

counterpart 英 [ˈkaʊntəpɑːt] 美 [ˈkaʊntərpɑːrt] n. 副本;配对物;极相似的人或物

考点: n.(地位、功能)对等的人或物: one having the same function or characteristics as another

e.g. She worked with her counterpart in the other office to get the job done. 她与另一个办公室的同职人员 一起努力完成这项工作。U.S. presidents and his British counterpart 美国总统和英国首相

: coequal, compeer, coordinate, equivalent, fellow, like, match, parallel, peer, rival

complicate 英 [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪt] 美 [ˈkɑːmplɪkeɪt] vt. 使复杂化;使恶化;使卷入

考点: vt.使复杂化: to make complex or difficult

e.g. Don't complicate matters by getting the parents involved. 不要把父母牵扯进来,这会让问题更复杂。

: complex, embarrass, entangle, ravel, perplex, sophisticate, tangle

: simplify, streamline 简化

: complicated adj.复杂的,麻烦的

integral 英 [ˈɪntɪɡrəl; ɪnˈteɡrəl] 美 [ˈɪntɪɡrəl,ɪnˈteɡrəl] adj. 积分的;完整的,整体的;构成整体所必须的 n. 积分;部分;完整

考点1: adj.构成整体所必需的: essential to completeness

e.g. an integral part of the undergraduate curriculum 本科生课程的必修部分

: critical, essential, indispensable, necessary, requisite, vital

: redundant, superfluous, surplus 多余的

考点2: adj.完整的: not lacking any part or member that properly belongs to it

e.g. the belief that athletics are essential to an integral life 坚信运动是完整的人生所不可或缺的一部分

: comprehensive, entire, full, grand, intact, perfect, plenary, total, whole

: imperfect, incomplete 不完美的,不完整的;partial 部分的

surfeit 英 [ˈsɜːfɪt] 美 [ˈsɜːrfɪt] n. 过度;饮食过度;恶心(由于饮食过度所引起)vt. 使饮食过度;使厌腻;使过度沉溺于 vi. 饮食过度;过分放纵

考点: v./n.过量,饮食过度: to feed or supply to excess

e.g. He surfeited himself with chocolate.他巧克力吃多了

: overabundance, overage, overflow, plethora, redundancy, superfluity, surplus

: deficiency, deprivation, insufficient supply, famish, starve 短缺,匮乏

disavow 英 [ˌdɪsəˈvaʊ] 美 [ˌdɪsəˈvaʊ] vt. 否认,否定;抵赖;拒绝对…的责任

考点: vt.拒绝承认,否认: to disclaim knowledge of, responsibility for, or association with;to declare not to be true

e.g. disavow the rumor 否认谣言 ;She disavowed the testimony that she had given earlier in the trial她在审判中否认了自己之前的证词。

: deny, repudiate, disaffirm, disclaim, disconfirm, gainsay, negate

: acknowledge, avow, concede 承认


