

In 2022, the National Program for the Construction of Highly Qualified Universities (hereinafter referred to as the Highly Qualified Program), the Special Program for the Cultivation of Talents in the Arts (hereinafter referred to as the Arts Program), the Program for the Cultivation of Talents in International Organizations and some Foreign Cooperation Programs will continue to be selected for students studying in Canada. The Selection method of each program has been published on the "Study Abroad" section of the National Study Abroad website (www.csc.edu.cn/chuguo). The Embassy of Canada is pleased to inform you of the following:


I. Scope of acceptance


The Education Division of the Chinese Embassy in Canada is responsible for the application, review and recommendation of self-funded and state-sponsored Chinese nationals studying at colleges and universities in the Ottawa Capital Region, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Nunavut.


Students from other regions should apply to the Consulate General in Toronto (for colleges in Ontario, Manitoba and the Northwest Territories), Vancouver (for colleges in British Columbia, Alberta and the Yukon) and Montreal (for colleges in Quebec and New Brunswick) according to the region where the school is located.


II. Related Projects


(i) high-level projects and art projects


1. Selection scope


Doctoral students in high-level projects or art projects: graduates of state-funded or self-funded master's degree study abroad, graduates with master's degree abroad who have left school for less than one year (excluding graduates who have left school and returned to China), and students studying abroad for the first year of doctoral degree at their own expense;


Graduate students pursuing master's degree in art program: Students who study abroad for the first year of master's degree (except for master's degree students who study for one year) at their own expense.


Students in the first year of the doctoral program should continue to study for the doctoral program at the university (except for the case of transfer due to the change of supervisor's job). They should present the registration certificate of the university and the consent letter of the current advisor when applying for the doctoral program.


If students from domestic schools wish to apply for the above programs during their overseas exchange period, they should be recommended by their domestic schools instead of applying through our institute.


2. Schedule


From 0:00, March 10, 2021 to 24:00, March 31, 2021 (Beijing time), the applicant can log in to the national Government-funded overseas Study Management information platform (http://apply.csc.edu.cn), register online from the entrance of "Overseas Applicant" and submit application materials.


After completing the application, please send the application information (applicant's name, application date, application school, etc.) to the Education Section of the Embassy (xuzhiqiang1661@163.com) with the email name of "applicant's name 2022 Government-sponsored Study Abroad Program (area of the Embassy in Canada)".

完成申请后,请将申请情况(申请人姓名、申请日期、申请学校等)发送至使馆教育处(xuzhiqiang1661@163.com)邮箱,邮件名请注明“申请人姓名 2022年国家公派出国留学项目(驻加拿大使馆领区)”。

April-may, expert review.


At the end of May, the admission results will be announced and the admission materials will be distributed. The admission results of the Sino-foreign cooperation scholarships for high-level programs shall be announced after confirmation with the foreign parties, slightly later than the admission time of the cooperation channels of the units or individuals in the program.


3. Precautions


Doctoral students in high-level programs and art programs will no longer receive tuition assistance (foreign parties are allowed to charge a small amount of registration fees and other fees). These students should have received full tuition assistance or full tuition exemption from foreign parties when applying. Master degree students in arts programs can apply for tuition assistance.


For high-level projects and art projects, the following applications will not be accepted: applicants are undergraduate students; The applicant is studying for a master's degree, but does not belong to the final master's degree; The applicant has left the university and returned to China after graduation; The applicant has entered the second year of doctoral degree or above; The foreign party fails to waive the tuition fee or provide full tuition assistance.


The following applications for master's degree in art programs will not be accepted: applicants are undergraduate students; The applicant has entered the second year of master's degree or above; Although the applicant is in the first year of the master's degree, the length of schooling is only one year.


(ii) Talent training programs of international organizations


The International Organization Talent Training Program consists of two sub-programs: International Organization Internship Program and International Organization Reserve Talent Training Program. Each sub-project is divided into two channels: one is the self-contact channel of the unit or individual, that is, the applicant contacts the internship position of the international organization by himself or herself and applies for the grant sent by China Scholarship Council; The second is the cooperation channel of China Scholarship Council, that is, China Scholarship Council announces the selection notice according to the cooperation agreement with relevant international organizations (or foreign universities), and applicants submit their applications as required.


1. Selection scope


(1) Internship programs of international organizations (contact channels of units or individuals) are open to overseas students with bachelor's degree or above or recipients with bachelor's degree or above. Applications will not be accepted unless they have been formally accepted by an international organization and the remaining internship period is not less than 3 months.


(2) Internship Program of international organizations (cooperation channel between China Scholarship Council and international organizations) is open to fresh graduates of master's and doctor's degrees (including students within one year after graduation) from abroad. Applicants do not need to obtain an internship offer from an international organization in advance, but they should specify an intention position according to the published job requirements.


(3) The Program for the Training of Reserve Talents for International Organizations (through the cooperation between the China Scholarship Council and foreign universities) is open to fresh master's students from abroad, those who have received a master's degree for less than one year, or those who have received a bachelor's degree and have at least 6 months of internship/working experience in international organizations. Applicants do not need to obtain an official letter of invitation/offer of admission from foreign institutions in advance.

(3) Internship Program of international organizations (cooperation channel between China Scholarship Council and international organizations) is open to fresh graduates of master's and doctor's degrees (including students within one year after graduation) from abroad. Applicants do not need to obtain an internship offer from an international organization in advance, but they should specify an intention position according to the published job requirements.


2. Timing


(1) For internship programs in international organizations (units or individuals can contact channels on their own), applicants can apply online at any time by logging on the information management platform of the state public study abroad program, and at the same time send an email (xuzhiqiang1661@163.com) to our embassy for declaration instructions.

(1) 国际组织实习项目(单位或个人自行联系渠道),申请人可随时登陆国家公派留学信息管理平台网上报名,同时向我馆发送邮件(xuzhiqiang1661@163.com)进行申报说明。 

(2) For the Internship Program of International Organizations (the channel of cooperation between CSC and international organizations) and the Training Program for Reserve Talents of International Organizations (the channel of cooperation between CSC and foreign universities), the application acceptance time is subject to the selection notice published at that time. Please keep an eye on the information released by the China Scholarship Council.


(iii) foreign cooperation projects


Please visit the "Study Abroad Program Search" section of the China Study Abroad website for more information (https://bg.csc.edu.cn).


III. Selection methods and notes


The selection of foreign students is based on "individual application, examination and recommendation by foreign embassies and consulates, evaluation by domestic experts, and selection on the basis of merit".


Please ensure that the information is accurate, complete and true, and applications that are untrue, inconsistent or do not meet the requirements will not be accepted.


Due to the epidemic, we do not require paper documents to be sent by mail this year, so please submit all electronic documents in the system platform. Please send your application status to the Embassy's Education Office in a timely manner after submission.


Full-time students officially registered in foreign universities or research institutions who are stranded in China due to the epidemic are considered as those who are studying abroad. Those who have completed their studies and have returned to their home countries are considered domestic applicants and should be declared through their domestic units.


The admission results will be announced through the national study abroad website and information platform, and applicants can log in to the national public study abroad management information platform( http://apply.csc.edu.cn )Query the admission results, download and print the admission documents.


Contact and inquiries at the Education Branch of the Embassy in Canada: xuzhiqiang1661@163.com



