

Part 1 开始上课

  1. All present? 同学们都到齐了吗?
  2. Anybody absent? 有缺席的同学吗?
  3. Listen up, class. 同学们请注意听。
  4. May I have your attention, please? 请注意听,好吗?
  5. Let's get started. 让我们开始上课吧。
  6. Let me call the roll. 现在点名。
  7. Please hurry up and sit down. 请赶快回到座位上坐好。
  8. Listen up, boys and girls. 孩子们请注意听。
  9. Let's begin. 让我们开始上课吧。

10.Let's start right now. 我们现在开始吧。


教师口语Part 2 课堂问候

  1. Hello,everybody. 大家好。
  2. Good morning, everyone. 早上好,同学们。
  3. Hi,boys and girls. 同学们好。
  4. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你们。
  5. Glad to see you. 很高兴见到你们。
  6. I am pleased to see you. 我很高兴见到你们。
  7. Welcome back. How was your holiday? 欢迎回来。假期过得怎么样?
  8. What’s the matter with Zhao Wei? 赵伟怎么了?
  9. How is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样?

10.Welcome back from the holiday. 欢迎假期后归来。


Part 3 基本课堂控制指令

  1. Class begins. 上课!
  2. Now please open your books and turn to page 36 现在请打开书翻到36页。
  3. Do what I do. 跟着我做。
  4. Follow me. 跟着我说(读)。
  5. After me. 跟我读(说)
  6. Repeat after me. 跟我读(说)。
  7. All eyes on me. 看着我。
  8. Listen to me, please. 请听我说
  9. Silence please. 请安静。

10.Be quiet. 请安静。

11.Everyone!Once again. 全班再来一遍。

12.Now listen to me carefully. 认真听我讲。

13.Group 2 and 3 , again. 2组和3组再来一遍。

13.Ready? Repeat ! All together! 准备好了吗?大家一起重复一遍。

14.Raise your hand. 把手举起来。


教师口语Part 4 教师自我介绍

  1. Let me introduce myself. 让我来介绍一下自己。
  2. I’ll introduce myself. 我来介绍一下自己。
  3. I’m your new English teacher. 我是你们的新英语老师。
  4. Good morning, class. I’m Fred, your new English teacher. 同学们早上好,我叫Fred,你们的新英语老师。
  5. Before the lessons, let me introduce myself first. I come from…… . I graduated from Shandong Teacher’s University last year. 上课前,首先让我来介绍一下自己。我来自……,我去年毕业于山东师范大学。
  6. Hello, class. I’m Fred, your new teacher. Nice to see you all. 同学们好,我是Fred,你们的新老师,很高兴见到大家。
  7. I will write my name on the blackboard. Here’s my name. 我会把自己的名字写在黑板上。这是我的名字。
  8. First of all, I would like to introduce myself to you. 首先,我想介绍一下我自己。

9.My name is Fred. I will teach you English from now on. 我叫Fred. 从现在起我教大家英语。

10. You can call me Fred. 你可以叫我Fred.

11.Please call me Ms. Li. 请叫我李老师

12.I will try my best to help you enjoy learning English. 我会努力让大家喜欢学习英语。

13.I’m going to be your English teacher this term. 这学期我将是你们的英语老师。


教师口语 Part 5 评价学生常用语

  1. Great 很好。
  2. Good idea. 好想法。
  3. A good job. 很好。
  4. Right/Correct. 正确
  5. Pretty good! 太好了!
  6. That’s it. 就是这样。
  7. Exactly . 很准确。
  8. Quite right. 十分正确。
  9. Great work today. 今天表现的很好。

10.Well done. 很棒。

11.Excellent! 太精彩了。

12.Perfect! 完美!

13.Everyone did great today. 大家今天表现的都很好。

14.You make me proud. 我以你(你们)为荣。

15.Terrific. 对极了。

16.That’s good. 很好。

17.That’s funny. 很有趣。

18.You make me proud. 我以你为荣。

19.Sounds good. 听起来不错。

20.You’re getting better. 你表现的越来越好了。

21.You did great today. 你(你们)今天太棒了。


教师口语Part 6 起英文名字

  1. Do you all have English names? 你们都有英文名字吗?
  2. Don’t worry, you’ll get one. 担心。你会有英文名字的。
  3. Please tell me your firs别t name. 请告诉我你的名字。
  4. Let’s all make English names today. 今天让我们每个人都起个英文名字吧!
  5. There’s a list of English names in this paper. 在这张纸上有一些英文名字。
  6. Choose a name you like. 选一个你喜欢的名字。
  7. This name goes well with you, I think. 我认为,这个名字很适合你。


教师口语Part 7 课堂进程用语

  1. Are you ready? 你们准备好了吗?
  2. Open your book and turn to page 78. 打开书翻到78页。
  3. Let’s move on to Lesson 2, Unit 1. 我们要上第1单元第2课。
  4. Today we are going to study lesson 7. 今天我们要学第7课。
  5. Now listen to me carefully. 现在认真听我讲。
  6. To begin with, I will tell you a story. 讲课前,我给大家讲一个故事。
  7. What can you see in the picture? 从画中你能看到什么?
  8. We’ll continue our lesson left from yesterday in this class. 这节课,我们将接着讲昨天的课程。
  9. Still remember what we have learned yesterday? 还记得我们昨天讲了什么吗?

10.Let’s go over some languages. 让我们复习语言点。


教师口语 Part 8 学习课文常用语

  1. What can we learn from the picture? 从这幅图片中你知道了什么?
  2. Today,we are going to learn a new passage. 今天,我们要学习一篇新课文。
  3. We'll do reading activities during the second lesson. 第二次课我们将进行阅读练习活动。
  4. Please prepare a reading log. 请准备一个阅读记录本。
  5. Loot at the blackboard, who can describe the picture? 看黑板,谁能描述一下这幅图片。

6.How do you feel when you see ……? 当你看到……你有什么感受?

7. What does this part describe? 这一部分描述了什么?

  1. Please read this part carefully and find the topic sentence. 请认真阅读这一部分并找出主题句。


教师口语 Part 9 鼓励学生(1)

  1. Take it easy. 别紧张。
  2. That’s the way to do it. 对,就这样做。
  3. Take your time. I think you can. 别着急,我想你行的。
  4. You’ve make a lot of progress. 你进步太大了。
  5. Come on, try it again. 来吧,再试一次。
  6. Don’t be disappointed. 别沮丧。
  7. I know how hard you tried. 我知道你是多么地努力了。
  8. Don’t worry, the questions were quite difficult. 别担心,题目确实有点难。
  9. Speak up! 大声说。

10.Raise your hands. 请举手。


教师口语 Part 9 鼓励学生(2)

1. Nothing is impossible if you try hard. 如果你努力,就没有什么是不可能的。

2. Not good enough, but better than last time.


3. Don’t be discouraged by it. 不要因此而沮丧。

4. That’s exactly the point. 你的回答正中要点。

5. I know how hard you tried. 我知道你是多么地努力了。

6. You’re on the right track. 你的思路是正确的。

7. You’ll be able to do it better next time.


8. Trust yourself. 相信你自己。

9. Relax. 放松。

10. Have confidence. 要有信心。

11. No one is making fun of you. 没人会取笑你。

12. Don’t be shy. Try to express yourself.



教师口语 Part 10 听力课常用语(1)

  1. Today,we 'll have a listening practice. 今天我们要做听力训练。
  2. Now,listen to the tape and then find out the correct answers. 现在,听录音并找出正确答案。
  3. Have you got the correct answer?


4.Don’t just listen, listen with a reason. 不要只是听,而是带着目的去听。

5. Listen carefully. 请仔细听。

6. If you don’t get it on your first try, listen again and again.


7. Always read the questions before you listen.


8. Listen and catch the key sentence. 听并抓住中心句。

9.Be careful. I’ll give you the correct answers.


10.Listen to the tape to get a general idea, then write down the information below.


11.I’ll play it again. 我再播放一遍。

12.Listen carefully to what the speaker says. 仔细听说话人所说的内容。

13.Did you hear that? 你们听懂了吗?

14.Listen and repeat. 边听边跟读。

15.When you listen for the first time, think carefully what it is about?


16.Did you catch that?你们能跟得上吗?



