
A pit-turned “Local Version of Jiuzhaigou”

文 《一带一路报道》全媒体记者 秦粟风



The Mine Park on Tongluo Mountain in Yubei District, Chongqing is known as the “Local Version of Jiuzhaigou in Chongqing” for its bold cliffs and deep blue pools. The video about it has drawn a lot of attention on the internet, attracting many tourists. According to Zeng Dejian, a cadre of Shibi Village, hundreds of tourists flock to the area daily during holidays and cause gridlock that is 2–3 kilometers long with vehicles although the scenic spot is still at the stage of planning. It would sound unimaginable that a few years ago this scenic spot was still a battered group of abandoned mines.


A mark left on earth 40 years ago


The Tongluo Mountain, which runs through the main urban area of Chongqing, is rich in limestone mines. Limestone quarries were built in the Yufengshan area in Shichuan Town, Yubei District, Chongqing, on the northern section of the mountain as early as in the 1960s. After Chongqing became a municipality directly under the Central Government, the city’s “growth” accelerated and the demand for stone materials increased sharply. Its location near National Highway 319, plus convenient transportation, makes Shibi Village in Shichuan Town the largest limestone mining area in Yubei District, Chongqing.


According to local villagers, the mining scale reached its peak around 2002. During that time, at least 7,000 trucks came and left every day in the 10-kilometer-long swath of land along the former National Highway 319. The roar of trucks and horns lingered on without end.


Quarries of all shapes and sizes were operated with ruthless efficiency, and a lot of hilltops were flattened. The stone produced there accounted for up to 1/3 of all the stone material available on Chongqing’s stone market. The mining economy provided a source of livelihood for over 7,000 people in 2,500 households in the mining area.


“The village was rich, making 200–300 million yuan annually through mining and land leasing.” In Shibi Village near the quarries, villager Lou Zhongqiang seemed to have a lot to tell about the former glory of mining. “Many quarries had an annual turnover of tens of millions; many villagers became millionaires.”


重庆渝北铜锣山国家矿山遗址公园(图 东方IC)


“We became rich, but the village was misty all day long. Passing trucks made numerous holes in the roads, which had to be repaired every year. The mountains were strewn with pits; damage to the environment was almost intolerable.” Mining brought in huge profits, but the ecological environment was subjected to wanton destruction. The trees were felled, the farmland was destroyed, the mountains were stripped of vegetation, the groundwater leaked, and potential geological hazards were prominent. Precipices and deep pits formed. The beautiful mountains were “scarred and battered”. Aerial images taken at that time show that the 41 bald, giant open-pit mines in the Tongluo Mountain is like shocking, irreversible “wounds” that wind their way from south to north.


The shutdown of mines


Facing the sharp deterioration of the ecological environment, the CPC Yubei District Committee and Chongqing Yubei People’s Government, in response to the call for ecosystem-prioritizing green development, decided to shut down all quarries in Tongluo Mountain in 2012. The shutdown of mines turned out to be a difficult task. The mine owners thought otherwise when faced with the order to sacrifice their immediate interests for the sake of ecological restoration.


A cadre of Shichuan Town recalled, “If you ban the production, they will do that stealthily. They will stop production temporarily when you announce the policy, but as soon as you finish speaking, they will reactivate the machine. If you denounce their breach of the policy, they will cry and complain tearfully.” Then Zhao Kunlin, then the Party branch secretary of Shibi Village said, “This is about discontinuing their means of livelihood. It is difficult to persuade them.”


Do what you cannot accomplish at one battle, stroke progressively and with patience. In 2010, Yubei District initially merged and closed down some mining sites. Relevant work continued on this basis. Equal priority was given to education and law enforcement. Reasoning and the rule of law are both practical approaches. The departments of land and resources, industry and commerce, and environmental protection jointly enforced the law to resolutely shut down illegal mines.


There were originally 1,843 households in Shibi Village. The shutdown of the mining economy made this formerly bustling area desolate. Some villagers moved to cities or looked for jobs elsewhere. Only over 400 people remained in the village.


Lou Zhongzhen, a villager of Shibi Village, said, “The land in our village has been destroyed; mining has rendered it infertile. Those who are better prepared have moved to cities. Villagers who stay at home have to reclaim their private plots. They had jobs as miners in the past. After the mines were shut down, their income dropped sharply.” A fortuitous turn of events occurred as the villagers lamented about the passing of good days.


矿坑变公园的实例还有很多,图为四川广安矿山公园(图 东方IC)


Veritable mountains of gold and silver


General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we must strike a balance between environmental protection and economic development, and explore new ways of ecosystem-prioritizing green development at a symposium on deeply advancing the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt on April 26, 2018. The key to the green development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt is proper handling of the relationship between environmental protection and economic development.


The Tongluo Mountain, where Shibi Village is located, has a karst landform. The surface water seeps down along fractures in the rock and corrodes the substances below. Formerly, these pits couldn’t hold water. But with the elapse of time, over 10 of the 41 pits gathered clear water in them, forming colorful and ornamental lakes under the action of minerals.


Driven by the concept of green development, Yubei Mine Park was designated as a national pilot project of ecological protection and restoration at the end of 2018. With the special financial support from the Central Government and using its own resources, Yubei District has implemented four mine treatment projects that cover an area of about 2300 mu. Yubei District has developed the concept of “natural restoration supplemented by artificial restoration” while restoring the ecological environment of the mines. The mines have been maximally restored so that they could enter a near natural state. On treatment of the No. 7, No. 8 and No. 9 pits, only some aquatic plants and other plants were planted on the lakeside, and the raw materials for the stone paths are ores from the former mines. The chaotic stone quarries are gone.


Hu Tiancai, Director-General of the Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Yubei District, sai, “We are planning follow-up treatment projects to develop it into an ecological park and a tourist park. We can no longer sacrifice the ecological environment.”


By transforming abandoned pits into the “Local Version of Jiuzhaigou”, the Mine Park in Yubei District is diversifying from the secondary industry into the three major industries. Predatory mining that would end up in discontinuing the livelihood of our offspring has been stopped. Under the leadership of Chongqing Yubei People’s Government, Shibi Village has built about 100 thousand mu of characteristic fruit forests and about 100 thousand mu of ecological forests. The villagers have embarked on a new road of ecological industrialization and industrial ecologicalization through shareholding in land. “About 1000 mu of land in our village has been invested as shares, and more than 110 households have become shareholders. We mainly plant plum trees. It is estimated that about every mu of land will yield a dividend of up to 10,000 yuan per year after the plum trees bear fruit. The Mine Park has already gained a reputation before it was built. Our village will become a Village mountain of wealth when eco-tourism develops in the coming years,” a cadre of Shibi Village Huang Wei said.




逐浪长江 江豚回归路










国内统一连续出版物号:CN 51-1788/F

国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 2096-2886








