

Xiaoyao Sword is one of the Wudang sword techniques, which is named after one of the famous works of an ancient Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi. The sword technique features continuous and free sword movements that embody the Taoist's idea of being free and unfettered.


Xiaoyao Sword has been derived from Xiaoyao Palm, and the sword is an extension of the arm. One of the characteristics of Xiaoyao Sword is to attack at unexpected angles instead of relying solely on force. Most of the time, you circle around your opponent and strike at an angle that is difficult for him to defend.


逍遥剑的特点是避实击虚、剑走偏锋。One of the characteristics of Xiaoyao Sword is to attack unexpectedly. /CGTN


Liuxiang is a coach at Wudang Yunxi Caotang Wushu School. "I hope one day I would be as unrestrained as the legendary Wushu experts, and be able to do anything of my own free will," said Liuxiang, talking about the technique. After coming to Wudang Mountain, everyone chooses a set of Quan techniques or a set of weapon techniques as their major. Liuxiang was particularly interested in Xiaoyao Sword when he saw his master practicing it.


流湘在练习拳法。Liuxiang (left) practices the Quan technique. /CGTN


When he started to study the Quan technique, the master told him to strictly follow the rules. This made him feel bored, and it was not the same as the freedom he imagined in his heart. "At the beginning of the practice, I had many distracting thoughts. It was easy for me to lose my balance. My sword often dropped when I rotated it."


学习一万个动作不难,难的是把一个动作重复一万遍。Liuxiang practices Xiaoyao Sword. /CGTN


The first step in practicing Wushu is to master fixed movements. In the beginning, you should follow a fixed set of rules. When you practice Xiaoyao Sword, you enter the second phase. One must master flexible movements. It's not difficult to learn 10,000 movements, but it is difficult to repeat an action 10,000 times.


在练习逍遥剑之余,流湘喜欢弹琴和斫琴。Liuxiang (left) plays the Qin instrument. /CGTN


Taoists use certain items to train their bodies and cultivate their hearts and minds. Besides practicing Xiaoyao Sword, Liuxiang is quite interested in playing the Qin and making Qin instruments. Making Qin instruments is also a process of cultivating one's heart and mind. You need to choose a suitable piece of wood and keep it soaked in water for several years. Through the cultivation of spiritual composure, one's true self is manifested.


生活中的洒扫应对,行住坐卧都是练功夫。All experiences in daily lives are practices of kung fu. /CGTN


Most people in the modern-day world are constantly aspiring for things in the external world. But people who choose to cultivate themselves are constantly examining themselves from the inside. All experiences in daily lives are practices of kung fu. Whether you are moving, sitting or sleeping, it is a kind of cultivation of your minds. The combination of life and cultivation can improve the understanding of the Quan technique as well as the sword technique.


A cultivated mind is all-conquering. To be truly free and unfettered, one should get rid of prejudices and preconceived ideas. In essence, they are all delusions.


