

Now, Words and Their Stories from VOA Learning English. Each week on this program, we talk about common words and expressions in the English language.


Today, we tell about the word "Knock". To help explain expressions using "knock," you will hear scripted dialogues.


We will also use songs. We really want to knock your socks off! In other words, we want to have such an effect on you that your socks fly off your feet! So to speak.


Another expression with a similar meaning is "Knock 'em dead"! Usually, we say this to close friends or family members when we want them to do a really great job at something.

另一个有类似意思的表达是"Knock 'em dead!(让他们印象深刻!)"通常,当我们希望亲密的朋友或家人在某件事上做得非常出色时,我们会对他们说这句话。

It is an easy-going, informal way to give someone motivation. So, if a friend has a very important meeting, you can say to her, "Don't worry. You will knock 'em dead"!


In other words, you are going to impress them so much that they will fall over dead! Not actually, of course. The "e-m" in this expression is short for the word "them".


But when saying this expression, we don't say "them". We say the informal, shortened form of the word -- pronounced 'em.


And we say it quickly blending the words together: Knock 'em dead. Now, as a verb, "knock" has many meanings.

我们说它时快速地把单词混合在一起了:Knock'em dead。现在,作为一个动词,"knock"有很多含义。

The most common is to simply knock on something, or hit it, with your fist. For example, you knock on a door when you want to enter someone's house.


That you probably know. But did you know that when you want good luck, you should knock on wood? Knock on wood is something we either do or say (or both) to bring good luck.

你可能知道。但是你知道当你想要好运的时候,你应该敲木头吗?Knock on wood是我们做或说(或两者同时)以带来好运的东西。

This custom may come from ancient times when people believed that gods existed in nature. So, for example, knocking on a tree was thought to bring good luck.


Even if they don't believe it to be true, many Americans say "Knock on wood"! to mean "Wish me good luck"! Now, another way we use "knock" as a verb is to combine it with the word "around".

即使他们不相信这是真的,许多美国人说"Knock on wood"!意思是"祝我好运!"现在,我们用"knock"做动词的另一种方法是把它和"around"结合起来。

To knock around is to walk around without a clear purpose. So, you can knock around your neighborhood, a ball field or city streets.

knock around就是没有明确目的地到处走动。所以,你可以在社区、球场或城市街道上四处游逛。

One day on a visit to New York City, I knocked around Central Park for a good two hours! And it was not a waste of time. So, don't knock me for spending so much time knocking around!


And this brings us to yet another meaning of the word "knock". It also means to criticize. If you knock something you find fault with it.


So, if someone criticizes your career choice, you can say, "Why are you knocking my job? It's my business what I do. Not yours". We use this meaning of "knock" in another informal expression: Don't knock it 'till you've tried it.

所以,如果有人批评你的职业选择,你可以说,"Why are you knocking my job?(你为什么砸我饭碗?)做什么工作是我自己的事,与你无关。"我们在另一个非正式的表达中使用"knock"的意思:Don't knock it 'till you've tried it(还没试用之前先别乱批评)。

This means you should not criticize something you have not tried. Another common expression is to simply tell someone to "knock it off"! This is a forceful and somewhat childish way to say "Stop it"!

它的意思是你不应该批评没有尝试过的东西。另一个常见的表达方式是简单地告诉某人"knock it off!(住口!)"这是一个强有力的,有点孩子气的方式说:"住手!"

There is another "knock" expression that we use only in special situations. So, let's say somebody wants to do something and you really don't care if they do it or if they don't.


In that case, you could say, "Knock yourself out". Let's hear it used in these two short dialogues.

在这种情况下,你可以说,"Knock yourself out。(随便)"我们来听听这两个简短对话中的用法。

Wow, your sandwich looks good. It is good. But I'm full.


Can I finish the rest? Knock yourself out.


Hey, are you going to be home this weekend? Yes. Why do you ask?


Well, I want to throw a party. Since you're my roommate, I'd thought I'd check with you first. I don't care.


Are you sure? It might be loud. Knock yourself out!


On the Formal/Informal Scale – if we were to have one -- this term would rate as very informal. So, only use it with your good friends and not your employer, your friend's grandparents or a university professor.


Speaking of university, some people go there to learn. While others learn from experience. And difficult experiences can be the best teacher. In a way, they are a lot like school.


And we call that school the school of hard knocks. In the school of hard knocks, you learn something as a result of difficult or unpleasant experiences.

我们把这种学校称为school the school of hard knocks(艰苦的磨练)。经历艰苦的磨练时,你从困难或不愉快的经历中学到一些东西。

The term "hard knocks" means the situations in life that try to knock you down, but you won't give up. And that brings us to the end of this Words and Their Stories.

"hard knocks(猛烈的打击)"这个词是指生活中那些试图击倒你的情境,但你不会放弃。本期的节目就到这里了。

Until next time . . . I'm Anna Matteo.



