



获得14.8k好评的答案@Charlotte Neumann

I have a neighbor. He shouts at his kids a lot. He has a close friend with a little girl, Mindy. Does this guy also shout at his kids a lot? I don't know...我有个邻居,他经常大声骂孩子。他的一个好朋友有个小女儿,叫明迪,但是我不知道那个人是否也经常大声骂孩子……

The other day, my neighbor's son Marco, 6, and Mindy, also 6, rang my door bell. "Marco threw his monster ball on your balcony. We want to get it - if you won't be angry?"前几天,我邻居6岁的儿子马尔科和同岁的明迪按响了我的门铃。“马尔科把他的怪兽球扔到你家阳台了,我们想拿回它——你不会生气吧?”

Me: Of course I won't be angry. Come in.我:当然不会生气。请进吧。

Mindy: Are you really not angry?明迪:你真的没有生气?

Me: No.我:真的不会。

Mindy: When are you angry?明迪:那你什么时候生气呀?

Me: I'm never angry with kids.我:我从不跟孩子生气。

Mindy: Really?明迪:真的吗?

Me: Yes.我:真的。

Mindy: Never?明迪:从来没有?

Me: Never.我:从来没有。

Mindy: Not even if we do something wrong?明迪:即使我们做错了也不生气?

Me: No. I'd probably tell you it was wrong, but I wouldn't be angry.我:不生气。我可能会告诉你那是错的,但是我不会生气。

Mindy looked at me, then repeated: "You won't be angry with me?"明迪看着我,然后又说了一遍:“你真的不会跟我们生气?”

Me: I will never be angry with you.我:我永远也不会跟你们生气。

She looked at me again, for a few seconds, then flung herself into my arms.她又看了我几秒钟,然后飞扑进我的怀里。

I didn't even know her, before this. There's no saying exactly what the background is, but I found it sad.在此之前我从未了解过她。我说不准背后的原因,但是我觉得这件事让人很难过。

获得9.9k好评的答案@Aaron Hammett

In recent news, a man had entered into an electrified swimming pool to save his daughter and subsequently died from electrocution. His daughter survived.最近有个新闻,有个男人进到一个通了电的游泳池去救他的女儿,随后他就触电死亡,但是他的女儿活下来了。

My 5-year-old son looked wide-eyed as I read the report to my wife. Silence overtook the room for a moment and then in a still, small voice he said, "Daddy, would you die for me?"当我给妻子念这条新闻的时候,我5岁的儿子睁大眼睛看着我。一时间屋里一片寂静,过了一会儿,他平静而小声说道:“爸爸,你会为我而死吗?”

"Yes, of course."“当然会。”

Tears welled up in his baby brown eyes. "I would die for you, too."他棕色的眼睛里涌出了泪水。“我也会为你而死的。”

Needless to say, I swept him into my arms and broke down.无需多言,我把他拥进怀里,失声痛哭。

获得1.2k好评的答案@Cheryl Lightfoot

I was out all day, and didn't check in with my son, thinking at his age (17) he wouldn't care what I was doing. I was wrong. He somehow got it into his head that I might have had an accident. And worse, since his father died, I am his only parent. He said to me later, in a tone that showed exactly how scared and hurt he was, that I had frightened him into thinking he now had no parents and was all alone in the world. Needless to say, I felt horrible and have vowed to check in if I am ever out later than expected.我在外面呆了一整天,也没告诉我儿子,我觉得17岁的他不会在乎我在做什么。然而我错了。他莫名其妙地觉得我可能出事了。更糟糕的是,自从他爸爸去世后,我是他唯一的家长了。他随后对我说,我吓得他以为自己没有父母了、孤身一人活在世上,语气十分惊慌,很是受伤的样子。不用说,我觉得这很可怕,并且发誓如果我比预想中要晚回家的话一定会向他报备。


审校:董静 丹妮



