
英语阅读就是让你“说”英语,不是“英译汉”:Work ethics



Business Culture:How to Build Work Ethics

Work ethics is a set of values held by an emlpyee. If you have good work ethics then you may possibly do well in your career and achieve financial freedom.Having good work ethics is a long process, and they cannot be acquired overnight.You have to work hard for it. You have to dsipline yourself to become a better person. Building good work ethics is possible if you are going to follow these guidelines:

Start early. Enhancing your work ethics should be your habit. Even if you are an entry-level employee, you need to work very hard to enhance your work ethics such as wearing proper wardrobe, maintaining a good work relationship with your co-workers, completing your tasks on time and more.

Teamwork. Do not forget that you are always part of the team. Do what is not only beneficial to you but beneficial to other people as well.

Honesty. Do your job with full honesty, no matter how small or big your job is.

Initiative. You should have the initiative to do your job. Don't let your superior ask you to do this and that.

Dependability. People who are dependable are regarded as reliable people as well. If you will practise dependability inside the work area, other people may follow you as a good example.

Efficiency. Efficiency is not only important for your own advancement but for the company you are working with.

Learn from the experts. Any bussiness leader, incuding your superior, is a good example of a person who has mantained good work ethics. Your superior would have not been in his position if he had not applied good ethics at work.

Maintaining good work ethics may be changing but it can take you a long way in your chosen career. Just keep working hard to improve your work etics. It is doesn't happen ovemight. But always remember, good work ethics are the main components of success.




“读完”上面英语,你会把其中的英语work ethics“翻译”成中文“才懂”什么是work ethics的意思吗?


二、用英语“读懂”并用英语“说”work ethics什么意思足够了,其它的没必要都读完,或者说通通英译汉完。

1.Okay.I got you.I think I know what Work Ethics really mean.

2. Work ethics mean You should start early the following habits, such as wearing proper wardrobe, maintaining a good work relationship with your co-workers, completing your tasks on time and more.

3.Work ethics means Teamwork. That means you are always part of the team.

你是这样用英语“读懂”work ethics并用这些英语记住work ethics的吗?


4.Work ethics mean Being honest. Do your job with full honesty.

5. Work ethics mean Take initiatives in your job,meaning doing your job instead of let ting your superior ask you to do this and that.

6. Work ethics mean Dependability,be trustworthy.

7.Work ethics also include Efficiency and Learning from the experts.




