
8. Physical Activity 场景八:体育锻炼,今天小编就来说说关于英语介词结构练习?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



8. Physical Activity 场景八:体育锻炼


Helen Wears Herself Out 海伦累惨了



wear…out: If something wears you out, it makes you feel extremely tired


1)Maria, Helen, Sigrid, and Yuki had been walking and jogging in the woods for most of the afternoon. “I like to work out like this," Sigrid said. " It's great to slip away from the crowds of students and professors for a while.”

玛丽亚、海伦、西格丽德、尤琪四个人大半个下午都在树林里散步和慢跑。 西格丽德说:“我喜欢这样的运动方式。能暂时性地躲开学生和教授实在是太好了。”

Sigrid: n. 西格丽德(女子名),来源于斯堪的纳维亚语,含义是“胜利 美丽的”(victory beautiful)


work out: do physical exercise, run or lift weights, etc, to exercise the body


slip away:go away quietly, go without being seen 溜走

2) Helen was tired.“I wouldn't feel up to doing this every day. I've worn myself out. Are we almost back to our bicycles? I can't keep up much longer. I'll pass out!' she said jokingly.


feel up to doing:feel able to, feel well enough to

pass out:faint, become unconscious ( = black out) (informal)

(非正式用语)晕倒,失去意识(同black out)

3) “Don’ t black out now," Maria told her.“Of course you could curl up in the leaves and sleep. Or you and I could sit down for a while and catch up with the others later.’


curl up:lie down on one's side and pull up one's legs. change from a straight to a curved shape 蜷缩着身子

4) “We can cut across here," Yuki pointed out,“instead of staying on this path. That way will be a little shorter.”


cut across:go straight across or through instead of around 抄近路穿过

point... out…:call attention to, show 指出

5) “‘I’ll just grit my teeth and hold on," said Helen.“I'll keep up with you if it kills me. And it probably will! I feel like a fighter who has almost been knocked out.


grit your teeth:to bite your teeth tightly together 咬紧牙关

hold on:continue to try 继续尝试

knock .... out:make weak and helpless, make unconscious (perhaps by hitting)


6) ”I'm just warming up," Sigrid said. “I could go on all night.’


warm up:1)practice or exercise for a few minutes before a contest, performance, etc; 比赛、表演前的练习、热身。2)become accustomed to doing something 习惯做某事

go on:continue 继续

7) “I couldn't," said Yuki. ' But I suppose that we should move on before it gets dark.”


move on:go forward again 继续前进

8) “I’m not cut out for this," Helen moaned.' if somebody asks us for another long run or even walk, I'll say ‘No. thanks.’ ”


cut out for:intended for, made for, suited to, able to do (used only as a passive) (通常用被动语态)天生是、目的是、适合、能做

eg. He is cut out for a football player. 他天生是个当足球运动员的料子.

moan: [məʊn] (of a person 人) to make a long deep sound, usually expressing unhappiness, suffering or sexual pleasure 呻吟

9) “I think that we should follow up this jogging with a long walk this evening," said Sigrid. “Walking is easy if you do it right. Just relax and let your body follow through each step with your leg and arms moving naturally.”


follow ... up:do (something) next as a continuation of 后续做……

follow through: continue (a movement, plan, etc.) to the end




