


你还在为写论文而烦恼吗?你写论文还是只会“ctrl c”和“ctrl v"吗?你还在为筹字数而胡扯、信口开河吗?是的话就收下下面这一篇论文大纲写作指南。








1. 摘要


2. 陈述研究问题(绪论)?


3. 研究背景以及此研究的必须性?


4. 研究内容的陈述?


5. 研究的成果?


6. 研究不足与展望?


7. 文献目录与其他参考资料?




Today's article

Are you still worrying about writing papers? Do you still only use "ctrl c" and "ctrl v" when writing a thesis? Are you still talking nonsense and talking about the word count? If yes, accept the following essay outline writing guide.

1. The use of the essay outline

1. It can reflect the author's overall thinking. An outline is a logical diagram composed of sequence codes and text, and is a writing design diagram that helps authors consider the logical composition of the entire article. The advantage is that it lets you know how to articulate your point of view.

2. Conducive to echo before and after the thesis. There is an outline that can help us establish an overall concept. Starting from the whole, we are testing the status and role of each part, and whether there is a logical connection with each other, so as not to be wrong.  

3. Conducive to timely adjustment and modification. In the research and writing process of the thesis, you need to read a huge amount of information. If you don’t write the outline carefully, you will be disturbed by the different opinions in this different information when you start the pen. You have to stop the pen to rethink or even overthrow your own. The point of view is from the beginning; this not only increases the workload, but also greatly affects the writing mood. In addition, a good outline is also helpful to know that the teacher will give advice in time.

2. Steps to write an outline:

The outline of the paper generally contains the following parts:

1. Summary

Make a brief description of the issues raised and how they will be discussed.

2. State the research question (introduction)?

The following questions must be answered here: What kind of question? Why is it important? Has anyone else explored similar issues? What is their conclusion? The universality of the conclusion? Lack of conclusion?

3. The research background and the necessity of this research?

This part is used to show that the research conclusions caused by insufficient argumentation by the researchers or inaccurate experimental data in the past research on the issues discussed are lack of accuracy or need to be supplemented. This part of the statement aims to point out why we chose this aspect for exploration, rather than other aspects. At the same time, other relevant documents must be displayed and the differences between their own research and the listed documents or areas for improvement should be pointed out.

4. Statement of research content?

This part needs to include research methods (what method to use, what software and what research has been done by previous people using this method, etc.), data collection and analysis, and experimental process steps.

5. The results of the research?

This part needs to list all the real experimental data that can support the conclusions obtained in the research process, and how to draw experimental conclusions step by step through the analysis of these experimental data.

6. Research deficiency and outlook?

This part is more for the integrity of the article, because every essay is imperfect. When you are writing, you will be able to find 10,000 flaws, so when you finally self-criticize, choose a few not. Then let’s talk about the principled issues, such as: the scope of the research object is not wide enough, the theoretical model can be refined, etc.... I hope that future generations can continue to study and have a simple outlook. Here you can refer to how some other people's literature is about self-criticism and prospects, basically it is a routine.

7. Bibliography and other reference materials?

Examples can refer to the following two pictures:






