


I do a wide range of things online. Besides doing all my schoolwork, I chat with my friends, watch films and read the daily news and other interesting articles; I also shop for various things online, such as books, computer hardware and other necessities. It's so convenient to be able to compare the quality and prices from different online shops before I buy. I also play computer games from time to time and I even play tennis on my television screen in my living room.


  1. range n. 范围;幅度a wide range of 大范围的;各种不同的
  2. besides prep. 除......之外(还) adv. 况且,再说;此外,以及区分:besides;exceptbesides的意思是“除了什么之外,还有......”,besides 表示一种累加的除外关系,意思是“除了什么之外,还有……”.虽然含有“除了”之意,但是重点是“还有”,besides后面的内容也是包含在内的。eg: Besides her boyfriend, her mother also went to see the movie.除了她的男朋友,她的妈妈也去看了电影。(即男朋友和妈妈都去看了电影)except 侧重于排除在外,从整体里减去。except后面的内容是不包含在内的。eg: We all succeed except him.除了他,我们都成功了。(意思是他没成功)
  3. chat n. 聊天;闲聊;(尤指非正式的)谈话 v. 聊天;闲聊chat with sb 和某人闲聊eg: I had a long chat with him.我和他闲聊了很久。
  4. various adj. 多种多样的;多面的 various=a variety of eg: There are a variety of animals in the zoo. =There are various animals in the zoo.动物园里有各种各样的动物。
  5. such as 比如;诸如;例如后不可列举出前面提到过的所有东西,是不完全列举。eg: I know four languages, such as Chinese and English.我懂四门语言,如汉语和英语。
  6. necessity n. 必需品;必然性;需要复数形式是把y变i加es
  7. convenient adj. 方便的;近便的;实用的反义词inconvenient (在前面加上否定前缀in)adj. 不便的;打扰的
  8. be able to do sth 能够做某事(强调通过努力而获得的某种能力),可用于各种时态eg: We may be able to design a course to suit your particular needs.我们或许可以设计一门课程去满足你的特殊要求。
  9. from time to time 偶尔;不时地


It is (so) adj (for sb) to do sth 对某人来说做某事...


