

1.from now on/ from then on

from now on“从现在起”,是以现在为起点延续下去,谓语通常用将来时态。from then on“从那时起”,是以过去为起点延续下来,谓语通常用过去时态和完成时态。如:

① She is going to live with you from now on. 从现在起我将刻苦学习。

② From then on, he hasn’t seen his uncle again. 从那以后他再也没有看见他叔叔了。

2.fill/ full

Ⅰ.fill为及物动词,表“使……满”,常与介词with搭配,表达“被……充满”时用be filled with结构。如:

① The bottle is filled with water. 这只瓶子装满了水。

② He was filled with joy at the news. 听到这个消息,他内心充满了喜悦。

Ⅱ.full是形容词,多作表语,表示主语所处的状态,常见于be full of 结构中。如:

① The schoolbag is full of books. 书包里装满了书。

② He drew in an old badsket full of sand.他捞上来一个灌满泥沙的旧蓝子。

[注]:be filled with = be full of .可以互换。但介词with与of 不能混淆。如:

The room is full of people. = The room is filled with people.

3.farther/ further

father, further都可以是far的比较级,意为“较远、更远”,但further除此之外,还有“更进一步,此外的”等意思,既可以作形容词,也可以作副词。如:

① They made further arrangement. 他们作了进一步的安排。

② I may be able to give you some further information about it. 关于这件事,我可以提供另外一些信息。

③ She didn’t argue further about it. 她对此不再争论了。

4. excuse …for/ excuse … from

Ⅰ. excuse … for “原谅某事”。如:

① He excused me for being late. 他原谅我迟到了。

② Please excuse me for using your telephone without asking permission. 请原谅我没经你允许就用了你的电话。

Ⅱ. excuse … from “使免于……,允许不……”如:

① The teacher excused him from the examination. 教师同意他免试。

② The boy was excused from doing housework. 允许这男孩不做家务事。

5.every one/ everyone

Ⅰ.every one是“每个”的意思,通常指物,后面常跟of短语。但跟of短语的every one既可指人,也可指物。具体指什么要看of短语的内容。如:

① He ate up every one of those apples.他把那些苹果一个个都吃完了。

② Every one of us went there. 我们每个人都去了那儿。


① Is everyone here?

② Everyone can do it.

[注]every one后不与of连用时,即可指人又可指物,指人时与everyone 相同。如:

Everyone (every one) can do it.

every one与of连用必须分开写。

everyone 与not连用,只表示部分否定,并不是每个人的意思。


