

It's one of the most dangerous and mysterious places on Earth.它是地球上最危险和最神秘的地方之一。It's home to dozens of sunken ships, plane crashes, and dead people.这里是许多沉船、飞机失事和遇难者的家园。It's known as the Bermuda Triangle and it's shrouded in mystery.它被称为百慕大三角,笼罩在神秘之中。So what would happen if we decided to dump our trash into it?如果我们把垃圾倒进这里面会发生什么呢?Where would it go?它会流向哪里?And what mysteries would we solve? By doing this.通过这样做,我们会解开怎样的谜团?This is WHAT IF, and here is what happen if we dumped our trash into the Bermuda Triangle.这是WHAT IF节目,这里讲述了如果我们将垃圾倒入百慕大三角会发生什么。The 1.3 million square kilometers of ocean that is the Bermuda Triangle goes from Florida to Puerto Rico and then all the way to Bermuda.130万平方公里的海洋就是百慕大三角,它从佛罗里达到波多黎各,然后一直延伸到百慕大。Since the 1800s, there have been nearly 1,000 reported incidents of people mysteriously disappearing in the area.自19世纪以来,该地区已经有近1000人神秘失踪的报道。Ranging from small bush planes carrying just two passengers,从只载两名乘客的小型丛林飞机,to ships 150 meters long carrying over 300 people.到运送300多人的150米长的轮船。So, if we decided to put our trash here, would that disappear as well?所以,如果我们决定把垃圾放在这里,它也会消失吗?Before we even think of dumping our garbage into the Bermuda Triangle,在我们考虑向百慕大三角倾倒垃圾之前,we first need to figure out exactly how we'd get there.我们首先需要弄清楚如何才能到达那里。Naturally, we'd take a boat as we're going to dump our trash into the sea, and a boat would allow us to carry more,当然,我们会搭船,因为我们要把垃圾倒进海里,船可以载更多的垃圾,and be more accurate as to where we want it to go.更准确地到达我们要它去的地方。You might be thinking that this is an incredibly risky move.你可能会认为这是一个非常冒险的举动。Going right to the center of the Bermuda Triangle?要去百慕大三角的中心吗?Are you insane?你疯了吗?But there's a pretty good chance that we'll be just fine.但很有可能我们会没事的。There's a number of theories, some good and some bad, as to what really happens in the Bermuda Triangle.关于百慕大三角到底发生了什么,有很多理论,有好有坏。Is it some crazy alien portal that's abducting all our humans?是不是某个疯狂的外星传送门绑架了我们所有的人类?Is there a massive underwater city that's underneath it?在它的下面有一个巨大的水下城市吗?Or is there a scary sea monster living in it?或者里面住着可怕的海怪?As fun as these theories may sound, they're all incredibly far from the truth.尽管这些理论听起来很有趣,但它们与事实相去甚远。Sorry about that.很抱歉。One of the more plausible theories we have about the Bermuda Triangle disappearances has to do with methane explosions.关于百慕大三角的失踪事件,有一个更合理的理论,它与甲烷爆炸有关。The theory is that these methane explosions come up from the ocean floor,他们的理论是:这些甲烷爆炸从海底升起,and erupt so violently, that they're able to tip even the most massive ships.猛烈地喷发,甚至能掀翻最大型的船只。But since this theory has been proposed, physicists, as well as ocean experts, have debunked it.但是,自从这个理论被提出以来,物理学家和海洋专家们都已经揭穿了它的真面目。They've said there's virtually no chance of a methane explosion being big enough to topple over a boat.他们表示,甲烷爆炸的规模几乎不可能大到足以掀翻一只船。And if there was a massive explosion, there's a good chance the ship would survive.如果发生大爆炸,这艘船很有可能幸存下来。That's because boats are built to handle massive changes in the water, including huge waves and even methane bubbles.这是因为船的建造是为了应对水的巨大变化,包括巨浪,甚至甲烷气泡。So now that we're here with our trash, we can finally dump it.所以现在我们带着垃圾来到这里,我们终于可以把它倒了。But now it seems to be just floating there, living in the ocean.但现在它似乎只是漂浮在那里,存在于海洋里。Where's the giant sinkhole that makes all our trash magically disappear?那个能让我们所有的垃圾都神奇消失的大坑在哪里?You know, the same place that's taken all these planes and boats over the years?你知道,这么多年来一直带走飞机和船的地方吗?It turns out that the Bermuda Triangle isn't all that dangerous.事实证明,百慕大三角并没有那么危险。Sure, it may be a little mysterious, but all these disappearances can be attributed to severe weather,当然,这可能有点神秘,但所有这些失踪都可以归因于恶劣的天气,massive waves, and human error.巨浪和人为失误。The Bermuda Triangle isn't even the most lethal body of water in the world.百慕大三角甚至不是世界上最致命的水域。That title can be given to the oceans in East Asia and Australia.这一称号可以用在东亚和澳大利亚的海洋上。And although nearly 1,000 deaths in the past 200 years might seem like a lot,虽然在过去的200年里,近1000人的死亡似乎很多,it really isn't when you consider the fact that the Bermuda Triangle is one of the most heavily traveled areas of ocean and sky in the world.当你考虑到百慕大三角是世界上海洋和天空中最繁忙的旅游区之一的事实时,你就会发现事实并非如此。So sure, we'll need to watch out for any hurricanes and big waves, but that'll be the least of our worries for now.所以,当然,我们需要警惕任何飓风和巨浪,但这将是我们目前最不担心的。We just dumped tons of trash into the ocean.我们刚把成吨的垃圾倒进海里。We thought that maybe the Bermuda Triangle would somehow get rid of it.我们认为百慕大三角可能会以某种方式摆脱它。This was a really dumb idea.这真是个愚蠢的想法。Unfortunately, what we just did probably won't even be all that noticeable in the sea.不幸的是,我们刚刚所做的可能在海里都不会那么明显。An estimated 14 billion tons of trash is thrown into the ocean every year.据估计,每年有140亿吨垃圾被扔进大海。Let's say we threw all of New York's trash, for a year, into the Bermuda Triangle.假设我们把纽约一年里所有的垃圾,都扔进了百慕大三角。That's 14 million tons of garbage.那是1400万吨垃圾。It might sound like a lot,这听起来很多,but it would only be a tiny fragment of the rest of the trash that's tossed into the ocean each year.但这只是每年扔进海洋的垃圾的一小部分。This was a pretty terrible idea, and definitely not one that should be attempted.这是一个非常可怕的想法,绝对不应该尝试。And it's not for our safety, but for the safety of our ocean.这不是为了我们的安全,而是为了我们海洋的安全。Instead of adding to the problem, we should be helping to solve it by doing our best to clean the ocean.我们应该尽最大的努力清洁海洋,帮助解决问题,而不是增加问题。Maybe a better idea would be to throw our trash into a volcano.也许更好的办法是把我们的垃圾扔进火山。That has to work, right?这一定行得通,对吧?Well, we'll leave that story for another, WHAT IF.好吧,我们把这个故事留给下一期“WHAT IF”。


