



1.We usually eat mooncakes and enjoy the full moon ______Mid-Autumn night.

A. for B. in C. on D.at

2.—I watched the NBA game last night.

—________ amazing game it was!

A. What an B. How an

C. What D.How

3.—The Dragon Boat races are so exciting,but our boat is still behind.

—Don’t worry. I’m sure ________ our team will win!

A. if B. that

C. whether D. why

4.The teacher is already standing here. Do you know when she ____?

A. Comes B. came

C. is coming D.was coming

5.The pool was in the shape ______ a heart.

A. ofB. with C. in D. for

6.The book is boring. It is _________ the one I read last week.

A. similar to B. similar as

C. similar for D. similar of

7.—Look at the clouds, so beautiful!

—Wow, so many different _____, horses, sheep, flowers...

A. sizes B. shapes

C. colors D.styles

8.April is _______month of the year in Thailand.

A. hot B. hotter

C. hottest D.the hottest

9.He doesn’t know ____ to stay here or not.

A. if B. what C. whether D.that

10.Sally often helps me study English. And I help her study Chinese. We help _____.

A. each other B. others

C. the other D. other

11.I ____ what you said, but I don’t _____ you.

A. believe; believe in

B. believe in; believe

C. believe; believe

D. believe in; believe in

12.—You could ask the teacher for help.

—_____ Teachers are always helpful.

A. I think so. B. I disagree.

C. I am afraid not. D. I don’t think so.

13.— Jack, you seem in high spirits.

—__________ We won the match 4-0.

A. Guess what? B. So what?

C. No wonder. D. No trouble.

14.I think the book is very _____ to read.

A. Interested B. interesting

C.interest D. interests

15.We’re going for a picnic tomorrow. I _______ whether Jack can come.

A. Know B. guess

C. believe D.wonder

16.—I didn’t hear you come in just now.

—That’s good. We tried ______ any noise for you were sleeping.

A. not make B. not to make

C. to make D. making

17.I remember ______ her in the city.

A. See B. seeing

C. to see D.saw

18.Please pay attention ______what he said.

A. to B. in C.of D. for

19.He won’t give up his dream ______he has failed several times.

A. because of B. even if

C. if D.since

20.Never cross the street against a light _______ you don’t see any traffic coming.

A. in case B. so that

C. even if D.because

21.—Dad, shall we go to the beach tomorrow?

—It ______the weather.

A. carries on B. lives on

C. depends on D. looks on

22.When you visit a museum, you should ______ the instructions and don’t be against them.

A. look forward to

B. pay attention to

C. try to

D. connect with

23.Why not you ______a new job?

A. look after B. look for

C. look at D. look up

24.They are two good learners. They have some good habit _____common.

A. For B. with C. at D. in

25.Sally is ______in class now. But she used to be a very shy girl.

A. Honest B. silent C. quiet D.active

26.—It’s important for us to know _____all the subjects.

—Yes, group work is my favorite.

A. how to study B. when to study C.which to study D. what to study

27.So beautiful flowers! I can’t decide ______ to choose for my mom.

A.who B. when C.which D.where

28.—_____ do you study for a test?

—I study by reading textbook.

A. How B. Why

C. What D.Where

29.—_____ do you watch TV?

—Twice a week.

A. How soon B. How often

C. How long D. How far

30.They ______ speaking English at the English corner to improve their spoken English.

A. Stopped B. practiced

C.finished D. forgot

31.How can I _______ my pronunciation?

A. improve B. repeat

C.learn D. create

32.We remembered them _______ making word cards.

A. with B. by C. in D. at

33.—_________ do you get information on the Internet?

—By searching key words.

A. What B. Where

C. How D.Which

34.Although he’s over 70,______he is full of energy.

A. But B. and C. so D. /

35.—Bob, you can never let others know what I have told you today.

—Don’t worry. I will keep it _____.

A. secret B. address

C. grade D.attention

36.This morning I __________some new restaurants.

A. picked up

B. looked up

C. cleaned up

D. gave up

37.—It’s said that some young girls eat little ______they can lose weight.

—I’m afraid it’s bad for their health.

A. to B. so that

C. in order to D.but

38.What about _________his telephone number in my notebook?

A. looking after B. looking up

C.looking for D. looking at

39.Dear classmates, may I have your attention please? I have _____ to tell you.

A. important something

B. important anything

C. something important

D. anything important

40.The tomato is in fact a fruit, _______it is eaten as a vegetable.

A. because B. if

C. when D.although

41.Jenny used to be afraid to ______ in class, so she always _______nothing.

A. speak; talked B. speak; said

C. say; spoken D. say; talked

42.—There are a few new words in the article.

—What about ______ in you dictionary?

A. looking it up B. looking up it

C.looking them up D. looking up them

43.Paul practice _________basketball everyday so that he can be a better player.

A. play B. played C. to play D.playing

44.After she finished ________the story, Alice wrote a review for school newspaper.

A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read

45.I think _______cars we drive, ________pollution our city will have.

A. the fewer; the less B. the fewest; the least

C. the few; the little D. fewer; less

46.—The doctor told me not to eat too much.

—The doctor is right. _________ you eat, _________ you will be.

A. The less; the healthier

B. The less; the more healthier

C. The more; the healthier

D. The more; the more healthier

47.—What do think of your Chinese teacher?

—She is very _____. She often explains the difficult points many times until we understand.

A. strict B. hard-working

C.patient D. smart

48.The boy tried ______a model plane.

A. making B. make

C. to make D.made

49.I hear a new song on the radio. I _____high and low in the music store, but I can’t find the song.

A. search B. have searched

C. am searching D. will search

50.Don’t read ________; read word groups.

A. one by one B. word by word

C. little by little D. step by step

51.Maria was a good teacher. She was very ________with her pupils.

A. patient B. angry

C.pleased D. careful

52.Don’t hurry him. You will just have to be ______and wait until he finishes the work.

A. active B. careful

C.famous D. patient

53.Linda’s father hates waiting in long lines. I think he’s not very ______.

A. patient B. talented

C.popular D. powerful

54.My grandparents _______in that city since 2008.

A. will live B. live

C. have lived D. were living

55.Have you ever _____ to a foreigner?

A. speak B. spoke

C.spoken D. to speak

56.Have you ______ your science report?

A. finished B. finish

C.finished D. to finish

57.It’s clever ________her ________the math problem easily.

A. of; to solve B. for; to solve

C. of; solving D. for; solving

58.It is impossible for you _______there in only 15 minutes.

A. get B. getting

C. to get D.got

59.—_________visiting the East Lake?

—That’s a great idea.

A. What about B. Where

C.Which D. When

60.My idea is to attract the students__________making a poster.

A. by B. with C. in D. of


1.Pang Meng tried to _______(偷) the medicine.

2.The baby weighed seven_______(磅) at birth.

3.The guard asked the(陌生人)__________ to show his passport.

4.Lily is one of my(亲戚)_____________.

5.We went to the supermarket to buy some_________(月饼) before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

6.They are making(灯笼)________t the moment.

7.Then _______(练习) what you learned by doing exercise.

8.Her ______(终身的) ambition had been to learn to how to fly.

9.We all think that he is _________(天生的) with the ability to sing.

10.The old woman is over 80, but she is still very ________ (活跃的).

11.He has the __________(能力) to create a new tool.

12.We set business free to _________(创造) more jobs in Britain.

13.I have to _______(复习),as the exam is coming.

14.Adults deal with these sorts of problem much more __________(明智地) than teenagers.

15.Mr.Green has a good ________(知识) of chemistry.

16.He’s a _______(合伙人) in a Chicago(芝加哥) law firm.

17.The number of student has _______(增加) sine last year.

18.I often make mistakes in English_________(语法).

19.We were traveling at a _______ (速度) of thirty miles an hour.

20.According to our present idea of __________(物理学), nothing can travel faster than light.

21.Most of the students aren’t interested in _________(化学).

22.“I miss my son.” the woman kept __________(重复).

23.—How old are you, Miss Li?

—Oh, iIt’s a __________(秘密).

24.Recently they _________ (发现) gold in that area.

25.Laughter is one of the most infectious________(表情) of emotion.

26.Please repeat the following______(句子)after me.

27.You should learn to be ____________(耐心).

28.Reading English words ____________(大声地)is a good way to remember them.

29.This is a private ______(交谈). Don’t interrupt.

30.She gave the word its French ________(发音).






































29.【答案】conversation 30.【答案】pronunciation



