


Lesson 1 Is this your handbag?

Lesson 2 Yes, it is.

Is this your...? 句型及其肯定回答

日常用语:Thank you. 等

Lesson 3 Is this your umbrella?

Lesson 4 No, it isn't.

Is this your...? 句型及其否定回答

日常用语:Sorry. 等

Lesson 5 Nice to meet you.

Lesson 6 Is it an Indian car?

人称代词he、she、it 日常用语:国籍的表达法

Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?

Lesson 8 What's your job?



Lesson 9 How are you today?

Lesson 10 Is th policeman tall or short?

处不学习形容词作表语;句型He/She is short. 日常用语:询问健康状况

Lesson 11 Whose shirt is that?

Lesson 12 It is Bob's.

形容词性物主代词my、your、his、her 名词所有格Is it Steven's? No, it's Robert's.

Lesson 13 It is the same colour?

Lesson 14 What colour is your cup?

What colour is...? 问句及回答

名词所有格Dave's shirt、Helen's hat

Lesson 15 Your passports, please.

Lesson 16 What colour are your tickets?

名词复数;be的变化形式are 句型Are these your...? Are you/they...? What colour are...? 问与答

Lesson 17 They are keyboard operators.

Lesson 18 What are their jobs?

人称代词they,句型They are... 表示职业的名词复数

Lesson 19 We are tired and thirsty.

Lesson 20 Are these boys tall?

进一步学习形容词作表语;句型They're short. 日常用语What's the matter?

Lesson 21 Which book?

Lesson 22 Please give me a fork.

代词one的用法 初步学习人称代词宾格me、him、her、us、them

Lesson 23 Which glasses?

Lesson 24 Please give him some toys.

代词ones的用法 进一步学习人称代词宾格me、him、her、us、them

Lesson 25 Mrs. Smith's kitchen

Lesson 26 Is there a new book in the bag?

学习冠词a、an、the There is a(an)... 疑问、肯定和否定句型结构

Lesson 27 Mrs. Smith's living room

Lesson 28 Are there any spoons on the table?

There are some... 疑问、肯定和否定句型结构 初步了解some & any的不同用法

Lesson 29 What must I do?

Lesson 30 Please put on your coat!

祈使句句型Come in. Shut the door. Open the window. 等 初步学习情态动词must

Lesson 31 She is sitting under the tree.

Lesson 32 What's Amy doing?

初步学习现在进行时态及其句型结构 动词现在分词的规则形式:动词加-ing

Lesson 33 A fine day

Lesson 34 What are they doing?

进一步学习现在进行时态及其句型结构 动词现在分词的不规则形式:去掉结尾的-e再加-ing

Lesson 35 Our village

Lesson 36 Where is he working?

初步掌握现在进行时态及其句型结构 动词现在分词不规则形式:双写词尾的辅音字母再加-ing

Lesson 37 What are you doing?

Lesson 38 What are you going to do?

进一步掌握现在进行时态 初步学习be going to 表示的一般将来时态,复习对比现在进行时态

Lesson 39 Don't put it there!

Lesson 40 What are you going to do with the book?

祈使句的否定句Don't... 进一步学习be going to表示的一般将来时态;双宾语动词

Lesson 41 What's in it?

Lesson 42 Is there any bread here?

不可数名词的量化a piece of、a kilo of、a cup of 等 a、one、some和any的用法

Lesson 43 Can you make the tea?

Lesson 44 Are there any cups here? Is there any coffee here?

解除情态动词can 区分可数与不可数名词;some & any在there be句型中的应用

Lesson 45 I can't read it!

Lesson 46 Can he read this story?

初步学习情态动词can 初步学习can在否定和疑问句中的用法

Lesson 47 Do you like coffee?

Lesson 48 Do you like apples?

初步学习动词like;句型Do you like...? I like..., but I don't like... 代词one & any与可数和不可数名词的关系与用法

Lesson 49 I don't like chicken either!

Lesson 50 Does he like grapes?

进一步学习动词like;句型Does he like...? He likes..., but he doesn't like... 区分too & either的不同用法

Lesson 51 What's the weather like in spring?

Lesson 52 Does she come from Canada?

初步学习介词like;句型What's the climate like in your country? 句型Where does he come from? 复习对比句型What nationality is he?

Lesson 53 An interesting climate

Lesson 54 Where do you come from?

进一步学习介词like;介词like与动词like的对比与总结 句型Where do they come from? 复习对比句型What nationality are they?

Lesson 55 The Sawyer family

Lesson 56 What does she usually do in the evening?

一般现在时态 一般现在时态常用的时间状语

Lesson 57 An unusual day

Lesson 58 Does she usually have breakfast at 7 o'clock?

总结it指代时间、天气、温度等用法 一般现在时态与现在进行时态的对比

Lesson 59 What else do you want?

Lesson 60 Do you have any cabbages?

初步学习实意动词have;句型Do you have...? 及其肯定和否定回答 归纳总结可数名词与不可数名词的概念;some和any的不同用法

Lesson 61 We must call the doctor?

Lesson 62 What's the matter with him?

进一步学习情态动词must;must的肯定形式 进一步学习实意动词have的其他含义

Lesson 63 He mustn't eat rich food.

Lesson 64 Don't shut the window!

初步掌握情态动词must;must的否定形式;系动词feel & look 祈使句的否定形式Don't ...

Lesson 65 Enjoy yourself!

Lesson 66 When must she see the dentist?

进一步掌握情态动词must;must的特殊疑问句 与时间和地点连用的介词at、in、from、to

Lesson 67 The weekend

Lesson 68 When were you at home?

初步学习一般过去时态,系动词be的过去式was & were 定冠词the的用法和零冠词的特殊含义

Lesson 69 The car race

Lesson 70 When were you in America?

进一步学习系动词be的一般过去时态;表示过去的时间状语 句型When were you...?

Lesson 71 What's he like?

Lesson 72 What did they do last night?

初步学习实意动词的一般过去时态及其句型基本结构 初步接触动词过去式的规则形式

Lesson 73 She lost her way.

Lesson 74 Did he go to the gym?

进一步学习实意动词的一般过去时态;初步接触动词过去式的不规则形式; 句型Did he/she do...?;形容词加-ly变副词;副词修饰动词的一般语序

Lesson 75 Women always wear uncomfortable shoes.

Lesson 76 Where did she look after her baby?

初步掌握一般过去时态;表示过去的时间状语;更多规则和不规则动词的过去式; 句型Where/When did you...?

Lesson 77 I can wait, but my toothache can't!

Lesson 78 Where and when didi you buy this truck?

进一步掌握一般过去时态;初步接触否定疑问句的句式Can't you...?; 常与时间状语搭配使用的介词(at、on、in、till)

Lesson 79 We need a lot of things this week.

Lesson 80 I must go to the greengrocer's to get some apples.

复习情态动词must;接触实意动词need;学习have/has got表示“有”; 理解和比较many、much、a lot of 和some含义以及可数与不可数

Lesson 81 We had roast beef and potatoes.

Lesson 82 They had an examination.

实意动词have表达的各种含义(take、eat、drink等); 实意动词have在一般过去时态中的用法:I had...

Lesson 83 I've already had my holiday this year.

Lesson 84 Have you had any bananas?

初步学习现在完成时态:构成形式、一般疑问句、肯定句及否定句句型; 助动词have与实意动词have形同和不同的含义

Lesson 85 Have you ever been there?

Lesson 86 What has he just done?

进一步学习现在完成时态:特殊疑问句句型; 规则动词的过去式和过去分词形式相同

Lesson 87 Didn't you have a crash?

Lesson 88 Have you heard this news yet?

现在完成时态与一般过去时态的对比; 不规则动词的过去分词形式

Lesson 89 Women always have the last word.

Lesson 90 He has taught math for eight years.

通过与一般过去时态进一步的对比,初步掌握现在完成时态; 更多不规则动词的过去分词形式;for和since表示的时间状语

Lesson 91 He is going to move tomorrow.

Lesson 92 When will you repair this desk?

初步接触will表将来,will和be going to的不同含义,表示将来的时间状语; 通过与“将来”和“过去”的对比,进一步理解和掌握现在完成时态的用法

Lesson 93 He will fly to New York next month.

Lesson 94 Will you go to the college next week?

进一步接触并学习will表示的一般将来时态,该时态与一般过去时态的对比; 一般将来时态的句型结构(一般疑问及肯定/否定回答),表过去和将来的时间状语

Lesson 95 In five hours' time

Lesson 96 I went to this town a year ago.

通过与一般过去时态进一步的对比学习,初步掌握will表示的一般将来时态; 表示过去的时间状语(...ago)与表示将来的时间状语(in...time)的对比

Lesson 97 This case doesn't belong to me.

Lesson 98 Whose is this dictionary?

动词词组belong to的用法; 名词性物主代词mine、yours、his、hers、ours、theirs

Lesson 99 I'm afraid that I can't get up.

Lesson 100 I think that he studies hard.

初步接触并学习宾语从句; 句型I think that...、He says that...

Lesson 101 He hopes we are all well.

Lesson 102 She says she feels lonely.

进一步学习宾语从句; that在宾语从句中的省略

Lesson 103 They were too difficult for me.

Lesson 104 Could you carry the box?

副词too、very和enough的不同含义与用法; 句型too...to...和...enough (for sb.) to...

Lesson 105 I want you to type it again.

Lesson 106 I want him to try it on.

动词不定式做宾语补足语;句型I (don't) want sb. to do sth.; I want sb. not to do sth.和Tell sb. (not) to do sth. 的含义

Lesson 107 This is the largest dress in the shop.

Lesson 108 This box is heavier than the blue one.

初步学习形容词的比较级和最高级; 形容词比较级和最高级的变化规则(一)

Lesson 109 Eat more and smoke less.

Lesson 110 I've got more than you have.

进一步学习形容词比较级和最高级; 常用形容词much、many、little、few、good、bad的比较级与最高级形式

Lesson 111 You always want the best.

Lesson 112 She is not as tall as the boy.

初步掌握形容词比较级和最高级的用法;初步学习形容词的原级比较; 形容词比较级和最高级的变化规则(二):多音节形容词的变化规则

Lesson 113 I've got some small change.

Lesson 114 I haven't got any either.

初步接触不定代词none及其与不定代词no的不同用法; 倒装句性So...I和Neither...I在肯定和否定回答中的运用

Lesson 115 Everybody wants to have lunch in the garden.

Lesson 116 Did you find anyone?

对比学习every-、no-、any-、some-、复合不定代词的用法; 对比学习every-、no-、any-、some-、复合不定副词的用法

Lesson 117 I haven't had any change yet!

Lesson 118 What were you doing when he arrived home?

学习过去进行时态;初步接触和理解过去完成时态; 学习和比较when和while引导的时间状语从句

Lesson 119 What's up?

Lesson 120 Because I had not prepared for it.


Lesson 121 The man who I served was wearing a hat.

Lesson 122 She is the nurse who looked after me in the hospital.

初步学习定语从句和引导定语从句的关系代词who、whom、which; 关系代词who、whom、which与that在定语从句中的互换

Lesson 123 A trip to Australia

Lesson 124 This is the book I read.

进一步学习定语从句; 关系代词在定语从句中的省略

Lesson 125 Do you have to water it now?

Lesson 126 I have to go to school now.

“必须”的表达法:have to do与must do的区别; “必要”的表达法:needn't do与don't need to do句型的不同

Lesson 127 She must be at least forty.

Lesson 128 He can't be a nurse. He must be a doctor.

初步学习“猜测”的表达法:对目前情况的猜测; 学习更多反义疑问句句型

Lesson 129 I must have been dreaming.

Lesson 130 He can't have been a teacher. He must have been an engineer.


must be & can't be与must have been & can't have been的区别

Lesson 131 We might not go anywhere.

Lesson 132 He may be Japanese.

学习更多“推测”的表达法:may be & may have been表示的可能性; 比较may be、may do、may be doing、may have been、may have been doing

Lesson 133 Sensational news!

Lesson 134 He said that he was free.

复习定语从句;初步学习直接引语变间接引语; 动词时态在间接引语中的变化(一)

Lesson 135 She said she couldn't make up her mind.

Lesson 136 He said that he would come later.

初步掌握宾语从句的用法;进一步学习直接引语变间接引语; 动词时态在间接引语中的变化(二)

Lesson 137 What will you do if you win a lot of money?

Lesson 138 What will you do if he misses the train?

进一步掌握will表示的一般将来时态; 主句动作或状态发生在将来,if条件状语从句的时态问题

Lesson 139 I don't know what you're talking about.

Lesson 140 He wants to know if you are tired.

进一步掌握宾语从句的用法,聚焦从句的语序:陈述句的语序; 关注引导宾语从句的关联词if,why,when和what

Lesson 141 But you are still ugly.

Lesson 142 It is cleaned every day.

初步学习被动语态,被动语态的意义与构成; 一般现在时态和一般过去时态被动语态的表现形式

Lesson 143 Visitors have been asked to keep the woods clean and tidy.

Lesson 144 The window hasn't been opened yet.

进一步学习被动语态,被动语态更多的时态; 现在完成时态和一般将来时态被动语态的表现形式






