哈佛大学趣事 幽默的哈佛大学公开课-

Do you think you should be able to bid for a baby that's up for adoption? That's Andrew's challenge.,今天小编就来说说关于哈佛大学趣事 幽默的哈佛大学公开课-?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!

哈佛大学趣事 幽默的哈佛大学公开课-

哈佛大学趣事 幽默的哈佛大学公开课-

Do you think you should be able to bid for a baby that's up for adoption? That's Andrew's challenge.


Do I think I should be able to bid for a baby? I'm not. . . Sure! It's a market. . .


Today I'd like to turn our atTention and get your views about an argument over the role of markets in the realm of human reproduction and procreation. Now with infertility clinics, people advertise for egg donors and from time to time, in the Harvard Crimson ads appear for egg donors. Have you seen them?


There was one that ran a few years ago that wasn't looking for just any egg donor, it was an ad that offered a large financial incentive for an egg donor from a woman who was intelligent, athletic, at least 5'10", and with at least 1400 or above on her SATs. How much do you think the person looking for this egg donor was willing to pay for an egg from a woman of that description?


What would you guess? A thousand dollars? Fifteen thousand? Ten?


I'll show you the ad. Fifty thousand dollars for an egg but only a premium egg.


What do you think about that? Well there are also sometimes ads in the Harvard Crimson and the other college newspapers for sperm donors.


So the market in reproductive capacities is an equal opportunity market. Well not exactly equal opportunity, they're not offering $50,000 for a sperm.


But there is a company, a large commercial sperm bank that markets sperm, it's called California Cryobank. It's a for-profit company, it imposes exacting standards on the sperm it recruits, and it has offices in Cambridge, between Harvard and MIT, and in Palo Alto near Stanford.


Cryobank's marketing materials play up the prestigious source of its sperm. Here is, from the website of Cryobank, the information.


Here they talk about the compensation although compensation shouldn't be the only reason for becoming a sperm donor we are aware of the considerable time and expense involved in being a donor. So do you know what they offer?


Donors will be reimbursed $75 per specimen, up to $900 a month if you donate three times a week, and then they add "We periodically offer incentives, such as. . . Such as movie tickets or gift certificates for the extra time and effort expended by participating donors." It's not easy to be a sperm donor.

捐赠者每次捐精可获得75美元的补偿金,如果你一周捐赠三次 每月最高900美元封顶,还附加说明,“我们会定期提供奖励,如……如电影票或礼券以补偿捐精者付出的额外时间和精力。”要当捐精者可不简单。

They accept fewer than five percent of the donors who apply. Their admission criteria are more demanding than Harvard's.


The head of the sperm bank said the ideal sperm donor is 6 feet tall, with a college degree, brown eyes, blond hair, and dimples for the simple reason that these are the traits that the market has shown that customers want. Quote—quoting the head of the sperm bank, "If our customers wanted high school dropouts, we would give them high school dropouts."


So here are two instances, the market in eggs for donation and the market in sperm, that raise a question, a question about whether eggs and sperm should or should not be bought and sold for money. As you ponder that, I want you to consider another case involving market and in fact a contract in human reproductive and human reproductive capacity and this is the case of commercial surrogate motherhood, and it's a case that wound up in court some years ago. It's the story of Baby M.


It began with William and Elizabeth Stern, a professional couple wanting a baby but they couldn't have one on their own, at least not without medical risk to Mrs. Stern. They went to an infertility clinic where they met Mary Beth Whitehead, a 29-year-old mother of two, the wife of a sanitation worker.


She had replied to an ad that the standard had placed seeking the service of a surrogate mother. They made a deal.


They signed a contract in which William Stern agreed to pay Mary Beth Whitehead a $10,000 fee plus all expenses in exchange for which Mary Beth Whitehead agreed to be artificially inseminated with William Stern's sperm, to bear the child, and then to give the baby to the Sterns. Well, you probably know how the story unfolded.


Mary Beth gave birth and changed her mind, she decided she wanted to keep the baby. The case wound up in court in New Jersey.


So let's take, put aside any legal questions, and focus on this issue as a moral question. How many believe that the right thing to do in the Baby M case, would have been to uphold the contract, to enforce the contract?


And how many think the right thing to do would have been not to enforce that contract? So it's about—the majority say enforce.


So let's now hear the reasons that people had, either for enforcing or refusing to enforce this contract. first. . . I want to hear from someone in the majority.


Why do you uphold the contract? Why do you enforce it? Who can offer a reason?


Yes. Stand up. It's a binding contract, all the parties involved knew the terms of the contract before any action was taken.


It's a voluntary agreement, the mother knew what she was getting into, all four intelligent adults, regardless of formal education, whatever. - So it makes sense that if you know that you're getting into beforehand and you make a promise, you should uphold that promise in the end. - Okay, a deal is a deal in other words.

这是一个自愿的协议,那位母亲知道她在做什么,他们四人都是智力正常的成年人,不管是否接受过正规教育或怎样。- 所以如果你在事前就已清楚将履行的事项且已做出承诺,你就该由始至终履行承诺。- 好的,换句话说就是,交易就是交易。

- Exactly. - And what's your name? Patrick.

- 没错。 - 你怎么称呼?帕特里克。

Is Patrick's reason the reason that most of you in the majority favored upholding the contract? Yes? Alright, let's hear now someone who would not enforce the contract.


What do you say to Patrick? Why not? Yes.


Well, I mean, I agree, I think contracts should be upheld when all the parties know all the information. But in this case, I don't think there's a way a mother, before the child exists, could actually know how she's going to feel about that child so I don't think the mother actually had all the information. She didn't know the person that was going to be born and didn't know how much she would love that person, so that's my argument.


So you would not. . . And what's your name? Evan Wilson.


Evan says he would not uphold the contract because when it was entered into the surrogate mother couldn't be expected to know in advance how she would feel so she didn't really have the relevant information when she made that contract. Who else? Who else would not uphold the contract?


Yes. I think—I also think that a contract should generally be upheld but I think that the child has an inalienable right to its actual mother and I think that if that mother wants it then that child should have the right to that mother.


You mean the biological mother not the adoptive mother? - Right. And why is that? Tell—first of all, tell me your name.

你是指生母不是养母吧?- 是的。为什么是这样?首先告诉大家你的名字。

- Anna. - Anna. Why is that Anna? Because I—I think that that bond is created by nature is stronger than any bond that is created by, you know, a contract.

- 安娜。 - 安娜。安娜,为什么是这样?因为我认为这种纽带源自人的天性,比合同缔结的纽带要更牢固。

Good. Thank you. Who else? Yes. I disagree. I don't think that a child has an inalienable right to her biological mother.


I think that adoption and surrogacy are both legitimate tradeoffs and I agree with the point made that it's a voluntary agreement, the individual who made it, it's a voluntary agreement and you can't apply coercion to this argument. - You can't apply the objection from coercion to this argument? - Correct.

我认为收养和代孕都是合法的交易,我赞成自愿协议的说法,订立合同的个人都是自愿同意的,强迫不适用于这一讨论。- 强迫这一反对意见不适用于这一讨论?- 没错。

- What's your name? - Kathleen. Kathleen, what do you say to Evan that though there may not have been. . . Evan claimed that the consent was tainted not by coercion but by lack of adequate information.

- 你叫什么名字?- 凯思琳。凯思琳,你怎么回应埃文的说法,即使没有……埃文说这个合同不完全成立?不是由于强迫性,而是由于信息不足。

She couldn't have known the relevant information namely how she would feel about the child. What do you say to that? I don't think the emotional content of her feelings plays into this.


I think, you know, in a case of law, in the justice of this scenario, her—her change of feelings are not relevant. If I give up my child for adoption and then I decide later on that I really want that child back.


Too bad, it's—it's a tradeoff. It's a tradeoff that the mother has made.


- So a deal is a deal, you agree with Patrick? - I agree with Patrick, a deal's a deal. - A deal's a deal. - Yes. Good. Yes.

- 所以交易就是交易,你同意帕特里克?- 你同意帕特里克,交易就是交易。- 交易就是交易。-是的。好,那位。

I would say that though I'm not really sure if I agree with the idea that the child has a right to their mother. I think the mother definitely has a right to her child and I also think that there's some areas where market forces shouldn't necessarily penetrate. I think that the whole surrogate mother area smacks a little bit of dealing in human beings seems dehumanizing.


It doesn't really seem right so that's my main reason. And what is—could—tell us your name.


I'm Andrew. Andrew, what is dehumanizing about buying and selling the right to a child, for money, what is dehumanizing about it?


Well because you're—you're buying someone's biological right. - I mean you can't—in the law as it stated, you can't sell your own child. Like were you to have a child, I'd believe that the law prohibits you selling it to another person. . . - So this like baby selling?

因为买卖的是人的生物权。- 法律规定,你不能出售自己的孩子.如果你有孩子,相信法律是肯定禁止你把它卖给别人的……- 所以这像是在贩卖婴儿?

Right. To a certain extent. I mean though—though there's a contract with another person, you've made agreements and what not, there is an undeniable emotional bond that takes place between the mother and the child. And it's wrong to simply ignore this because you've written out something contractually.


Right. You want to reply to Andrew? Stay there. You point out there's an undeniable emotional bond.


I feel like in this situation, we're not necessarily arguing against adoption or surrogacy in itself. We're just sort of pointing out the emotional differences. But—but wait, I mean, it's—it's easy to break everything down to numbers and say "Oh, we have contracts," like you're buying or selling a car.

但我觉得如果这样说的话,我们就不是在讨论收养或代孕在本质上是否站得住脚。只是在指出这种情感上的区别了。等下,什么事情都一是一,二是二固然很简单,你可以说“我们签过合同的” ,就像买卖车子一样。

- But there are underlying emotions, I mean, you're dealing with people, I mean, these are not objects to be bought and sold. - Alright. What about Andrew's claim that this is like baby selling. - I believe that adoption and surrogacy should be permitted, whether or not I actually will partake in it is not really relevant, but I think that the government should, the government should give its citizens the rights to allow for adoption and surrogacy. - But adoption—adoption is not—according to. . . - Is adoption baby selling? Well, do you think you should be able to bid for a baby that's up for adoption?

- 但本案中确实涉及潜在的情感,你是在交易人类,这不是可以用来买卖的东西。- 好的,你怎么看安德鲁说这像是贩卖婴儿。- 我觉得收养和代孕理应获得批准,我有没有真正参与其中无关紧要。但我认为政府应该赋予公民收养和代孕的权利。- 但收养并不是……根据……- 收养算不算贩卖婴儿?那好,你觉得可以通过竞价收养孩子吗?

That's Andrew's challenge. Do I think I should be able to bid for a baby?


I'm not. . . Sure! It's a market. I mean, I feel like the extent to which it's been applied and I'm not sure if the government should be able to permit it. - And I have to think about it more but. . . - Alright. Fair enough. Are you satisfied Andrew?

我不……当然可以,这是市场经济。我觉得市场也可以应用到这一范围,我不确定政府是否应该准许这样的事。- 我会再认真思考一下这个……- 好的,说得好,安德鲁你满意吗?

Well, yeah, I mean, I just—I think surrogacy should be permitted. I think that people can do it but I don't think it should be forced upon people that once contract is signed, it's—it's absolutely like the end all.


I think that it's unenforceable. So people should be free, Andrew, to enter into these contracts but it should not be enforceable in the court.


Not in the court, no. Who would like to turn on one side or the other? Yes.


I think I have an interesting perspective on this, because my brother was actually one of the people who donated to a sperm bank and he was paid a very large amount of money. He was six feet tall but not blond, he had dimples though. So he actually has. . . I'm an aunt now, and he has a daughter.


He donated his sperm to a lesbian couple in Oklahoma and he has been contacted by them and he has seen pictures of his daughter, but he still does not feel an emotional bond to his daughter. He just has a sense of curiosity about what she looks like and what she's doing and how she is.


He doesn't feel love for his child. - So from this experience, I think the bond between a mother and a child cannot be compared to the bond between the father and the child. - That's really interesting. What's your name?

并没有感觉到对孩子的爱。- 从这段经历看来,我觉得母子间的情感纽带与父子间的是不能相提并论的。- 那的确很有趣,你叫什么名字?

Vivian. Vivian. So we've got the case of surrogacy, commercial surrogacy, and it's been compared to baby selling and we've been exploring whether that analogy is apt and it can also be compared, as you point out, to sperm selling.


- But you're saying that sperm selling and baby selling or even surrogacy are very different because. . . - Yes, they're unequal services. They're unequal services.

- 但你说精子交易和婴儿交易甚至代孕是有很大不同的,因为……- 是,它们提供的服务不等价。它们提供的服务不等价。

And that's because Vivian, you say that the tie, the bond. . Yes, and also the time investment that's given by a mother, nine months, cannot be compared to a man going into a sperm bank, looking at pornography, depositing into a cup.


I don't think those are equal. Good. Alright. So we. . .


Coz that's what happens in a sperm bank. Alright. So this is really interesting, we have. . . Alright, notice the arguments that have come out so far.


The objections to surrogacy, the objections to enforcing that contract are of at least two kinds. There was the objection about tainted consent, this time not because of coercion or implicit coercion but because of imperfect or flawed information.


So tainted or flawed consent can arise either because of coercion or because of a lack of relevant information, at least according to one argument that we've heard. And then a second objection to enforcing the surrogacy contract was that it was somehow dehumanizing.


Now when this case was decided by the courts, what did they say about these arguments? The lower court ruled that the contract was enforceable, neither party had a superior bargaining position.


A price for the service was struck and a bargain was reached. One side didn't force the other neither had disproportionate bargaining power.


Then it went to the New Jersey Supreme Court. And what did they do?


They said this contract is not enforceable. They did grant custody to Mr.Stern as the father because they thought that would be in the best interest of the child.


But they restored the rights of Mary Beth Whitehead and left it to lower courts to decide exactly what the visitation rights should be. They invoked two different kinds of reasons, along the lines that Andrew proposed.


First, there was not sufficiently informed consent, the court argued. "Under the contract the natural mother is irrevocably committed before she knows the strength of her bond with her child, she never makes a truly voluntary, informed decision, for any decision prior to the baby's birth is, in the most important sense, uninformed," That was the court.

第一,法院认定这不属于完全的知情同意。“依据本合同,这位母亲在知道自己与孩子间情感联系有多强烈之前就作出了不可撤销的承诺,但这并非真正自愿的知情决策,因为在孩子出生前她作出的任何决定,从最重要意义上说都是不知情的。” 这是法院的判词。

Then the court also made a version of the second argument against commodification in this kind of case. "This is the sale of a child," the court said, "Or at the very least, the sale of a mother's right to her child.


Whatever idealism may motivate the participants, the profit motive predominates permeates, and ultimately governs the transaction." And so regardless, the court said, regardless of any argument about consent or flawed consent or full information, there are some things in a civilized society that money can't buy. That's what the court said in voiding this contract.


Well, what about these two arguments against the extension of markets to procreation and to reproduction? How persuasive are they?


There was. . . It's true, a voluntary agreement, a contract struck between William Stern and Mary Beth Whitehead. But there are at least two ways that consent can be other than truly free.


First, if people are pressured or coerced to give their agreement and second, if their consent is not truly informed. And in the case of surrogacy, the court said a mother can't know, even one who already has kids of her own, what it would be like to bear a child and give it up for pay.


So in order to assess criticism objection number one, we have to figure out just how free does a voluntary exchange have to be with respect to the bargaining power and equal information. Question number one. How do we assess the second objection?


The second objection is more elusive, it's more difficult. Andrew acknowledged this, right?


What does it mean to say there is something dehumanizing to make childbearing a market transaction? Well, one of the philosophers we read on this subject, Elizabeth Anderson, tries to give some—bring some philosophical clarity to the unease that Andrew articulated.


She said "By requiring the surrogate mother to repress whatever parental love she feels for the child, surrogacy contracts convert women's labor into a form of alienated labor. The surrogate's labor is alienated because she must divert it from the end—from the end which the social practices of pregnancy rightly promote, namely an emotional bond with her child."


So what Anderson is suggesting is that certain goods should not be treated as open to use or to profit. Certain goods are properly valued in ways other than use.


What are other ways of valuing and treating goods that should not be open to use? Anderson says there are many: respect, appreciation, love, honor, awe, sanctity.


There are many modes of valuation beyond use and certain goods are not properly valued if they're treated simply as objects of use. How do we go about evaluating that argument of Anderson?


In a way, it takes us back to the debate we had with utilitarianism. Is use the only. . . Is utility. . . Is use the only proper way of treating goods, including life, military service, procreation, childbearing?


And if not, how do we figure out? How can we determine what modes of valuation are fitting or appropriate to those goods?


Several years ago there was a scandal surrounding a doctor, an infertility specialist in Virginia named Cecil Jacobson. He didn't have a donor catalogue because unknown to his patients, all of the sperm he used to inseminate his patients came from one donor, Dr. Jacobson himself.


At least one woman who testified in court was unnerved at how much her newborn daughter looked just like him. Now it's possible to condemn Dr. Jacobson for failing to inform the women in advance that would be the argument about consent.


The columnist, Ellen Goodman, described the bizarre scenario as follows, "Dr. Jacobson," She wrote "Gave his infertility business the personal touch but now the rest of us," she wrote "are in for a round of second thoughts about sperm donation." Goodman concluded that fatherhood should be something you do, not something you donate.

专栏作家埃伦·古德曼这样来描述这个奇怪的境况,她写道,“雅各布森医生亲自参与了其不孕事业,而我们旁观者,” 她说,“则要重新审视精子捐献。”古德曼总结过,父亲是当出来的,而不是捐出来的。

And I think what she was doing and what the philosopher Elizabeth Anderson is doing and what Andrew was suggesting with his argument about dehumanization is pondering whether there are certain goods that money shouldn't buy, not just because of tainted consent but also perhaps because certain goods are properly valued in a way higher than mere use. Those at least are the questions we're going to pursue with the help of some philosophers in the weeks to come.



