

( )1. ______ is one of the water sports.

A. Water-ski

B. Water-skiing

C. Water-sking

D. Watering-skiing

Water-skiing 复合名词 滑水 Water-ski ,不是名词形式不可以作主语Water-sking ,ski作为动名词要直接在ski后面加ing,B。

( )2. The film is very ___. Tom is very ____.

A. exciting, excited

B. excited, exciting

C. exciting, exciting

D. excited, excited

exciting 令人兴奋的 指物 excited 兴奋的 指人,A。

( )3. ____the weather will be like tomorrow, we ‘l l go surfing.

A. No matter how

B. No matter what's

C. No matter what

D. No matter if


问天气有两种说法:what’s the weather like? How is the weather? C。

( D )4. The river near our village is about ____long.

A. three-hundreds-metres

B. three-hundred-metre

C. three-hundred-metres

D. three hundred metres

数词 名词 构成名词性短语 中间用-连词符号,名词用单数形式,用作定语,修饰名词,后面一定要接名词。而题目中long是形容词,AC表达方式本来就不对。B 后面接名词 答案为D。hundred前面如果有数词,hundred不能用复数形式。


( )5. He has not had a night ____for two weeks, but he still feels ____.

A. off, happy

B. away, hapily

C. off, happily

D. away, happy


have a day off 休息一天 放假一天 have a night off 休息一晚,A。

( )6. It makes him ____.

A. feel angrily

B. feel angry

C. to feel angry

D. feeling angry

make sb.do sth. 让某人做某事 这使他感觉得很生气。连系动词feel后接形容词作表语。B

( )7. It's ____good food that we all like it very much.

A. so a

B. such a

C. so

D. Such

food是不可数名词 AB可以排除。so修饰形容词或副词,这里中心词是food为名词。

So 形容词/副词 that

Such 形容词/副词 名词 that

但是如果名词前有many,much ,little,few等修饰词,则用so 代替such. D

( )8. When you ____the street,you must look first.


B. go cross

C. cross

D. goes across

过街,过河,过桥 都用动词cross或go across 但是you是第2人称,不能用goes.C

( )9. Look! Mrs. Green is talking ____the students of Class I on the ground.


B. in the middle of

C. between

D. At

in the middle 强调位置关系。“在...中间”不强调几者之间。两者可以不是同类关系。如人在池子的中央。among 两者多为同类,有one of ...的意思,B

( )10. Her teacher thinks ____of her.

A. high

B. highly

C. well

D. Good

她的老师对她的评价很高。用副词highly修饰动词think. B

( )11. Lei Feng is the ____of all the people in China.

A. pride

B. proud

C. prideful

D. Proudly

pride 名词骄傲, proud 形容词 骄傲的, prideful 自傲的,proudly骄傲地


( )12.---Have you finished yourhomework_____?

---No, not_____.

A.already, already

B.yet, yet

C.already, yet

D.yet, already


( )13. Neither you or he ______Hawaii before.

A. has gone to

B. have gone to

C. have been to

D. has been to

neither...or 既不...也不,谓语动词和最临近的主语保持一致。

have been to 曾经去过 have gone to 已经去了,D

( )14. Xi'an is very famous______Terra Cotta Warriors.

A. to

B. of

C. in

D. For

be famous for 因...而出名,D

( )15. Bruce has lived here______last year.

A. /

B. for

C. before

D. Since

since “至从”用于完成时中,一般接一段时间 ago 或接一个过去的时间点。这里lastyear属于过去的时间点。for 接一段时间。 before 用在现在完成时,通常放在句末。I have never been toBeijing before. D

( )16. Waikiki is one of the bestbeaches ______ surfing in Honolulu.

A. to

B. for

C. with

D. In

在火奴鲁鲁,怀基基海滩是最好的用来冲浪运动的海滩之一。for 表示“用来.....”,B

( )17. I've never ______ himbefore.

A. heard of

B. hear from

C. heard to

D. hear of

完成时中动词用过去分词,BD可排除。hear of 听说过。hear from 收到...来信,B

( )18. They were very proud______their daughter.

A. for

B. of

C. with

D. About

be proud of为...骄傲 take pride in 为...骄傲,B

( )19. Then he slowed ______ asthe wind became stronger and the waves higher.


B. below

C .down

D .slowly

放慢速度 slow down,C

( )20. All of us except him_______ to Beijing.

A. have gone

B. has gone

C. have been

D. has been

除了他我们都去过北京. 如果选择have gone to,表示除了他,我们都去了北京(还没回来),那么就不存在着我们在这里来告诉别人去北京的事了。也得回来了再告诉别人。All of us 大家作主语用复数。C



