
7B Unit 3 Phrases1. welcome to spl. 欢迎来到某地,今天小编就来说说关于七年级上下册英语词组总结?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



7B Unit 3 Phrases

1. welcome to spl. 欢迎来到某地

welcome back to spl. 欢迎回到某地

2. an old friend of mine 我的一个老朋友

a photo of my father’s 我爸爸的一张照片(内容不知)

3. …is coming. (go, leave) …快来了。(现在进行时表即将发生)

4. nothing (What)

no one/ nobody (Who)

none (How many/ much)

none of … …中没有一个

5. wait/ just a minute/ moment 稍等

6. sb. is adj. enough to do… 某人足够…可以做某事

sb. have enough n. to do/ for … 某人有足够的…去做某事

7. two tins of dog food 两罐狗粮

8. Of course not. 当然不。

9. order a pizza (with some money) (用一些钱)订购一个披萨

order sb. to do sth. 命令某人(不要)做某事

10. a group of exchange students from the UK 一群来自英国的交换生

11. work in groups 小组合作

12. talk about what you can do in your hometown 谈谈在你家乡可以做什么

13. take sb to spl. 带某人去某地

show sb around spl. 带领某人参观某地

14. invite sb to have dinner with us 邀请某人共进晚餐

15. try some Chinese food 品尝一些中餐

16. there are a lot of things to do 有很多事情可做/ 要做

there are a lot of people doing… 某人正在做某事

17. stay in a quiet town 待在一个安静的小镇

stay out 呆在外面

stay up 熬夜

18. local people/ theater 本地人/ 当地剧院

19. be not far (away) from … 离某地不远

be five kilometers (away) from… 离开某地五公里

How far is it from … to …? …到…多远啊?

It’s five kilometers 五千米。(it指距离)

How far is your home? 你家多远啊?

It’s five kilometers away. 五千米。(it 指家)

20. It takes sb. some time to do… 做某事花费某人…时间

It is twenty minutes by bike/ on foot from… to…

It is twenty minutes’ ride/ walk from… to … 从…到…有20分钟的自行车/ 步行路程。

How far is it from … to …?

21. most things are not expensive 大多数东西都不贵

the price of most things are not high 大多数东西的价格都不高

22. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物

23. be (more) famous for… 因…而(更)出名

24. Why not do…? 为什么不…?

Why don’t you do…? 为什么不…?

25. enjoy Beijing opera 欣赏京剧

26. learn more about Chinese Art 更多地了解中国艺术

27. look forward to sth./ doing sth. 盼望某事/ 做某事

28. a good place to live 一个居住的好地方

a good school to study in 一个读书的好学校

29. the words on the left 左边的单词

30. known by many people 被很多人知道

31. where you live 你所居住的地方

32. learn how to do… 学习如何做某事

learn to do 学习做某事

teach sb. (not) to do… 教某人(不要)做某事

teach sb sth. = teach sth. to sb. 教某人某物

33. What’s the food there? 那儿的实物怎么样?

34. Have a good time! 玩得开心点!

35. add sth to … 把某物加到…上

36. belong to sb.(宾格) 属于某人

37. all over the plave 遍地,满地

38. a day at the Palace Museum 故宫的一天

39. Chinese paintings 中国画

40. learn all about China’s history 全面了解中国的历史

41. make plans for… 为…制定计划

42. row a boat 划船

43. own a four-bedroom flat 拥有一座四个卧室的公寓

44. what I do not want to do 我不想做的事

45. another kind of shop 另一种商店

46. something else 别的东西

somebody else’s 别人的

47. raise cows 养牛

raise your hand 举手

raise money for sb. 为某人筹钱

48. grow wheat 种植麦子

49. smell the flowers 闻闻花朵

50. hear the birds sing 听鸟儿唱歌(经常做)

hear sb. doing… 听见某人正在做…

51. on a farm 在农场上

52. live in houses like that 住在像那样的房子里

53. a house with flowers and trees around 一座四周有花草树木的房子

54. drive sb to spl. 开车送某人去某地

7B Unit 4 Phrases

1. follow me 跟着我

come with me 跟我来

2. be sure 句子 确信…

be sure to do… 肯定会做…

be sure of sth 对…有把握

3. the path between the hills 两座小山之间的小路

4. go down here 从这儿下去

5. don’t be afraid 不要害怕

be afraid of sth 害怕某物

I am afraid (that) 句子 (我)恐怕…

6. go up 上去

7. have to do 不得不做…

don’t have to do 没必要做…

needn’t do

don’t need to do

8. go on a trip 去旅游

go on a school trip to … 到…进行一次学校旅游

go to spl. for a trip 去…进行一次旅游

9. A be (to the) north of B A在B的北方(不接壤)

A be on the north of B A在B的北面(接壤)

A be in the north of B A在B的北部(A属于B的范围)

10. get around the zoo 游遍动物园

11. go/ walk straight on 一直向前走

12. eat bamboo 吃竹子

13. lie down all day long 整天躺着

14. walk along/ down … 沿着…走

15. the kings of the animal world 动物界之王

16. remember that 句子 切记…; 记住….

remember to do… 记得要做…

remember doing… 记得做过…

17. be dangerous 危险(对他人构成威胁)

be in danger 处于危险之中(自己)

18. never go near them 绝不要靠近他们

19. Turn left/ right at the first turning/ crossing. 在第一个转弯处左/右拐。

Take the first turning on the left/ right.

20. make beautiful sounds 发出美妙的声音

21. in the forest 在森林里

22. jump around 上蹿下跳

23. make people laugh/ happy 使人们大笑/ 开心

24. Cross the bridge.

Walk across/ over the bridge. 走过桥。

25. be like open fans 像打开的扇子

26. Have a nice trip! 旅途愉快!

27. start the visit from… 从…开始参观

28. How was your trip to the zoo?

What was your trip to the zoo like? 你们的动物园之旅怎么样?

29. for the first time 首次,第一次

30. lie on the grass 躺在草地上

lie down 躺着,躺下

31. a baby panda 一只小熊猫

32. doesn’t look like its mother 看上去不像它妈妈

33. in an open area 在一片开阔的地区

in the open air 在野外

34. in a very big cage 在一个很大的笼子里

35. across the bridge 在桥的对面,在桥的另一边

= on the other side of the bridge

36. sing in a tree 在一棵树上唱歌

37. chat on the bench (坐)在长椅上聊天

38. walk past the house 路过那座房子

39. the path next to the river 河边的小路

40. walk to the bridge 走到桥边

41. under the ground in front of the third tree on the left在左边第三棵树前的地底下

42. go/ get out at Exit A 在A出口出来

43. Cross the road at the traffic lights. 在红绿灯处过马路。

Cross the road at the zebra crossing. 在斑马线处过马路。

Go through the forest. 穿过森林。

44. at the corner of the street/ at the street corner 在街道的角落

in the corner of the room 在房间的角落里

45. Which cinema do you want to go to? 你想去那家电影院?

(which cinema不是副词,而是代词,所以要to)

46. an invitation letter 一封邀请函

47. invite sb. to do sth 邀请某人做某事

invite sb. to spl. 邀请某人去某地

48. start at 2 p.m. on Sunday, 21 April, 2013 在2013年4月21号星期天下午2点开始

49. prepare sth. for sb./ sth.= get sth. ready for … 为某人/某事准备某物

prepare for sth. = get ready for sth. 为某事做准备

50. plenty of = lots of = a lot of 大量(可加可数名词和不可数名词)

51. look forward to doing 期待/盼望做某事

52.show us how to get to her my home 指给我们看如何到达她家

53. walk straight on to the traffic lights 一直走到红绿灯处

54. see a bank in front of you 在你面前看到一家银行

55. be very happy to do 很高兴做某事

55. have a big dinner 吃一顿大餐

56. Excuse me, where is…? 对不起/打扰一下,…在哪里?

Excuse me, can you tell me where … is? 对不起,您能告诉我…在哪里吗?

Is there a/ an … near here? 附近有…吗?

(Can you tell me) which is the way to …? (你能告诉我)哪条路是去…的吗?

How can I get to …? 我怎么才能到达…呢?

Can you tell me how I can get to…? 你能告诉我怎么才能到达…吗?

Can you tell me how to get to…? 你能告诉我如何到达…吗?

Can you tell me the way to… 你能告诉我去…的路吗?


