设备;
- enthuse /ɪnˈθuːz/ vi. 热烈地说,兴奋地讨论;
- extended reality 扩展现实;
- category /ˈkætəɡɔːri/ n. 种类,范畴;
- immersive /ɪˈmɜːrsɪv/ adj.(计算机系统或图像)沉浸式虚拟现实的;
- newer /njuər/ adj. 更新的;
- computer imagery 计算机成像;
- superimpose /ˌsuːpərɪmˈpoʊz/ vt. 叠加,生搬硬套;
- niche market 有利可图的市场,利基市场;
- be on the brink of 濒于,几乎;
- parent company 总公司,母公司;
- launch /lɔːntʃ/ vt. 推出 (新产品);
- pitch /pɪtʃ/ vt. 推销;争取支持(或生意等);
- pricier /ˈpraɪsiər/ adj. 价格高的,昂贵的;
- HoloLens 2 混合现实头显(专有名词);
- unveil /ˌʌnˈveɪl/ vt.(首次)公开,揭示;
- next-generation 下一代产品,下一代;
- in the pipeline 在进行中;在准备中;
- goggle /ˈɡɑːɡl/ n. 眼镜;(用以挡光、防尘、防水等的)护目镜(goggles);
- second-tier 第二层,第二级;
- ByteDance 字节跳动;
- eyewear /ˈaɪwer/ n. 眼镜;护目镜;
文本选自:The Economist(经济学人)
原文发布时间:5 Apr. 2022
A bold attempt is half success.