




Italy migrant boat shipwreck: Nearly 60 killed off Calabria coast


At least 59 migrants, including 12 children, have died and dozens more are feared missing after their boat sank in rough seas off southern Italy. The vessel broke apart while trying to land near Crotone on Sunday. Migrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Iran were on board. A baby was among the dead, Italian officials said. Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi, who visited the scene, said as many as 30 people may still be missing. Bodies were recovered from the beach at a nearby seaside resort in the Calabria region.


The coastguard said 80 people had been found alive, "including some who managed to reach the shore after the sinking". The exact number of people who were on the boat, which had sailed from Turkey several days ago, is not clear. Rescue workers told the AFP news agency that the vessel had been carrying "more than 200 people", which would mean more than 60 people unaccounted for. Many of the migrants were fleeing very difficult conditions, Italy's president said.


Pakistan's Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif referenced reports that more than two dozen Pakistanis were among the dead, and called the news "deeply concerning and worrisome". He instructed Pakistan's diplomats to "ascertain facts as early as possible". The vessel is reported to have sunk after it crashed against rocks during rough weather, sparking a large search-and-rescue operation on land and at sea. Video footage shows timber from the wreckage that had been smashed into pieces washing up on the beach, along with parts of the hull.



  • Italy/ˈɪtəli/ n. 意大利(欧洲南部国家);
  • migrant /ˈmaɪɡrənt/ adj. 移民的,
  • shipwreck/ˈʃɪprek/ n. 船舶失事;海难;
  • off/ɔːf/ prep.(时空上)离,距;
  • Calabria/kə'leibriə/ n. 卡拉布利亚(意大利行政区名);
  • coast/koʊst/ n. 海岸;
  • migrant/ˈmaɪɡrənt/ n.(为工作)移居者;移民;
  • dozen/ˈdʌz(ə)n/ n. 十来个;十几个;十多个;
  • fear/fɪr/ vt.(引出不好的事情)恐怕;
  • rough seas 中浪;波涛汹涌的海面;
  • vessel/ˈves(ə)l/ n. 船,舰;
  • break apart 解体;
  • Crotone n.(意)克罗托内;
  • Afghanistan/æfˈɡænɪstæn/ n. 阿富汗(国家名称,位于亚洲);
  • Pakistan/ˈpækɪstæn/ n. 巴基斯坦(南亚国家名);
  • Somalia/səˈmɑːliə/ n. 索马里(非洲);
  • Iran/ɪˈrɑːn; ɪˈræn/ n. 伊朗(亚洲国家);
  • on board 在船(火车、飞机)上;
  • Interior Minister 内政部长;
  • scene/siːn/ n.(尤指不愉快事件发生的)地点,现场;
  • recover/rɪˈkʌvər/ vt. 找回;寻回;找到;
  • seaside/ˈsiːsaɪd/ adj.(尤指作为度假地的) 海边,海滨;
  • resort/rɪˈzɔːrt/ n. 旅游胜地,度假胜地;
  • coastguard/ˈkoʊstɡɑːrd/ n. 海岸警卫队;海岸警卫队队员;
  • manage to 设法、努力(完成某事);
  • shore/ʃɔːr/ n.(海、湖或大河的)滨,岸;
  • sail/seɪl/ vi.(船)航行;启航;
  • rescue worker 救援人员;
  • AFP/eɪ ef piː/ abbr. 法新社(Agence France Presse);
  • news agency 通讯社;新闻通讯社;
  • unaccounted for 下落不明的;未予解释的;
  • flee/fliː/ vi. 逃离,逃避;
  • Prime Minister 首相,总理;
  • reference/ˈrefrəns/ vt. 提及,谈到;
  • Pakistani/ˌpɑːkɪˈstæni/ n. 巴基斯坦人;
  • concerning/kənˈsɜːrnɪŋ/ adj. 让人不安的,令人担忧的;
  • worrisome/ˈwɜːrisəm/ adj. 令人担心的;使人担忧的;
  • instruct/ɪnˈstrʌkt/ vt. 指示,吩咐;
  • diplomat/ˈdɪpləmæt/ n. 外交官,外交家;
  • ascertain/ˌæsərˈteɪn/ vt. 查明,确定;
  • crash against (使)猛撞(常发出巨大声响或造成破坏);
  • rough weather 恶劣气候,坏天气;
  • spark/spɑːrk/ vt. 引发;触发;
  • search-and-rescue 搜索与营救;
  • video footage 录像片段;
  • timber/ˈtɪmbər/ n.(造屋或造船用的)大木料,栋木;
  • wreckage/ˈrekɪdʒ/ n. 残货,残骸;
  • smash/smæʃ/ vt.(使)猛烈撞击,猛烈碰撞;
  • along with 连同…一起;
  • hull/hʌl/ n. 船体;



作者:Kathryn Armstrong & Oliver Slow

原文发布时间:27 Feb. 2023


Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum.



