





Before the arrival of the French, Chinese characters were the official language of Vietnam.


The names of books, temples, historical sites and official institutions in Vietnam are written in Chinese characters and use Chinese and grammar, but Chinese is not the mother tongue of most Vietnamese. Chinese has complicated grammar and lacks many corresponding Vietnamese local vocabulary, so it can not accurately express Vietnamese.


Historically, the upper class of Vietnamese society preferred Chinese characters because it is a symbol of civilization. They always avoid using the Vietnamese dialect. Until finally, someone invented Chu Nom based on Chinese characters. The reason why Chu Nom are not standardized is mainly because the upper class prefers Chinese characters.


Over the years, Chu Nom has only been used in vernacular literature by other poets, which makes mumbling too complex and too many variants to be used as an official writing system.


Vietnam could have had a writing system based on simplified mumbling, but unfortunately, the official literati failed to give it such an opportunity. As for Chinese characters, because Vietnamese is very different from Chinese, it will never become the official writing system of Vietnamese without modification.


Now, it is too late for Vietnamese to come up with any other text substitution system. When the current language system works well, most people will have no time to learn the new language system.


The best solution I have always supported is to reintroduce Chinese characters into literature classes in Vietnam's education system. Vietnamese children should learn some basic Chinese characters that are important in Vietnamese culture, as well as popular poems and phrases used in important landmarks in Vietnam.


Most of the voices against this idea come from radical nationalists and overseas Vietnamese, who have irrational fear of China. But I know that many Vietnamese support me very much, and there are children who are very eager to learn what they see in movies and historical sites. Koreans and Japanese have no problem teaching Chinese characters in their own education system, and Vietnamese have too many problems.


In addition, if Vietnamese don't want Chinese characters to become a part of our culture and don't want foreigners to understand this fact, wish them good luck. How can they explain to future tourists why our buildings are written in "Chinese". In this regard, how can we alleviate our embarrassment?




Re entering school as a subject? Possible, but unlikely.


First of all, as many people have pointed out, Vietnamese has more pronunciation than Japanese, so there is no need to use Chinese characters to avoid homonyms.


Second, it is impractical for Vietnamese to suddenly change their writing system, which requires a lot of human, material and financial resources and considerable work.


Third, but perhaps at a deeper level, Vietnamese just want to keep a distance from any Chinese, including Chinese characters, which will also happen in South Korea. They want to remove the part of their traditional culture that originated in China.


This may be naturalistic or non naturalistic, but I think it is at least due to deeper cultural insecurity. In this regard, I don't even think Vietnam will reintroduce Chinese characters as a school subject.


For Japan, this is not a problem. Over the past 100 years, Japan has been the most powerful and advanced country in Asia not only in military affairs, but also in science, culture and art.


They no longer regard the use of Chinese characters (or Chinese characters) as a symbol associated with Chinese, but as an inherent part of their unique traditional culture. It is precisely because they are more developed than other Asian countries, including China, that the Japanese elite have no sense of insecurity about the use of Chinese characters.




If the Vietnamese hadn't given up Chinese characters, what would they do now?


1. A large number of Vietnamese can easily come to China to do business, and there will be no obstacles to the communication between Chinese and most Vietnamese. The investment scale of Chinese companies in Vietnam will be much larger. As a result, Vietnam's economic situation will be much better and the income of the Vietnamese people will be higher.


2. Vietnam's traditional culture will be better inherited, rather than producing current jokes such as "Vietnam Phoenix comes from France". At the same time, Vietnamese people will be able to easily read their own ancient documents.


Chinese uses Chinese characters to record and express meaning. Two words with the same pronunciation have different meanings due to different Chinese characters. Just like Vietnamese, there are also homonyms. Without Chinese characters, how can they distinguish two Chinese characters with different meanings? The answer is that there is no way to distinguish them. The meaning of individual characters is gradually forgotten, and these characters have meaning only when placed in words. A single character has no meaning.


Many young people no longer know the meaning of a single word. For example, the word "Ming" has different meanings in different words, but it is usually called "Liang", which means "very bright". Beginners can speculate that this word means light, because the word "Guangming" in Chinese is also very common.


Someone might say that this is the same as English. I just need to know that "bright" means bright, not why it means bright.


Many people may know the meaning of "Ming" in "light", but if you ask them what "Ming" means in "invention", they may say that "Ming" itself does not mean anything. When it is put together with "light", it only means one word.


Because there are a large number of homonyms in Chinese, Chinese and Vietnamese also have homonyms with the same pronunciation but different meanings. This is why Vietnamese who have lost Chinese characters only remember one pronunciation and gradually forget its meaning.


There's a joke: the Vietnamese teacher said that she didn't understand why people go to a brighter place after death, and it didn't help to discuss with many teachers, but now she asked me if I understood (a Vietnamese asked a Chinese Vietnamese word for the meaning of Vietnamese), or the Vietnamese generally know that the word Ming means light, but I don't know that the word corresponds to "Ming", This Chinese character Ming "he" Ming (meaning underground world) is a homonym.

有个笑话:越南老师说,她不明白为什么人们死后要去一个更明亮的地方,和许多老师讨论也无济于事,但现在她问我是否明白(一个越南人问一个中国人越南语单词的意思),或者是越南人普遍知道的明这个词的意思是光,但不知道这个词对应的是“明”,这个汉字明“和”冥 (意思是地下世界)是同音字。

3. Vietnamese will be able to read Japanese and even easily communicate with Koreans specializing in law and other disciplines. Because there are a large number of Chinese characters in Japanese, we can roughly guess their meaning, although not all.


People engaged in legal work in Korea are usually familiar with Chinese characters, because Korean law uses many terms, and understanding and interpreting these terms requires a lot of knowledge of Chinese characters.


Many Koreans, especially young people, are not familiar with the use of Chinese characters. In addition, in the current Korean school curriculum, it is not a compulsory course, so they at least have no obligation to learn it.


However, since Chinese characters are still a large part of modern Korean, the understanding of basic Chinese characters is considered to be the common knowledge of Koreans. Therefore, most Koreans learn basic Chinese characters for learning (especially those who learn Chinese or Japanese) and liberal arts purposes. They can read Chinese characters even if they don't write them themselves.


4. The most important thing is that Vietnam can watch Chinese movies and videos through the Chinese Internet without translation.



