
教师考编面试试讲,小学英语逐字稿:《What would you like?》





学科: 英语

学段: 小学

篇目: 《What would you like?》

适用: 安徽中小学教师招聘面试


Read and write

Good morning, boy and girls! Today is my birthday, I would like eat some noodles. Noodles are my favorite food. Because it’s very delicious. What’s your favorite food? You, please! You said your favorite food is salad, why? Because it’s healthy. Great! Thank you!


Everybody, look at the three questions on the screen. I will give you 3minutes to find the answer.

True or false:

1. Wu Yifan likes salad. ( )

2. Wu Yifan doesn’t like chicken. ( )

3. Grandpa likes vegetables, but he doesn’t like carrots. ( )


Time’s up. Who can answer the first question? The girl at the window. It’s true? Do you agree with her? Yes, not bad. The second question, true or false? Anyone want to have a try? Ok, the boy with glasses. You think it’s true. Is it right? I’m sorry. Would you like a second try? It’s false. Do you know why? Because Yifan said chicken is ok. Thank you! The last question, true or false? You, please. It’s true. Did she do a good job? Yes, let’s give her a big hand!


Boys and girls, what have you learnt today?Who wants to tell us? Tom, please! You said we learnt what Wu Yifan and his Grandpa’s favorite food. Yes? Anything else? Ok, you please! We learnt what Yifan and his Grandpa like and dislike. Wonderful! And we know Robin can cook. Do you think we should help our parents cook? Yes, very good! I hope you can do it!

So, you should know what your parents like and dislike, then you can cook for them, right? Yes! Today’s homework is to ask your parents what they like and dislike, and then you cook dishes for them. Do you understand? Wonderful! It’s time to say Bye-bye. Boys and girls, see you tomorrow!


