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CTV vs. OTT vs. vMVPD

At long last, brands are now able to apply the precision of digital advertising to television, the premier brand marketing medium. Behold the glory that is ad tech.


But maneuvering this brave new world of television advertising requires learning a number of esoteric acronyms, such as CTV, OTT and the extra inscrutable vMVPD (That’s enough alphabet soup to make FDR blush).

但想要在这个全新的电视广告新世界玩转自如,你最好需要学习和理解一些拗口的专业术语,例如 CTV、OTT 和更加难以理解的 vMVPD(就连 FDR 缩写词相比都甘拜下风)。

For our first installment of What the Tech?, our new content series explaining ad tech buzzwords, we tackle the various acronyms involved in contemporary television advertising.

对于我们的第一期 What The Tech?,我们解释广告技术流行语的新内容系列,我们解决了当代电视广告中涉及的各种首字母缩略词。

Let’s start at the beginning: What do these various acronyms mean? 让我们回到文章的标题:这些不同的首字母缩写(专业术语)是什么意思?A great place to start, indeed. Here we go:

的确,对我们了解本文是一个很好的开篇。 我们往下看:

  • OTT (“over-the-top television”): OTT is a catchall term for any kind of television consumption that happens via the internet instead of through traditional broadcast or cable distribution. That includes people watching TV on their phones, laptops, their gaming systems or on their television sets by way of a streaming device, such as Chromecast and Apple TV. Basically, if someone is using the internet to watch it, it’s OTT.
  • OTT(“OTT 电视”,Over The Top):OTT 是一个宽泛的术语,指的是通过互联网而非传统广播或有线分发的这种类型的内容消费形式。人们可以通过 Chromecast 和 Apple TV 等流媒体设备在手机、笔记本电脑、游戏机或电视机上观看内容,并不限定某一类终端设备。 基本上,如果有人使用互联网观看它,那就属于 OTT。
  • CTV (“connected television”): CTV is a subset of OTT, and it indicates consuming TV through TV sets that connect to the internet directly (so-called “smart TVs”) or by way of a streaming device (Apple TV, Chromecast, Roku, etc.).
  • CTV(“联网电视”):CTV 是 OTT 的一个子集,它表示可以直接接入互联网的电视机(所谓的“智能电视”)或流媒体设备(Apple TV、Chromecast 、Roku 等),。
  • vMVPD (“virtual multichannel video programming distributor”): This one is a bit tricky, not to mention a mouthful. vMVPDs are platforms that deliver live, linear television over the internet. Essentially, they’re delivering a classic linear viewing broadcast or cable experience, but with the internet as the delivery system. Two of the most prominent examples are YouTube TV and Hulu Live, both of which let you watch programs such as live sports. Other providers include Fubo and Sling.
  • vMVPD(“虚拟多频道视频节目分发器”):这个有点难解释了。 vMVPD 是通过 Internet 提供实时线性电视的平台。 从本质上讲,他们提供的是传统的线性收视广播或有线观看体验,但使用互联网作为传输介质。 两个最典型的例子就是 YouTube TV 和 Hulu Live,它们都可以让您观看体育直播等节目。其他供应商包括 Fubo 和 Sling。



Seems like there’s a lot of overlap 以上定义好像有一些概念上的重复You’re darn tootin’. As with any emerging market, definitions are always evolving, and industry executives will often use these terms interchangeably. That’s especially true in markets, such as many in Asia, where most video content is consumed on mobile devices.

你真是太棒了。 与任何新兴市场一样,定义总是在不断变化,行业高管经常交替使用这些术语。 在亚洲市场尤其如此,大多数视频内容都是在移动设备上消费的。

And that’s not even the end of it. Media peeps also use the term “advanced television,” as a shorthand to indicate all of the technologies used to watch TV over the internet. And that’s in addition to terms like “Addressable television” and “programmatic television,” which we’ll get to later.

这还没完。 媒体窥视者还使用“高级电视”一词作为速记,表示用于通过互联网观看电视的所有技术。 这是对“可寻址电视”和“节目电视”等术语的补充,我们稍后会谈到。

So yeah, there’s no shame in being confused.


What’s this have to do with advertising? 这和广告有什么关系?The advent of all these new TV-watching technologies has fundamentally changed the way people consume television. (It’s almost kind of a misnomer to call it “television,” but that’s a different semantic argument.) As these technologies become more ubiquitous, people watch less traditional broadcast and cable television, and more OTT content.

所有这些新的电视视听技术的出现从根本上改变了人们使用电视的方式。 (将其称为“电视”甚至有点用词不当,但这是从不同的角度来看的。)随着这些技术变得越来越普及,人们观看传统广播和有线电视越来越少,取而代之的是 OTT 内容。

This transition poses both a challenge and an opportunity for brands. For decades, traditional TV was the most popular medium among consumers, and thus the most coveted marketing channel for brands. TV was viewed as the best way to conduct a large-scale brand marketing campaign, and buying airtime for a commercial was correspondingly expensive.

这种转变对品牌来说既是挑战也是机遇。 几十年来,传统电视一直是消费者最喜欢的媒介,也是品牌最青睐的营销渠道。 电视被视为进行大规模品牌营销活动的最佳方式,而购买广告的播出时间也相应地比较昂贵。

With consumers transitioning to OTT, brands need to adapt. Change is never easy, but advanced television opens up new targeting opportunities for brands. Because OTT content is delivered digitally, brands can tap into a bevy of data resources and target ads with a level of sophistication that is impossible to achieve with traditional TV.

随着消费者把目光逐渐转向 OTT,品牌也需要去适应这种趋势。 改变绝非易事,但电视技术的革新也为品牌开辟了新的市场机会。 由于 OTT 内容是以数字方式传输的,因此品牌可以利用大数据并用一种传统电视无法实现的技术来实现广告定位,做到广告资源精准投放。

Aha. So it’s a big deal. 啊,这真是一件大事Very. Not to be too… over the top about it, but the migration from traditional to OTT television is one of the most significant changes in modern media history.

非常。 不要太……过分夸大其词,但从传统电视到 OTT 电视的迁移是现代媒体历史以来最重大的变化之一。

Nice pun. And what about those other two terms you mentioned? 一语双关,真不错。 你提到的另外两个术语呢?Right, those. Addressable TV is technology that allows brands to serve different ads to different audience segments who are all watching the same broadcast or cable program. Imagine two houses right next door to each other watching the same football game but seeing different commercials.

对,那些。 可寻址电视是一种技术,它允许品牌向观看相同广播或有线节目的不同受众群体投放不同的广告。 想象一下这种场景,相邻的两栋房子里的人在看同一场足球比赛时缺看到了不同的广告,这真的很有趣。

Programmatic TV, meanwhile, describes advertisers using digital technology to automate and enhance the process of buying ads on traditional TV with data. Traditional TV is huge, even despite the transition to OTT, and tends to be a little old school, with some of the advertising deals involving insertion orders, faxes and agreements struck during the “upfronts.” Programmatic TV lets a brand set up and execute a traditional TV campaign from a computer, with the same technology they might use for a display ad campaign online, leveraging data to understand ad performance and iterate campaigns in real-time.

与此同时,程序化电视描述了广告商使用数字技术来自动化实现和增强在传统电视上使用数据购买广告的过程。 尽管向 OTT 过渡,但传统电视规模巨大,而且往往有点复古,其中一些广告交易涉及广告订单、传真和在“upfronts”期间达成的协议。 程序化电视让品牌可以通过计算机设置和执行传统的电视活动,使用与在线展示广告活动相同的技术,利用数据来了解广告效果并实时进行迭代。

The internet is not only changing how and where people watch TV, it’s changing the way commercials are transacted on old-fashioned TV, as well.


So there you go. Hopefully, with our help, you’ll be able to stride into your next campaign-planning meeting with confidence and discuss how you can deliver a winning OTT strategy by executing programmatic buys across multiple vMVPD and CTV platforms, with some programmatic TV thrown in for cross-channel targeting purposes (or something like that).

所以这就是你所了解。 希望在我们的帮助下,您将能够满怀信心地进入下一次活动计划会议,并讨论如何通过跨多个 vMVPD 和 CTV 平台执行程序化购买来交付成功的 OTT 策略,并加入一些程序化电视跨渠道定位目的(或类似目的)。

摘自 thedrum





